View Full Version : Rascal, Darla and now Tigger.....
10-30-2009, 08:59 PM
Anyone here have a cat with diabetes? My Tigger is a 12 year old DSH cat. Was diagnosed last night with diabetes. My focus was on Darla and Rascal for quite some time and now I finally had time to focus on my 4 cats. Tigger has lost 5 lbs in the past 2 months. The vet did a full blood work up on him which indicated his glucose levels were high. The doc (not my usual vet, but a partner) also said last night that his thyroid felt big and his heart was beating fast (I guess faster then usual for being at the vet). So they wanted him to come in tomorrow for the day for more tests and to administer insulin, but I canceled the appt. until I speak with my usual vet and do more research. Any input would be great. Again, I'm treading in new territory here.
Sarah, Rascal, Darla in Spirit (& Tigger too)
10-30-2009, 09:09 PM
The best place for you to go (that I know of) is K9Diabetes ( It is a dog diabetes site (canine diabetes and feline diabetes can be quite different) but Natalie who owns the site has had a diabetic cat in the past and Kathy, her moderator, is extremely knowledgeable regarding all types of diabetes.
They will most definitely be able to point you in the right direction for information and support.
If you sign up with the same username as you use here (so that Natalie knows you are) your membership will be approved very rapidly.
I don't know a lot about feline diabetes but if he needs insulin he probably needs it promptly - unlike Cushing's diabetes is not usually a disease that you can delay treating. And the weekend is coming up....
PS: I've PM'd Natalie and Kathy at K9Diabetes.
10-30-2009, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the information and heads up at the K9 Diabetes Forum. I just posted a thread, so hopefully I will get some help or at least pointed in the right direction. I do have a call into my vet and plan on calling them in the a.m., so maybe I can get some more answers from them and end up bringing him tomorrow anyway.
Thanks again.
10-30-2009, 10:29 PM
I was just referred to the Feline Diabetes forum, so hopefully I will get some answers.
Sarah & Tigger:)
11-06-2009, 10:43 PM
Hello all,
Haven't been on in a while. As you know Darla passed on 9/24, Rascal is doing great after his adrenalectomy (sp?). I was on such a roller coaster ride with my dogs that I neglected my 4 cats somewhat. Well, Tigger has Diabetes and now I take his blood glucose at home every few hours and give him shots of insulin. He is on a special diet too. Yes, more vet visits :( I'm so exhausted from sick animals. All my energy was on my dogs and yes I miss Darla immensely, but I thought I had a little break from all the chaos. Now it starts again with something different. I guess I'm here just to vent to some friendly people.
I hope all your Cushpups are doing well. Thanks for the friendly ear(s).
Sarah, Rascal & Darla in Spirit
11-07-2009, 11:21 AM
Sarah, you can come and vent ANYTIME! You have surely been through so much with your sick animals -- it is totally understandable that you were hoping for a chance to recover from all the worry. But I have to say that Tigger is one lucky kitty :o. Not every parent is willing to assume the responsibility of care. I know you will do what needs to be done. And hopefully, the routine will settle down and become second-nature before too long. Please keep us updated on how Tigger is doing (and you, too!)...
Sending healing wishes your way,
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2009, 12:11 PM
Hi Sarah,
My goodness!! Bless your heart! :( I do know one thing are a strong lady or you wouldn't have been given so much to deal with. My dad always told me that when I would think I was at the end of my rope! :eek: And he was always right... So I know you will handle this just great as you have with Darla and Rascal. Tigger is very lucky to have you as his mom! :)
Like Marianne said, you come talk to us any are family and we want to know what is going on with you and yours. In fact, you can start a thread for Rascal if you would like! :D He is one of our cush babies, too, ya know! ;)
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
11-07-2009, 01:09 PM
Hi Sarah,
I don't know if your Tigger is on Vetsulin, but if he is, the FDA has some warnings about this:
FDA Issues Alert on Pet Insulin Product Due to Formulation Problems
Posted: Monday, Nov. 2, 2009,
Veterinarians are being warned to closely monitor dogs and cats receiving Vetsulin because the product may have varying amounts of crystalline zinc insulin in the formulation, according to an alert sent out Nov. 2 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine
FDA-CVM issues alert about problems with Vetsulin® porcine insulin zinc suspension
November 2, 2009
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine, in cooperation with Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, has announced that Vetsulin® may have varying amounts of crystalline zinc insulin, the active ingredient, in the formula. As a result, use of the product could result in a delay in action of the drug as well as prolonged action, which could cause difficulty in managing diabetic pets.
Alot of vets do not even know about this yet, so if you are using this type of insulin, you may want to call your vet and ask about using something different?
Love and hugs.
11-07-2009, 01:59 PM
Hi Sarah,
Have been wondering how you're making out and now I know!! Diabetic pets can consume a lot of time. I'm glad that Lori said something about the Vetsulin warning. There is a great discussion going on at the site about the situation with Vetsulin.
Thank you for posting more about Darla and her life with you. Give Rascal some pats and hugs from me....Lady wasn't much in favor of being petted but she was always in very close contact, even if she was just touching my foot.
Take care,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
11-07-2009, 08:11 PM
Hello all,
I was on such a roller coaster ride with my dogs that I neglected my 4 cats somewhat. Well, Tigger has Diabetes and now I take his blood glucose at home every few hours and give him shots of insulin. He is on a special diet too. Yes, more vet visits :( I'm so exhausted from sick animals. All my energy was on my dogs and yes I miss Darla immensely, but I thought I had a little break from all the chaos. Now it starts again with something different. I guess I'm here just to vent to some friendly people.
I'm glad you came back to talk! I must say that not for one second do I believe you "even somewhat" neglected your cats during that roller coaster ride you have taken with your dogs. I have dealt with more than one sick animal at a time and I know although it is a labor of love, it can be extremely time consuming and exhausting.
I'm sorry you weren't able to get that much needed little break but maybe after Tigger is well regulated things will be easier on you. I can surely tell by your posts how dedicated you are to your babies and how much you love them.
Friendly ear(s) available anytime! :)
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