View Full Version : Checking in for November 2009

11-01-2009, 01:32 PM
We suspect that we have a good number of folks here who read the messages regularly but who don't post very often. Maybe that's because their dogs are doing well and they don't have any questions to ask, or maybe they don't feel very comfortable about posting answers to other members' questions.

It's perfectly understandable and acceptable for folks to only post here once in a while, but when we don't hear from people, many of us find ourselves wondering what those folks have been up to recently and how their dogs are doing.

"Checking in" is a topic that we start on the first of each month, where folks can post a reply to let everyone else know how they are doing. You may just want to say "Hi! We're still here and we're doing fine" or you may want to tell us more -- about a really good test result, or something funny that your dog did recently, or a camping trip that you went on ... that sort of thing.

We'd love to hear from you! :)

11-01-2009, 08:41 PM
My Rascal boy is doing good. I still think he is lonely from the loss of his sister, Darla. I can't believe it has been a month since she has passed. I miss her everyday.
Sarah Rascal and Darla in Spirit

Casey's Mom
11-01-2009, 11:00 PM
Casey is doing very well on her Adequan shots, she has finished her month of loading and now we will wait and see - perhaps a month for her next shot. My vet practice has two vets, one said it may be two weeks and another said it may be 3 to 4 months. I am thinking a month and we will go back. My groomer who had not seen Casey since the spring says she looks 4 years younger so that's a good sign! She trots for her whole walk around the park now - about 30 minutes and runs up the hills :)

She is fine with sleeping inside again at night (thank goodness) and is outside to sleep during the day whenever the weather is good - lots of rain lately! I am babysitting two Havanese so along with Desi we have three little Hav's running around - lots of fun.

Her cushings is under control with the lysodren - pepcid AC beforehand. All is good and we are smilin":D

11-03-2009, 04:47 PM
Hi everyone,
Serena had a bunch of tests done on Friday and I got the results today. Her ACTH stim was that of a normal dog. All of her other values were normal except for her liver enzymes -- either the ALT or ALP was high. It might be because I haven't given her her Denosyl for about a week. (Ran out, got more today.) Vet said to retest that in 3 months and if still high do an ultrasound. She didn't seem too concerned about it. Her thyroid reading was unregisterably low so I will be putting her back on her thyroid supplementation at the original dosage. I had lowered it because she was so hyper -- wanting to play, wanting to eat, wanting to go out -- every other few minutes. We'll retest that in a month. As always, I am grateful for every day with her. And especially grateful that she seems to be happy and that her tests are good.
Best to all of you,
January and Serena
P.S. Also posting this message in Serena's regular thread

11-10-2009, 01:43 PM
Hi Everyone,
Good idea to have this section,especially for the likes of mewho read but dont post
Still grieving for my beloved Sophie some 6 weeks on, hopefully one :(day i can post more about her once this fog has lifted.

My love to you all