View Full Version : Annee and Misty, 13 yr old KC Cavalier (Misty has crossed Rainbow Bridge)
10-19-2009, 12:57 AM
Hi, I'm annee from Australia and My Misty is a KC Cavalier who was diagnosed in July this year.
I have been lurking on and off here for a while and there is a wealth of info here about Cushings. All your doggies are beatiful and I wish you all the best with your personal problems.
Misty is 13 and was usally a happy healthy little dog. She started ddrinking excesively and peeing +++ about November 08.Our first thought was she had developed diabetes and we had her checked out. The tests proved negative and as the weather was very hot at the time we put it down to that. By measuring what she was drinking we were satisfied that she was not drinking excessivly for the circumstances.
However by June she was looking very ratty. Her coat looked dull and thin. She hadn't put her winter coat on and she was eating like a horse and drinking like a fish. She had lost weight so we went back to the vet and to cut a long story short she was diagnosed with Cushings.
All her symptoms fell into place - she wasn't jumping anymore - we thought she had finally leaned some manners in her old age Sadly not so, as you all know - weak muscles.
She is on Trilostane atm. 60 mgm per day and tolerating it well. She as a bit of pep in her step, Isn't scavaging for food but still has her "see humans think food mentality.":D
With her last blood test about a week ago her ACTH test was down to 295. The suggestion is we give her another 10mgm dose to see how she goes.
Since her cortisol levels are now much lower she has developed S&S of more scaley dry skin. and she has had 2 UTI's. She has been on antibiotics and the vert gave us some shampoo , Malaseb, to wash her in every four days. It seems to be improving the scales but her fur is falling out evrywhere. When I washed her today it seemed as if I got half a dog of hair off of her.
Another problem is she seems to have some breathing problems. when she is lying on the floor snoozing she wakes up extends her nect and gulps at the air. she will get up but then flops back onto the floor.soon after she hops up and looks okay. Last night she did it twice and the last time fell sideways. It looked to me as if she may have been having a fit as her back haunches twitched.
Has anyone here had this experience with their dog? We are taking her to the vet tomorrow but it is so intermittant that she probably wont see her doing it.
Also the vet doesn't want to put her on the aother drug as she doesn't think she would be able to get a dose low enough to be effective for her. She weighs only 8 kilograms and she is not a toy Cavi.
I have to go now but I will be back later.:)
10-19-2009, 01:30 AM
Anee, welcome to both you & Misty! Unfortunately, I can't comment on the trilo usage as I am a lysodren parent & not that familiar with the drug.
Also the vet doesn't want to put her on the aother drug as she doesn't think she would be able to get a dose low enough to be effective for her. She weighs only 8 kilograms and she is not a toy Cavi.
I do want to let you know that my Harley who only weighs 6.0 kg has been successfully treated with lysodren for 18 months. In order to get his lysodren in a dose that is small enough for him, I use a vet compounding pharmacy that can make up any dosage of lysodren that he might need. I'm not familiar with Aussie pharmacy regs, but if you could go to a compounding pharmacy, I would think you could get lysodren in a smaller dose.
10-19-2009, 04:11 AM
Hi Annee and Misty,
Welcome from another Aussie, there are few of us here. It's only been about 3 months since starting the trilo so the last ACTH number of 295 is getting there. If Misty seems to be handling the trilo then maybe another 10mg per day will just bring it down that bit more. I can't help with the gulping and hope you can get some answers from the vet.
PS Which state are you in?
10-24-2009, 12:42 AM
Thank you Jenny and Debbie.
I hope we are getting there. She hasn't started the extra 10 mgm as we want to do it when we get the next lot of 60's in a few days. We spoke to the vet about it and her input was how far do we want to go with it as we have the option of getting a specialist consult ( vet is already consulting with someone possibly Melb Uni vets.) and going down the road of CT/MRI 's etc. Apart from the cost which we could afford at a pinch we feel what are we going to do with the info. She is 13 and even though we love her dearly we are not going down an operation pathway as at 13 she is at the ending end of her lifespan and we wouldn't put her through that. ATM she is a happy dog wagging her tail and bounding around.
This week she has suddenly been off her food. She is still eating but when we give her some treats ( a handfull of pellets) she doesn't woof them down as if she was starving and sometimes has ignored them altogether. Very unusual for Misty as "see humans think food" has always been her motto.
So atm we are just plodding along.
I'm going to search here for feeding tips.:)
I am in Victoria Jenny.
Debbie I have read with interest that a number of dogs here are on lysodren even though they are lightweights. I did mention this to the vet and she said she was worried that we could suddenly overload her and we would be in trouble.
ATM we will see what the next blood test shows. At least it is coming down and maybe our hopes were that it would work quicker than it did.
10-24-2009, 01:05 AM
I've sent you a message about our experiences with Uni of Melbourne.:D All good. :D
We also used Malaseb and for several months Buddy had this black flaky/greasy dandruff that we would soap up and wash off and I didn't think it would ever end. The bath he was washed in was white of course and looked like a reverse lamington.
When the flakes stopped it was another month or so before we could see some new hair growth/stubble and if you have time to look at our photos you can see that his coat color changed quite dramatically for a short time.
I know it is hard when things don't seem to be improving but taking it slow is really the best way and as long as you don't see things going backward then you are on the right track.
Buddy also went off his food for a bit and we would offer several different choices to get him to eat which was really important because he needed to eat on schedule to get his insulin.
11-07-2009, 08:00 PM
Sorry I disappeared but I forgot my PW and then found the forum closed.
Update First off we took a video of Misty doing this gulping stuff She would lick her mouth a lot too.
Our vet took one look and said she was having some fits but from her behaviour afterwards they didn't seem to bother her. If they got worse he could give us some medication to slow them down.
Well how things can change in a couple of weeks,
Jenny I have replied to your PM - thankyou.
Unfortunately things have gotten worse.
Very sad update.
Misty Had her Trilo increased to 70 mgm per day a couple of weeks ago. but into the 1st week she had a bit of the runs and we cut it back to the 60 mgm again. On Friday she was off her food and quite listless so we decided to take her to our vet. As soon as we got the lead out she was up and wagging her tail and couldn't get out the door quick enough. They observed her for most of the day and she was fine. We brought her home and had to go out for a couple of hours. When we came back she had been incontinent of faeces on the floor but later had a formed poo On Sat she had another little bit of the runs and we rang the vet who left some mixture for her. At this stage she was eating a little of her food and drinking water. but into Sat night she was restless not eating anything and drinking very little.By 4 in the morning we were extremely worried and rang the emergency clinic at Mt Waverly. At the moment she is there on oxygen (her sats were very low) and they have done Chest x rays. Apparently the X Ray shows a? mass that is pushing her trachea up. Her bloods are indicative of renal failure Phosphate levels are sky high and calcium is low. Her potassium was very high but has been corrected with hydration therapy. Hell the only good thing the vet could tell us was her heart is as strong as an ox. no murmurs in a 13 year old Cavi. They are doing an ACTH test to test for Addison's but I feel now there is more going on than that. Addison's is what we thought at first but the Vet that is there for the afternoon shift has had quite a bit of experience with Cushings/Addisons and Trilostane in the UK So that makes us feel a bit better in that she knows what we are talking about.
I just want to bring her home.
11-07-2009, 08:23 PM
Hi Annee,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Misty. I know how I felt when Corky had to be in the hospital twice this year on oxygen. I hope that everything will improve for her.
Harley PoMMom
11-07-2009, 08:35 PM
Hi Annee,
I am so sorry to hear that Misty is having these issues, but she is in the very best place right now and getting the help she needs.
Her bloods are indicative of renal failure Phosphate levels are sky high and calcium is low. Her potassium was very high but has been corrected with hydration therapy. Hell the only good thing the vet could tell us was her heart is as strong as an ox. no murmurs in a 13 year old Cavi. They are doing an ACTH test to test for Addison's but I feel now there is more going on than that. Addison's is what we thought at first but the Vet that is there for the afternoon shift has had quite a bit of experience with Cushings/Addisons and Trilostane in the UK So that makes us feel a bit better in that she knows what we are talking about.
I just want to bring her home.
Addison's can be hard to differentiate from renal failure because the symptoms and even the bloodwork can be similar ---- so the ACTH response test is necessary to differentiate them.
I am so glad that the treating Dr. has some experience with this type of situation, that would make me have more confidence in her too.
My heart goes out to you and I know how difficult it is to see your furbaby feeling icky, just remember we are here for you...always.
Love and (((hugs)))
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2009, 09:32 PM
Hi Annee,
I am so sorry to hear about Misty. :( I, too, know how it feels to have your baby in the hospital. When Squirt had her surgery and then subsequent pancreatic attack, I felt so helpless 'cause there was nothing I could do, not even watch her and fret over her. For now, Misty is in the very best place for her where she is being watched over by experts. IF they feel the need to keep her, let them, as hard as I know that is to do it would be the best thing for Misty.
Please know we are here for you.
Hugs, prayers and well-wishes coming your and Misty's way!
Leslie and the girls
Roxee's Dad
11-07-2009, 09:47 PM
Hi Annee,
I am so sorry to hear about Misty. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Misty. When you go visit her, bring a shirt or sweatshirt that you have worn to leave with her. Your scent may help to comfort her.
11-08-2009, 12:01 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. they are appreciated.
We have just had a call from the vet and she has had a consult on the Xrays and they don't believe there is a mass there and it may be a thromboembolism in her lungs that is giving her breathing problems. She does no good off the oxygen atm. The other problem is her low calcium and high phosphorus which the vet says is pointing more towards renal failure which they think has a chronic component to it. Her other electrolytes are back to normal.
Atm on the drip and the oxygen she feels a bit better and even had some chicken . The results of the ACTH test have not come back yet.
We can sort of hear it in her voice about how far do we want to go with it. Atm I just want to get her comfortably through the night and talk to our regular vet in the morning.
I just hope she doesn't think we have abandoned her at a strange vets no matter how nice they are they are not Steph , Jill and Mike. The vet said she was sure that she feels too sick to care about where she is atm.
Casey's Mom
11-08-2009, 12:28 AM
Annee and Misty - my thoughts and prayers are with you... you know Misty is in the best place although it is hard for you not to be there with her - send her your love through your heart - she will know.
11-08-2009, 04:50 AM
Misty crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 7 pm tonight.
I think she knew it was her time because we were spending some time with her and she just lay down on her side. The vet gave her her injection but I have a sneaking suspicion she went just before it.
After seeing her laboured breathing it was very sad but it was good to see her at peace.
Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers.
Although I was not on this site for long it gave me so much information when I needed it.
Here is Misty in her glory days.
She was a beautiful, loving and faithfull little dog.
John II
11-08-2009, 05:20 AM
Dear Annee,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in the knowledge that you did everything possible to help Misty, and that she is now at peace.
She was a beautiful dog.
11-08-2009, 05:52 AM
Hi Annee,
I'm so sorry for your loss. Misty is now in a better place. She's no longer suffering. She was a beautiful little girl.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
As Leslie said, we are always here for you. It does help to be able to talk to others and share your fond memories of Misty.
11-08-2009, 08:18 AM
Dear annee,
I am so sorry about your sweet Misty, but thank you so much for coming here to tell us. This way, we can do our very best to help you to honor Misty and also to offer you our support in the coming days. Misty has now been added to our special memorial thread of honor: Remembering All Who Have Left Us ( You can always "visit" her here, and know that she is surrounded by our other beloved pups who have welcomed her to the Bridge.
Please know that we will remain here alongside you. Misty was a beautiful little girl, both in body and in spirit. I know you will miss her dearly.
With many (((hugs))), in loving memory of your special girl ~
11-08-2009, 08:53 AM
Dear Annee,
My heart aches for you and I am so saddened to hear about your precious Misty. I just know my sweet Misty was there waiting for
your precious Misty with lots of kisses and love as she entered the gates of Rainbow Heaven.
I know how hard this is going to be for you, but please know we are here for you, now and in the future, with love and compassion.
You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Many (((hugs)))
Shelba and Suni
11-08-2009, 09:32 AM
Dear Annee
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Misty.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
With Love
Jane and Franklin xx
Lovely Wendie99 (
Casey's Mom
11-08-2009, 09:40 AM
I am so sorry for you Annee, and my thoughts are with you and your family. I am glad that you were able to be with her at the end and know that she is at peace.
11-08-2009, 12:03 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time.
Squirt's Mom
11-08-2009, 12:22 PM
Oh Annee,
I am so sorry to hear about Misty. This has got to be so hard for you right now but please know that you did all you could for her for as long as you could. She deserved that peace you saw in her face and is so very grateful to you for allowing her to reach that place. She is pain-free, breathing like a champ and having a ball with all the babies that have gone before. Misty will always watch over you with love, waiting for the day when you are reunited once again.
You will find candles lit for Misty and you at:
Annee, know that we are here for you whenever you need to talk. It doesn't matter how long you have been here with us, you are family and we hurt when you do. So many of us here understand what you are going through and are reaching out with loving arms.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Ruby, Squirt, Goldie and Crystal
11-08-2009, 03:04 PM
Dear Annee,
I am so sorry Misty lost her fight. You must remember the good times and know you did all that was possible but it was her time. I'm glad you were able to be with her and say your final goodbyes.
Roxee's Dad
11-08-2009, 03:23 PM
Dear Annee,
I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Misty. My heart hurts for you. I am sure Misty knows she was loved very much and she will be watching over you.
Harley PoMMom
11-08-2009, 04:01 PM
Dear Annee,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Misty, she truly was a beautiful and loved girl.
My heart goes out to you at this most painful time, and I hope that with time that the good memories of Misty will replace the tears that fall now.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
11-08-2009, 04:29 PM
I was saddened when I read your post and am so sorry for your loss of precious Misty. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace sweet Misty.
With deepest sympathy,
Carol G
11-08-2009, 05:48 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
11-09-2009, 12:52 AM
The kindness you have all shown is appreciated.
We are missing her so much.
My son is comig back from intertate tonight and coming for dinner - it's his fathers birthday.
He doesn't know yet - it will be a sad night for us as a family.
To all of you here who have lost your puppies my heart goes out to you all. and to those who still have puppies I hope and pray the treatments they are on gives them happy lives until their time comes.
Love annee.
11-09-2009, 12:37 PM
I am sorry that I have not learned about you and Misty until today.
I share the others feelings over her loss.
I will give mine all special attention tonight in memory of Misty.
11-09-2009, 01:15 PM
I am so sorry to read of Misty's passing. Just from what I read, I think your intuition was right, that there were serious problems behind Misty's struggles. Even when you know it's the right decision, it hurts so much. I'm glad you were able to be there with her.
Godspeed to Misty,
11-09-2009, 04:29 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss of Misty. I think she had a wonderful life with a very caring family. Misty is with many of our departed loved ones and free of pain and illness.
Bonnie and Angel Criss
11-09-2009, 07:03 PM
I'm very sorry for your Lady was there to greet Misty and now has another friend to keep her company while she waits for me. I hope your evening passes smoothly with many fond memories of her life with your family.
Please take care and come back to tell us how you're making out,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
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