View Full Version : Spot, 12 yr old cavalier king charles spaniel, Cushings, Vetoryl overdose
09-28-2009, 08:22 PM
I was told about 8 months ago my dog had cushings he was put on 60mg of vetroyl caps but they were makeing him ill so the vet put him on 30mg and he has been fine for months i was really pleased the way he was comeing on but in august this year by mistake he was given 60mg so for 30 days he has been overdosed he has been really ill hes still not right a moth later hes not eating unless i feed him sometimes he goes to the food bowl looks at it then walks away its as tho he dont know why he has just walked to the food bowl he has,nt been takeing the vetroyl now for about 3 weeks cos my vet says he wants to leave it a bit longer cos hes not eating has this ever happen to anybody on here i am just hopeing my dog gets fully better well like he was before the over dose
09-28-2009, 08:34 PM
have you had a stim test to see where the cortisol level is? I believe there are a few dogs here that have had their dogs overdose on trilo. I is possible that your dog may require pred if the level is to low inorder to make it feel better. Is there any other signs of overdosing? weakness in the hind end? diah vomiting? If you have not had a stim test that would be your next step to see what the level is. Please do not give any more trilo till this gets straightened out.
09-28-2009, 09:10 PM
Hi and welcome,
Would you be able to tell us how much does your dog weigh, how old is he and what is his breeding?
09-28-2009, 09:14 PM
Hi Sharon yes hes had all the blood tests done and hes levels seem to be more or less ok now but the vet dont want him to go back on the vetroyl yet he would like to see him eating frist he has to go back to the vet thursday so will have to see if he decides to put him back on them then i was wondering if there could be any long time damage to him after the over dose he is a 12 year old cavalier with a heart mumer and since the overdose i have been told hes now gone into heart failer i have been wondering if the overdose caused this
09-28-2009, 09:16 PM
Hi and welcome,
Would you be able to tell us how much does your dog weigh, how old is he and what is his breeding?
My dog is 12 years old hes a cavalier king charles spaniel and hes weight is about 9 kg. something i will ask the vet when he goes thursday
Roxee's Dad
09-28-2009, 09:21 PM
Hi and welcome from me too.
As Sharon has asked, has you pup had an ACTH stim test to determine where his cortisol level is at? Has his/her Electrolytes been checked.
This quoted from the Vetoryl Treatment and Monitoring Flowchart.
In case of overdosage, symptomatic treatment of hypoadrenocorticism with corticosteroids, mineralocorticoids and
intravenous fluids may be required.
Click on this link in our resources section to learn more.
Please tell us more. We are here to help in any way we can.
09-28-2009, 09:32 PM
can you get the actual test result numbers we have seen here many times where people have said their vets said "right in the ball park" and "right where they need to be" : or "more or less ok" and it turns out it not good results.So we like to see the numbers ourselves. So please if you can please ask your vet for the results and post them. it is a good idea to keep copies of all the test results in case you ever need them or want to reference them.
I dont know that the heart failure is caused by the trilo overdose. Is your dog on any meds for the heart murmer or heart failure? it is possible that this could be permanent but it may just require a bit more time. we can not really tell much without seeing the results of the stim.
09-28-2009, 10:40 PM
We've seen a fair few dogs here that have, at some point in their treatment, had an overdose of medication that caused their cortisol to go too low but as far as I know heart failure has not resulted. I would think that it is most likely that what is happening is that the mitral valve disease is progressing, unfortunately. Here's a link to some info on mitral valve disease in Cavaliers:
Have you asked your vet if he believes the Vetoryl overdose is related in any way to the heart failure?
Is your little fellow showing any Cushing's symptoms at the moment? Some dogs take a long time to become symptomatic again after their cortisol goes low and remain unsymptomatic and don't need medication for quite a long time. A few stay in "remission" and never need to go back on medication. Your vet is right to not want to give Vetoryl to a dog that is not eating well.
What medications is he on for the mitral valve disease?
If you can get hold of the results of ACTH stim tests and electrolyte tests (the actual numbers along with the units of measurement) and post those that will really help us help you and your boy.
Squirt's Mom
09-29-2009, 11:50 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your baby! :)
I have few more questions for you...just what you want, huh? ;) First, what is your baby's name and your name, if you don't mind sharing. "Hey you with the dog" gets a bit confusing around here not to mention it's rather impersonal. :p
You say your baby weighs "9" that pounds or kilograms? With the breed, I would hope 9 kg...but would like clarification for my feeble ole mind.
Do you have prednisone on hand and have you been giving any to him? If so, how much (mg) and how often? Are any of the Cushing's signs present again now that he is off the Trilo (Vetoryl)? If so, which ones?
What were the original signs your baby displayed and how strong were they? What brought about the original why was he taken to the vet in the first place when Cushing's was first suspected? What tests has he had done since the UC:CR, LDDS, HDDS, ultrasound, ACTH, and/or UTK panel? As has already been requested, the actual results along with the units of measurement (ug/dl, mnol/L, etc) and normal ranges for that lab would be a great help to us in understanding what may be going on with your baby and allow us to make more meaningful responses.
What meds, supplements, herbs, etc is your baby taking currently - dose and how often? Does he have any other health issues other than the Cushing's and heart problem?
What is his regular diet? What is he eating now, if different?
Do you have an IMS (Internal Medicine Specialist) on his case as well as your GP vet? If not, I strongly suggest you look into this for him. With multiple issues including Cushing's, it is often the best bet to include an IMS in the picture.
Have you had enough questions for now? :eek::p:D;) We only ask all these questions so we can do our best for you and your baby. We won't get really nose until we know you a bit better! :p
I am so glad you found us and hope to learn more about you and your baby in the near future. You are probably not quite aware of this yet, but you are family now which means you are no longer alone with this disease and it's many confounding moments. We will be here for you and with you all the never have to take another step alone. The collective knowledge and experience here is simply astounding, and you will not find a more caring group of folks who are more than happy to hold your hand anytime.
Hang in there!
Leslie and the girls
09-29-2009, 03:04 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your baby! :)
I have few more questions for you...just what you want, huh? ;) First, what is your baby's name and your name, if you don't mind sharing. "Hey you with the dog" gets a bit confusing around here not to mention it's rather impersonal. :p
You say your baby weighs "9" that pounds or kilograms? With the breed, I would hope 9 kg...but would like clarification for my feeble ole mind.
Do you have prednisone on hand and have you been giving any to him? If so, how much (mg) and how often? Are any of the Cushing's signs present again now that he is off the Trilo (Vetoryl)? If so, which ones?
What were the original signs your baby displayed and how strong were they? What brought about the original why was he taken to the vet in the first place when Cushing's was first suspected? What tests has he had done since the UC:CR, LDDS, HDDS, ultrasound, ACTH, and/or UTK panel? As has already been requested, the actual results along with the units of measurement (ug/dl, mnol/L, etc) and normal ranges for that lab would be a great help to us in understanding what may be going on with your baby and allow us to make more meaningful responses.
What meds, supplements, herbs, etc is your baby taking currently - dose and how often? Does he have any other health issues other than the Cushing's and heart problem?
What is his regular diet? What is he eating now, if different?
Do you have an IMS (Internal Medicine Specialist) on his case as well as your GP vet? If not, I strongly suggest you look into this for him. With multiple issues including Cushing's, it is often the best bet to include an IMS in the picture.
Have you had enough questions for now? :eek::p:D;) We only ask all these questions so we can do our best for you and your baby. We won't get really nose until we know you a bit better! :p
I am so glad you found us and hope to learn more about you and your baby in the near future. You are probably not quite aware of this yet, but you are family now which means you are no longer alone with this disease and it's many confounding moments. We will be here for you and with you all the never have to take another step alone. The collective knowledge and experience here is simply astounding, and you will not find a more caring group of folks who are more than happy to hold your hand anytime.
Hang in there!
Leslie and the girls
Hi and thank you for replying sorry i have,nt said much have i well my boys name is Spot and i am jean Spot takes vetmedin for hes heart one a day and he was on vetroyl 30mg one in the morning hes on water pills now only about a month ago started them. Im sure he weighs about 9kg or just over i have,nt got the numbers you say about to do with the blood test did,nt know i could ask my vet for them i think spot will be haveing another one of those blood tests done again soon because my vet keeps testing hes blood cos he is still waiting to see when is the right time to put him back on vetroyl caps
09-29-2009, 03:12 PM
We've seen a fair few dogs here that have, at some point in their treatment, had an overdose of medication that caused their cortisol to go too low but as far as I know heart failure has not resulted. I would think that it is most likely that what is happening is that the mitral valve disease is progressing, unfortunately. Here's a link to some info on mitral valve disease in Cavaliers:
Have you asked your vet if he believes the Vetoryl overdose is related in any way to the heart failure?
Is your little fellow showing any Cushing's symptoms at the moment? Some dogs take a long time to become symptomatic again after their cortisol goes low and remain unsymptomatic and don't need medication for quite a long time. A few stay in "remission" and never need to go back on medication. Your vet is right to not want to give Vetoryl to a dog that is not eating well.
What medications is he on for the mitral valve disease?
If you can get hold of the results of ACTH stim tests and electrolyte tests (the actual numbers along with the units of measurement) and post those that will really help us help you and your boy.
AlisonI did ask my vet if he thought the overdose would of made him go into heart failer he said no he did,nt think it would of done that the only reson i thought it was because i took him to the vet two weeks before and hes heart was ok like it had been for a while it was a grade 3to 4 now its a grade 4 to 5 just seemed very strange to me that he got overdosed was really very ill then i get told hes in heart failer Spot still is,nt showing signs towards cushings yet thats another reason why hes not gone back on the vetroyl cos spots not eating to well at the moment and once he goes back on the vetroyl he might become worse for eating
09-29-2009, 03:14 PM
Hi and welcome,
Would you be able to tell us how much does your dog weigh, how old is he and what is his breeding?
My boy is a cavalier king charles spaniel and he is 12 years old and weighs about 9kg or just over
09-29-2009, 05:05 PM
Hi Jean,
Wanted to offer you and Spot my belated welcome. I'm curious, if Spot is still showing no outward signs of Cushings:
Does that mean he was never displaying symptoms?
He was put on Trilostane based on lab numbers only?
Was the testing just a general wellness panel?
Or - did Spot have specific testing for Cushings?
Did Spot have to stay at the vets several hours for the testing?
It would be very helpful if you could ask your vet for copies of the tests results. It's good to start a file at home and keep those results on hand. As others have said, it would be very helpful if you were able to tell us what tests your vet did (with high or low numbers and units of measure) that brought about the Cushings diagnosis for Spot.
I am verry sorry that Spot has been diagnosed with heart failure. Since Spot has multiple issues, I would second what Leslie has suggested about taking Spot to a specialist, if he is not already seeing one.
09-29-2009, 07:55 PM
Hi Jean,
Wanted to offer you and Spot my belated welcome. I'm curious, if Spot is still showing no outward signs of Cushings:
Does that mean he was never displaying symptoms?
He was put on Trilostane based on lab numbers only?
Was the testing just a general wellness panel?
Or - did Spot have specific testing for Cushings?
Did Spot have to stay at the vets several hours for the testing?
It would be very helpful if you could ask your vet for copies of the tests results. It's good to start a file at home and keep those results on hand. As others have said, it would be very helpful if you were able to tell us what tests your vet did (with high or low numbers and units of measure) that brought about the Cushings diagnosis for Spot.
I am verry sorry that Spot has been diagnosed with heart failure. Since Spot has multiple issues, I would second what Leslie has suggested about taking Spot to a specialist, if he is not already seeing one.
Hello MiniSchnauzerMom
Spot was showing signs of cushings he lost hes fur quite a lot and he was always really hungry he had all the blood test done and he had to stay at the vets while they took blood then an hour or so later they took more and it showed up he had cushings he has had it for about 6 months and has done really well on hes meds up untill this overdose he dont want to eat so my vet dos,nt want to put him back on the vetroyl yet he said he would like him to show signs of cushings a bit so i think hes got to have another blood test done where he stays at the vets
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Jean,
Your vet is on the mark about not putting Spot back on the Trilo right now. Until his cortisol level is back up, out of the normal range, and his Cushing's signs are back, then it is not needed and could cause some damage to his adrenal glands, so kuddos to your vet! :)
I would like to know if you have prednisone, tho. If Spot has been overdosed, he may need the pred to help him get over this crisis he is in at the moment. The Trilo can effect the adrenals in such a way that they cannot produce any cortisol, which the body needs to function, and the pred will supplement the hormone until the glands regenerate. This could easily be why he is not eating normally and feeling like he does. So if you don't have pred, please ask your vet for won't hurt him to try it and could make him feel so much better. ;)
Keep your chin up!
Leslie and the girls
09-30-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi Jean,
Your vet is on the mark about not putting Spot back on the Trilo right now. Until his cortisol level is back up, out of the normal range, and his Cushing's signs are back, then it is not needed and could cause some damage to his adrenal glands, so kuddos to your vet! :)
I would like to know if you have prednisone, tho. If Spot has been overdosed, he may need the pred to help him get over this crisis he is in at the moment. The Trilo can effect the adrenals in such a way that they cannot produce any cortisol, which the body needs to function, and the pred will supplement the hormone until the glands regenerate. This could easily be why he is not eating normally and feeling like he does. So if you don't have pred, please ask your vet for won't hurt him to try it and could make him feel so much better. ;)
Keep your chin up!
Leslie and the girls
Hi thanks for that info no Spot is,nt on prednisone but i am going to the vet tomorow so i will ask him about it see what he says its so worrying with spot not wanting to eat all i can get him to eat really is stuff he should,nt be eating like cakes and cookies i really dont know how he keeps going on such small amounts of food i will let you know what the vet says
Harley PoMMom
09-30-2009, 07:09 PM
Hi Jean,
A belated Welcome from me, I am so sorry you are having these issues with your precious Spot.
There is a product called Nutri-Cal, I don't know if you have heard of it or not. Here is a link to it.
Energize your dog or cat with this palatable high calorie and vitamin dietary supplement. For dogs and cats who will not eat or need an added source of energy. Great for sporting and working dogs. Excellent for pregnant or ill dogs and cats. Especially helpful with the picky eater.
These very kind people here are just amazing, very knowledgeable about Cushings, and they have many years of experience helping their furbabies live with this disease. And yes Jean, I said LIVE with this Cushing Disease. So hang in there, ok, we're here for you.
10-01-2009, 04:52 AM
Hi Lori
Thanks for the welcome and thank you for the link i will give it a go if he dos,nt inprove on hes eating its sort of inproveing slow but sure he has to go the vets today so will post later and let you all know how we get on
10-01-2009, 03:03 PM
Took Spot to the vet tonight he was really pleased with him he done a scan and he was happy with that was going to do a blood test but i asked if he could do it next week so as to give Spot a rest bless him so hes going back next wednesday so fingers crossed Spot starts to eat a bit more before that alaso spot has put on a little bit of weight must be all the cakes lol will let you know over the weekend how hes eating goes once he starts eating more i think Spot will really be on the mend.
Harley PoMMom
10-04-2009, 09:53 PM
Hi Jean,
What type of "scan" did your vet perform on Spot?
I hope that Spot's appetite picks up for you, another thing you can try is baby food, the baby food that comes in the jars, but make sure you get the ones that don't have any onions in them.
Keeping all paws, tails, fingers, and toes crossed for good test results from Wednesday.
Love and hugs.
10-07-2009, 10:14 AM
Hi Jean,
What type of "scan" did your vet perform on Spot?
I hope that Spot's appetite picks up for you, another thing you can try is baby food, the baby food that comes in the jars, but make sure you get the ones that don't have any onions in them.
Keeping all paws, tails, fingers, and toes crossed for good test results from Wednesday.
Love and hugs.
Hi Harley PoMMom
The scan my vet done on spot was a scan for hes heart because spot have MVD hes copeing well with that im pleased to say its just since hes been overdosed he dos,nt want to eat and i have tried every thing with him one day he might eat chicken but the next day he wont hes never ever been like this with food hes always ate every thing i have put in front of him i really do belive the overdose has done something to him
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