View Full Version : Angel and her sisters - trilo treatment (Update: Angel has passed)
09-07-2009, 08:45 PM
Just a quick stop in to let you all know that I have found you! I just posted in "checking in for Sept" and quickly mentioned that Angel is doing very very well.
After the rollercoaster from Nov to about Feb, things have settled down for her and she is on about 6mg of liquid trilostane - I'd have to read the bottle to give you the exact dosage, but I only bring the plunger back to 0.1 (a 30mg dose is 0.5 on the plunger); it is barely any meds at all. I just don't get it. She was on 75 mg last Nov. I count my blessings and am thankful - this month we will have had her for 3 years! Remember when Bonnie who runs the shelter from her home posted about Angel? It seems like a lifetime ago. Test results were good in May - Angel is due for an ACTH in Nov. We have noticed that one of her eyes seems a little red all the time, like slightly bloodshot - I don't know what this could mean - any thoughts??:confused:
Things were going so well that I had to get a 9 mo old Jack Russell, Oreo (she's black & white) for my 11 year old son! So life continues to be crazy! Take care - Joyce & the girlz, Pebbles, Angel & Oreo
09-07-2009, 08:58 PM
Congrats on the good news with Angel and Congrats on the new addition and welcome to Oreo!!!!! So happy!!!!
The red eye could be an infection....Bailey's eyes get very red and it is related to an infection that seems to come and go. Are her eyes gooey at all?
The only other thought is blood pressure but that would be both eyes I would imagine...
Warm compresses seem to soothe Bailey...but I'm not sure if it is the same thing with Angel...:(
Love ya! And kissies to the pooches! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
09-07-2009, 09:12 PM
A third thought regarding the eye....
You may want to get Angel's eye pressure checked. My Munch had a red eye that was repeatedly misdiagnosed as allergy. I finally found a vet who was able to do a pressure check and sure enough the eye pressure was elevated and Munch was referred to a doggie eye specialist. Don't know if this is Angel's case but a red eye can be an indication of elevated pressure i.e., Glaucoma.
Glad that Angel is doing well on her liquid Trilostane and congratulations on your new puppy Oreo.
so pleased everything is going so well:)
09-08-2009, 05:04 AM
Oh Joyce,
I am so incredibly happy to hear from you and that Angel is doing so well. I cannot believe it has been that long - only yesterday we were reading about her coming to live to with you and her back/neck operation.
The others have covered the initial thoughts I had about the bloodshot eye. But I do have a quick question - does she seem to be rubbing at it? Possibly some little foreign object lodged in there.
Let us know what you find out and congrat on getting you will have to post some photos of everyone.
Big smoochies to Angel girl.
09-08-2009, 11:52 AM
Yay, Joyce -- you found us!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
It's so good to have you back home again, and to read your update.
Regarding Angel's red eye, it's possible that it could be allergy-related. As Louise said, even though that turned out NOT to be the problem for Munchie, it can be a possibility. However, if that was the case, I'd think that both of Angel's eyes would be affected at one time or another.
My Peg has ongoing allergy issues, and one or both of her eyes are often red and goopy. We went to a doggie opthalmologist who diagnosed her with allergic conjunctivitis. We have some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eyedrops that we give her when she's having problems (which unfortunately is more and more of the time :(). But if only one of Angel's eyes is chronically red, it may more likely be another issue.
But now that you've found us, please keep us in the loop, OK????????????
Hugs to you and your sweeties,
Harley PoMMom
09-08-2009, 09:52 PM
Hi Joyce,
Re: the red eye: it could be Canine Uveitis, this can affect only one eye, here is a link for you, it has a pic. also. It states that it is very treatable..."Options include topical medication for inflammation, medication to reduce any pain. Antibiotics are prescribed in the case of infection and others to prevent the onset of glaucoma."
So happy Angel is doing so well on the Trilo., and Congrats on the new addition to the family...Oreo...AWWW!!
09-15-2009, 09:24 PM
SO glad that Angel is doing well on the Trilo. Miss you!
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
08-28-2010, 12:44 PM
Hi everyone!!!
All the dogs are doing great! Unbelievably, Angel has been off all meds since last November, and her 11th birthday was in March. Her numbers just started to get really good, and in Nov the vet and I took her off meds. She exhibits no symptoms at all. I never would have believed this when I adopted her 4 years ago! I forwarded a picture of Angel to Bonnie at aplaceforus - she was sleeping in an open suitcase full of Alex's 12 year old boy smells. Bonnie told me how she came here in March for advice. I knew you'd treat her well! ;)
Pebbles is the same - never did get cushings even though the shelter she was at said she had it. Pebs is now 10, and we think Oreo is about 2 years old now. OMG having a Jack Russell is too much fun! I can carry her around under my arm! So much easier than the big old lab Zee! :rolleyes:
I hope the following link works - we now have a canary! is crazy...but I won't wait 10 months to post! Joyce
08-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Hi, Joyce! So glad to hear that Angel is doing so good! :D I bet your gang is keeping you quite busy.
08-28-2010, 05:18 PM
Me again (just posted to you in Zoe's thread). I'd forgotten that you had an "Oreo" now. Will have to see if you have an "Oreo" picture posted. When my daughter saw Cooky for the first time, she said "she reminds me of an Oreo." :p So that's why we changed her name to "Cooky". (She was known as "Taffy" at the shelter.) Sue
08-29-2010, 10:35 AM
Hi Joyce!! :) :)
It is great to hear from you and to read your update. Thank goodness all three doggies are doing so well! And what a hoot about your new little canary rescue -- the link to your article worked just fine for me.
I know your life must be so busy and full, but PLEASE don't be a stranger. Do come back as often as you can -- even if it is just to say hello. It is so wonderful to see old friends once again.
Big hugs to all three doggies, and an "air" smooch to your sweet little canary :p,
08-29-2010, 11:26 AM
It's so good to hear from you....I was wondering what was going on and where you were. Wasn't sure if I'd missed something! Will go check your link now...
Jo-Ann :)
08-30-2010, 06:46 AM
I am so very glad you posted. I often think about you and your gang and wonder how things are going.
I would love to see new photos! :D
That little bird had no idea he landed into such a great home, or maybe he did;). Oh, and his name, how funny.
Big smoochies to all of your gang and ten months is wayyyy to long.
11-07-2010, 09:50 AM
Hi - It seemed that Angel was losing her sight a few months ago - nothing significant, you just seem to know it is happening. This past week I am sure she is totally blind. She just circles the perimeter of each room and goes from room to room, gets stuck in corners, and this weekend she just circles the couch. It is heartbreaking. To make her stop we just have to hold her. A few days ago, before the circling got worse, she got stuck between the toilet and the wall. Thankfully, Harry was outside raking and actually hear her barking.
The odd neuro thing that began over a year ago that she does in her sleep never went away. It was never diagnosed even though Dr. Berger sent a video clip of it to a team of canine neurosurgeons. we are. I placed a (tearful) call to the clinic yesterday, when I knew they were closed so I could just say what I had to say, asking for a final appointment this week. Angel has been through so much and you have all been there for her roller coaster ride. From Bonnie posting about her foster home dog in 2006, to her driving her 2 hours to my house, and we hadn't even met her yet! Just taking in a beagle (my first!) because she needed a home that understood Cushings. And the ruptured disc in her neck 8 months later, to the ups and downs of Cushings. But I can't bear to see her like this. I can't stomach the thought of having to kennel her when we are at work. Angel has been so brave and so good! I wanted you all to know about our girl. I'll check in later - I am going to take her for a walk by herself, without the distraction of Pebbles and Oreo. oxo
Casey's Mom
11-07-2010, 10:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear of Angel. You have given her a great quality of life and are now at the end of this part of your journey together.
My tears are with you,
Love and many hugs,
11-07-2010, 10:30 AM
Oh Joyce,
I am so very sorry - I am in tears as I read this. You gave Angel an exceptional life and she knows it. My heart is with you and will be these coming weeks and months.
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2010, 12:19 PM
Oh Joyce,
This breaks my heart to hear. :(
You have been a god-send to Angel and I know she is ever grateful to you for all you have done for her...especially the love you give her.
Know we are all with you in spirit. Enjoy your walk, stretch every moment into eternity, spoil her like never before.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls - alwasy
11-07-2010, 12:20 PM
My dear Joyce,
I cannot think of words to say right now, other than "bless you" for adopting Angel back in 2006 -- and to tell you that my heart is also breaking to read this news today. What a lucky, lucky girl Angel has been during these years in your loving care.
We'll be with you in spirit during these coming days. Please give our Angel some special hugs from all of us here. And please give her a most special hug from her Auntie Marianne.
And Joyce, here's some giant hugs for you, as well ~
11-07-2010, 04:46 PM
Joyce -- it is so sad to read about Angel's latest issues. I know that you will, as you always have, do what is best for her. When it is time to say "good-bye", I am sure that my Maggie will be arooing a big "hello" on the other side of the bridge.
11-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Hi again - Gee, I am at work and re-reading your posts - not the best idea I've ever had! Thank you so much for the words, thoughts, hugs and tears.
Angel has a 7 p.m. appointment tonight. I called this morning, and asked that the vet call me during the day to discuss as I don't want the talk at 7 p.m. about options etc. Angel has made her decision and so have we. Poor Alex (now 12) was crying all morning today and trying to hide it. We had sleet overnight and he wrote "Angel" across my windshield this morning as he waited for the bus. My having to be brave for him has really helped me. I asked him if he wants to come tonight, but he doesn't. He didn't cry like this over Concho, Ed or Zee (that I noticed). Zee was 3 years ago when he was 9, so his distress is, well, distressing to me!
My coworker said that this weekend's symptoms are similar to her ex-husband's dog who had a stroke. So of course I jumped online and wow it sure does sound like Angel had a stroke. I had even given her the monthly heartworm pill on Friday, so something did happen suddenly that just made her subtle symptoms over the months much more pronounced.
So...I am thinking that maybe this is what they want to discuss tonight - a stroke. I know they are just doing their job, but they don't know how we here on this site are with our babies. This is never a decision that any of us make lightly, it is never a decision we make because we have given up! I emailed Dr. Berger, who treated Angel since 2006 and moved November 2009, and part of his email states:
"Thank you for writing to share with me a very difficult time for you. Without really knowing what is going on I can only hypothesize -Dr. speak for "guess"- that Angel must have one or both of two things: (then he goes on to explain his "medical" thoughts). Either way, she is well loved and deserving of peace and rest. Thank you for letting me know."
So he knows its time too. I just have to understand that the new doctors at the practice have a job to do as do I - and my job is to know when to let go, when enough is enough for this precious Angel. Thank you again for your love and caring! Joyce
11-08-2010, 10:49 AM
Joyce, thank you so much for letting us know what today holds for your family. This way, we can be keeping all of you in our thoughts and our hearts. Especially "our" little Angel. Please, please give her extral love for us, OK? And remember that she'll never be alone, no matter when her physical release takes place. Our Rainbowbridge pups have all been alerted and are awaiting Angel with wagging tails and muzzle licks galore.
Many, many ((hugs)) to you all. And a most special kiss for Angel.
Squirt's Mom
11-08-2010, 11:16 AM
Hi Joyce,
The image of your son this morning is so very moving. It is obvious Angel has touched so many lives with her love and found a special place in Alex's heart. When you spoke of him writing her name on your windshield, I just wanted to reach out and hold him so tight and tell him she would be alright.
Know we are with you all today as you face these discussions and decisions.
Hugs to you all,
Leslie and the girls - always
11-08-2010, 11:35 AM
Hi Joyce,
I'm so sorry to hear what has been going on with Angel. She holds a very special place in all of your hearts. Please know that when the time comes, you are doing what's best for Angel.
11-08-2010, 01:37 PM
Oh Joyce,
Please give Angel a very big kiss from me and whatever the decision is, I know she will always have you and your family's love to hold her. I will be here for you!!!!!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))
Terry xxx
11-08-2010, 02:08 PM
Dear Joyce,
I don't have any words that could possibly ease your heartache. Just want to send comforting love and hugs to you and your family. You will all remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Shelba and Suni~~
11-08-2010, 03:20 PM
Hi - leaving work now - moved the appointment up to 5 p.m. Harry said she is just circling circling and he can't hold her or calm her down. Alex is home from school and crying again. So I'm going to go get her out of the house and let her walk around the wooded area near the vet's office until 5 p.m. I'm doing okay - I knwo in my heart this is the right decision at the right time. oxo Joyce
Squirt's Mom
11-08-2010, 03:30 PM
You and Angel do not walk those woods alone. There is a whole host of friends right behind you and beside you.
Bless you, Joyce...
Leslie and the girls - always
Casey's Mom
11-08-2010, 03:39 PM
Bless you and your family Joyce - as Leslie said you will not be walking alone. We are all here with you,
11-08-2010, 03:49 PM
I am here (and there), too.
11-08-2010, 03:54 PM
I'm so sorry that Angel is struggling and thankful that you have put your heart ache aside to prevent her from suffering.
Godspeed to your little Angel and a hug to all.
Roxee's Dad
11-08-2010, 04:06 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today and in the days ahead.
11-08-2010, 04:10 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. It's not fair that loving also means letting go.
John II
11-08-2010, 05:25 PM
Dear Joyce and Family,
Sending you more thoughts, prayers & hugs
(and keeping the tears over here).
Sabre's Mum
11-08-2010, 05:28 PM
Tears are falling as I catch up on your posts. My thoughts are with you.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
11-08-2010, 10:20 PM
Oh Joyce - my heart is breaking for you and your family. Angel was so blessed that you found her and gave her the love and home she so deserved. Even when we know in our minds that it is time to let go, our hearts are never ever ready. Hugs. Sue
11-08-2010, 10:38 PM
A brave mother's love. Knowing the right thing to do and say. Being strong. You have shown us all the depths of your caring. Not just with Angel. We were there when you purposely adopted a cushings pup. So, although it makes me sad, I am glad that you found us again to share her journey.
Godspeed Angel.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
11-09-2010, 12:27 PM
Thank you - from the bottom of my heart and soul - thank you.
I'm at work so I am keeping my mind occupied as best I can. Even after releasing the original "we3dogs" to the bridge over the past 7 years, it is just as difficult! I will start a page on "In Loving Memory" tonight. oxo Joyce
11-09-2010, 12:33 PM
Take comfort in knowing that you did the right thing for Angel, Joyce. She is now with the angels, and she will no longer be in pain or suffering. I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family.
Squirt's Mom
11-09-2010, 12:34 PM
If It Should Be
If it should be that I grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep;
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle can't be won.
You will be sad, I understand;
But don't let grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years;
What is to come can hold no fears.
You don't want me to suffer so
The time has come, please let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend,
But please stay with me 'til the end
To hold me close and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It was a kindness done for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I'm saved.
Please do not grieve that it was you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years;
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
(--Author Unknown--)
11-10-2010, 05:31 AM
Admin note:
Joyce has started a new thread in the In Loving Memory section. So for additional posts, please follow this link....
Remembering Angel (
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