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09-06-2009, 10:08 AM
Bailey was up peeing all night....I just took a urine sample to look myself...it is full of blood with clots!

I know they can have blood in the urine with a UTI but what about clots?

Does anyone know?

I have an ER vet but am hesitant only bc of how bad he is but I will take him if need be and deal with it...

I never saw clots before and don't know what to think? Has anyone else?

Thanks! Beth

09-06-2009, 10:18 AM
sorry...never mind...headed to emergency vet....i can't take any chances....hugs, beth

09-06-2009, 10:28 AM
Beth, I'll be anxiously checking in to see what the ER vet has to say. What an awful night and morning for you!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(


Roxee's Dad
09-06-2009, 10:33 AM
Hey Beth,
Didn't see this earlier but I could only recomend going to the ER. Our Bailee had this problem once and turned out to be stones ion his bladder and one stuck in his urethra. Had to have surgery to remove.

Hope all turns out okay.

Barney's Mom
09-06-2009, 10:46 AM
I have seen really nasty UTI's in people and they can have small blood clots. Those clots can obstruct the urethra, and completely obstruct urine flow. Glad you took him Beth. Will be waiting here too and praying for some good news.

09-06-2009, 11:18 AM
I am glad he is being taken in. Mytilda had lots of clots when she had a really bad UTI and we scooped her up to head to the vets right away.

Am waiting to see what they say about it.

09-06-2009, 01:46 PM
Poor Beth! Poor Bailey!

Misty had some clots with a UTI. Scared me to death, but the vet said it was not uncommon with a nasty UTI. Was brought under control quickly, but I don't remember what antibiotics she was prescribed.

Hope Bailey only has a UTI (which is bad enough) and prayers are headed your direction. Will be anxiously waiting to hear.


Shelba and Misty

09-06-2009, 02:09 PM
Hopefully, it was not serious with Bailey. Please let us know how your furbaby is doing. Wishing the best for both of you.
Many hugs,

Harley PoMMom
09-06-2009, 02:12 PM
Oh Beth,

I am just seeing this now...many prayers, hugs and healing and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

Anxiously waiting, with everyone else here, to hear the news about sweet Bailey.

Love and hugs.

09-06-2009, 02:43 PM
Thinking of you... will check back for news.


09-06-2009, 03:36 PM

I'm here too. Hope Bailey is ok. Will check back later.


09-06-2009, 03:56 PM
What would I ever do without you all????!!!!

Well, we're home......they took 2 non-emergent people ahead of me and I was not a happy camper....

Bailey has a "severe UTI"...they ran a urine and it is full of blood and WBCs. Blood work showed an elevated ALT and ALkPhos but nothing else. The vet felt as long as he is able to produce urine it was OK not to do more tests bc he gets so stressed. No casts or crystals in the urine so we don't think there are stones.

He is to take the Simplicef I have in the house for ten days. If he gets worse, they want him back asap and they will run x-rays and a u/s to check for a tumor. Gulp!! His vomiting is most likely UTI related. We are both exhausted.

While I was there, a dog and cat were both euthanized and I sat in the waiting room crying with these people I don't know....but I do want to send out a special prayer to both families bc they are in so much pain right now....

My one concern is that his glucose was 143 which as per the lab sheet is the top of normal...anything over 143 is high. He only had a few crackers this morning so I don't know how much that would skew the results.

My plan is to keep a very close eye on him through Tuesday. If he gets worse, I'll bring him back. If not, I am going to call my regular vet on Tuesday and see what he thinks. I want the urine re-checked for sure when we finish the antibiotic.

I just got so incredibly scared and of course, this was the first place I could think to turn to...but a minute later I realized I had to take him. I was collecting the urine thinking I could see if he was concentrating and lo and behold out came a stream of bright red blood with huge clots....I dropped the container I got so freaked out.

With all of Scoobie's UTIs I never saw something like that in my life...a little blood mixed in, but this was like someone cut an artery....

tonight he'll have chicken and rice which is cooking now to try and settle his tummy....

and lots and lots and lots of kissies and belly rubs!

Thank you alll SOOOOO MUCH for your thoughts and input and wishes and being here and being you!!!!!! I will keep you posted....

Mommy needs a nap now!!!

Love to you all and huge hugs and a big GO AWAY PERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

Roxee's Dad
09-06-2009, 04:04 PM
Hi Beth,
We've all been waiting on pins and needles to hear from you. So sorry that Bailey has a serious UTI but glad it's not something more serious that would require an overnight stay.

Hoping all turns out well without incident.

09-06-2009, 04:04 PM

I'm glad you and Bailey are back home and you've got "a plan". Hope the meds take care of the infection and that's the end of it. No crystals is positive. Sounds like just a really nasty UTI.

Keeping you two in my thoughts and prayers. Go take a nap!!!


09-06-2009, 04:13 PM
Thank you!!!

I am just going to finish the chicken so it cools off for him and go pass out next to him....

last pee was yellow....I looove yellow!!!

And yes, I am very thankful for a UTI at this point.....if that is all it is, I will be one smiling woman!!!

Love ya!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie....

and one nap coming up!!!

09-06-2009, 04:21 PM
Oh Beth,
What a scare. I was soundly sleeping and knew nothing about it. I remember Buddy had red urine but it had no clots and it really freaked me out. I hope the drugs sort it out quickly and everything gets back to normal real soon.

09-06-2009, 04:28 PM
One word: WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-06-2009, 04:42 PM
Those darn things!! Hope the Simplicef clears it up quickly!

Give Bailey an extra belly rub for me and hope you can get some rest now. :)

More (((hugs)))

Shelba and Suni

Harley PoMMom
09-06-2009, 04:56 PM
I hope too, that the Simplicef does it's job...We all command thee...Percy be GONE!!!

Now you and sweet Bailey go get some zzz's...sweet dreams, my dear friend.

Love and many hugs.

Barney's Mom
09-06-2009, 04:59 PM
Breathing a sigh of relief here too Beth! I hope you are napping now, sounds like you had a horrible night.

09-06-2009, 05:21 PM
Yellow is good!!

Did they culture it to make sure the bacteria are susceptible to the antibiotic? That will take some time to come back but definitely worth doing.


09-06-2009, 08:05 PM
That is so good to hear Bethy - whew indeed!!!!!!!!!! And we love yellow too.

Continue to keep us posted.

09-06-2009, 08:34 PM
Yellow is great;
sorry to hear of your scare. I can bet you were upset when you seen the clots. I have only seen clots in foly caths( pee bags) and I know I would have been worried sick as well.
glad to hear it is getting better and I never thought I would say it but thank god for Percy:eek::eek:
love ya
Sharon et al

09-07-2009, 12:03 AM
Whooooa, poor Bailey. Just now reading this and I can only imagine how scary it was. With all the uti's Zoe's had over the years, I've never seen clots, only a little blood here and there.

The simplicef is what Zoe was given for her last few uti's. BUT, ya' never know. So I agree with Nat in that if they didn't do a c & s, it might be a good idea. If they did do one, they'd have probably said that they'd call you in a day or two. I guess if he starts to get better right away, that's probably a good clue that the simplicef is working.

I know in the past, with the Zo, if she was showing a lot of symptoms, the vet would go ahead and put her on an a/b right away - without waiting for the c & s results. A few times, tho, the a/b did have to be changed to a different one, once the c & s results came back. So that's the thing - you just want to make sure he's on the right a/b that's gonna knock that Percy-sucka for a loop - especially since Percy's bein' such a bad boy this time. Give Bailey a big smoochie from Zo and I. And keep us posted. Sue

09-07-2009, 08:31 AM
Thank you all very very much!!

Bailey passed out last night after such a long stressful day for him....even after naptime was over. But he needs his rest and I let him be.

Urine this morning has that orange glow which is better than bright red with clots....but not without any blood. I have him on a mix of boiled chicken and rice and 1/2 his food to try and help his tummy until this is under control. He is eating that well and keeping it down.

They just ran the UA not the c &s and I thought the same thing....what if this isn't sensitive to this antibiotic? Scoobie was my UTI boy and although I have seen some blood, I never saw anything like what I saw yesterday. And Scoobie had a few very resistant strains.

I am concerned Bailey has a particularly nasty version of Percy so my plan was to call the vet tomorrow when they open after the holiday and as long as Bailey seems to be improving finish this antibiotic.

But the minute he is done with it, I do want to ask the vet to run a c&s to make certain that each and every part of Percy is gone and out of his system. I don't think he'll have a problem with that especially bc he was soooo sick. If he doesn't continue to improve, I'll ask for one asap. I am on pee patrol at the moment watching every urine that comes out of him. Last night I was on my hands and knees so I could watch it.

I have to go back to work tomorrow but I will probably come home at lunch for a few days so I can one, get him outside so he isn't holding it too long and two, see what he is making.

I never ever ever want to see something like that again in my life. I thought he was bleeding internally or something. And when the vet dropped the "tumor" word yesterday, I almost dropped to the floor. So Percy is more than welcome temporarily!!! So I am praying very hard and calling upon Scoobie to help his brother that this is just a UTI....and the chant of the week is "YELLOW". :o

Sharon, I even grabbed unsweetened cranberry juice, thinking of you, and mixed a little in his water.

Thank you all so much again....Love ya!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

Yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow...

Harley PoMMom
09-07-2009, 09:12 AM
:) Yellow! Yellow! Yellow! :)

09-07-2009, 01:58 PM
Beth -- sorry I am coming into this late but did want to share that I woke up one morning to find huge blood clots in my living room. Like you, I panicked -- I took my Maggie out to pee and her urine stream was completely red. I rushed her inside the house and called the vet. I took her right over and, while we were waiting to go in to see him, Maggie passed urine and a huge clot. Everyone in the waiting room was horrified. Tech handled it very calmly, actually taking a sample from it. Like Bailey, Maggie had a very bad UTI.

I had been wondering why she had been sitting strangely the couple of days prior and had yelped when I touched her stomach. Vet told me that the blood was coming from her bladder, sloughing off the inside. He started her on antibiotics and sent a culture off. The culture (which took about 5 days to get results) came back showing two rare types of infections. The vet did do a cystocentesis after round of the antibotics was completed (I think she was on them for two weeks) -- he wanted to get a clean sample.

Hugs to Bailey -- I bet he'll love the chicken & rice!

09-07-2009, 03:55 PM
Thanks, Lori!:D

And thank you, Judy! He is verrrry quiet today and I am anxious to talk to my vet tomorrow. Of course, today I had to look up blood clots in urine and scare myself half to death!

He is walking like he just got off a very large horse...and I an wondering if it was just the up and down on the exam table, pain, or a combo of the two....so he is just kind of laying around and I am giving belly rubs in between. Poor guy tried to roll up from his side earlier and ended up slamming his head into the tile floor three times before I could get my hands under him....then he gave me the lip...and he never gives ME the lip. :( Not much for eating treats today either...I guess he just feels that yucky.

So, I am busy scraping dog drool with hair encased in it off my moldings and walls so I can stay home and watch him....and what better way to spend the day off??? :confused:

Lots of thanks and continued hugs!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-07-2009, 06:24 PM
Am glad that Bailey is fine. I would of freaked myself seeing blood clot. I never knew a UTI can cause this. Hopefully you can relax today!!! Dog drool? Mine like to look out the window and drool!!!

09-07-2009, 08:01 PM
Beth, I'm just reading this now....what a terrible time you've had this weekend!! Hope Bailey is more comfortable now and that you're seeing yellow when he pees. I too didn't know that a UTI can cause clots and such bleeding.
Sleep well,
Jo-Ann & Lady

09-07-2009, 08:04 PM
Beth - glad to here things are a little better with Bailey. I think I would have passed out with Bailey if all this had happened to me! Take care - Joyce and the girlz - Pebbles, Angel & Oreo

Barney's Mom
09-07-2009, 08:18 PM
Is is possible they would automatically culture the urine if the UA showed infection?
I think a C/S is a great idea Beth, any infection that is nasty enough to cause the symptoms you were seeing, you want to make sure is long gone.

09-07-2009, 08:39 PM
You know, the vet yesterday did say something about a c&s...maybe they did one? I was so worn out and upset and after I heard "bladder tumor" my ears went deaf for a little while...

which also has me wondering if we should do a u/s anyway? I'll be glad when I can talk to my vet....don't vets take some kind of oath never to have their own lives and submit to their people?????

I hate my brain!!!! :(

I'm going to look over the vet papers again and see if it says anything about a c&s...

he is being very clingy and quiet....ate dinner well....but otherwise seems icky...but I haven't seen any blood like it was yesterday...

I'll check the papers and be back.....thank you!!!!

Love and hugs! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-07-2009, 08:47 PM
No, grabbed the papers again in case I missed something....just says "U/A=a lot of blood cells (boy that's technical :confused:), no casts, no crystals. CBC/Chem=increased liver enzymes ALKP 840 ALT 107, all else WNL-compare to past blood work".

His glucose was also at 143 which is the highest number without going over....should I worry about that?

Ack! I wish I could call out sick tomorrow! :(

Thanks a bunch! Love ya all! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-08-2009, 09:48 AM
Hi Beth,

Sounds like you guys have been through quite an ordeal...Glad to hear Baily is peeing yellow and is on the mend. :)
I would absolutely redo testing after the course of antibiotics just to make sure he is clean.
As far as the blood glucose is concerned, the stress of an infection could be responsible for raising it. This often happens. I wouldn't worry about that yet.
When he finishes his antibiotic, and is clear of infection, you may want to run the blood glucose again.
Hang in there. Hope you both are feeling better today!

Dorothy and Mikey

09-08-2009, 10:25 AM
Thank you, Dorothy! The vet's office thinks the glucose was up bc of the stress too....unfortunately, my vet is not in until tomorrow....uuggghhh...he is supposed to call me.

Bailey seems brighter today and I was out on my hands and knees early this morning with a flashlight checking color....he is going back and forth from slightly orange to yellow now.

My question is, they told me the only way you can do a culture is for him to go in with a full bladder and they'll extract it? Is that right?

Bailey goes out at 6am usually and for him to wait until they open at 8-8:30 seems mean....don't they have those containers like they do with people if I clean him off and let him pee right into the container mid-stream? :(

Scoobie's c/s was always done when he was in-house so I never knew this is how they did it....

I'll be running home at lunch to get him out and check on him. He did seem brighter-eyed this morning so that made me feel a little better leaving him...but I am anxious to get home...

Thanks a ton and lots of hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

Squirt's Mom
09-08-2009, 11:27 AM
Hi Beth,

Keeping you and Bailey in my thoughts and prayers!

Leslie and the girls

Carol G
09-08-2009, 11:52 AM
I'm happy to hear that Bailey seemed brighter-eyed this morning. Will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers and watching for updates.

Carol & Atty Cat & always Winnie & McGill

09-08-2009, 12:07 PM
My question is, they told me the only way you can do a culture is for him to go in with a full bladder and they'll extract it? Is that right?

Beth: The "extraction" is not the only way to get a sample to send for a culture but it is the only way to ensure that a clean sample is sent in. The "extraction" is called a cystocentesis. Maggie had many over the last few years. The first time the vet wanted to do one, he described it to me and I freaked out -- basically a long needle is inserted into the bladder. But -- and this is important -- Maggie didn't even flinch -- for that one or the subsequent ones and Maggie had a very, very low pain tolerance. I wouldn't hesitate to have one done, especially for the peace of mind. I am trying to remember if the vet waited a few days after the last dose of antibiotics before doing one -- sorry, but recall isn't great today.
Hopefully, Bailey has continued to perk up -- as the antibiotics do their job, he should feel more comfortable and you will see his gait get back to normal.

09-08-2009, 12:17 PM
But -- and this is important -- Maggie didn't even flinch --

This has been our experience with Moria also Beth, just cover your eyes.

Sorry I was not around this weekend and you had so much distress but it was also very good to see the good folks who were able to see it through with you.

A little blood in urine goes a long way and clots are extra scarey. Hoping the worst is over and he turns out negative for tumors or stones.


Harley PoMMom
09-08-2009, 12:23 PM
Hi Beth,

Harley has had two of these done at the Univ. of Penn., it is done with a needle, his was also done while he was on the ultrasound, so it was a "guided" culture, as his IMS called it. I asked her if this was painful for Harley, she told me no. Harley never had to have a full bladder for his urine cultures to be done, tho.

Happy to hear that Bailey seems to be feeling better today and hoping each day finds him improving more.

Love and hugs.

09-08-2009, 05:25 PM
Hi all...

Bailey is definitely brighter today which makes me very happy!!! As the day goes on, he seems better and better. I hope we crossed the line! Eating is picking up with the attitude too. And I haven't seen as much orange today as I did yesterday.

I will talk to my vet tomorrow about the c/s. My other concern is the other issues Bailey has and how we would do this. With his hip dysplasia and arthritis being on his back isn't really an option. Years ago, when he was younger and healthier, they did the x-rays and diagnosed the hip issue. After that, he cried for three straight days in pain and could barely walk. He has days now where he can barely walk. :( So I really don't want to put him in that position if I can at all avoid it...the price in his comfort is too high to pay. I didn't realize how they did this all. If my vet has no other ideas, I may go with the U/A and then maybe run one in another week or two after that....and maybe again after that just to check any bacteria counts. I don't know if that will be a satisfactory option. I feel like I am caught in a bad spot, but the suffering he endured after being placed on his back all those years ago I don't ever care to see again.:(

So, I'll see what the vet thinks we should do or how we can do it. Plus putting Bailey on his back would require a suit of armor as he would surely bite anyone that even tried that against his will. As it is, when we go to the vet, I have to headlock him. He is also, as he ages, more and more sensitive to the sedation....one time it was very hard to wake him up, and I don't want to chance that unless it is life and death either.

For now, I am thankful that he seems to be responding so well...and tomorrow I'll see what our plan will be...

Thank you all so very much for all the support and words of wisdom and help!!!! You guys ARE the BEST!!!!!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-08-2009, 05:37 PM
Hi Beth,
The cysto would only be important if you couldn't get the infection under control. Buddy had several cysto's but sometimes we would just start the antibiotics and check the urine for bacteria after the week or so. Usually we noticed an improvement just a couple of days after starting the meds. You are watching closely so you will know how things are going.

09-08-2009, 07:06 PM
Hi Beth,

I think Jen is very right here. I also would not place him on his back given the description of his problems, the Drs. can work out the contaminiation issue by giving a broad spectrum antibiotic, the cysto just helps to isolate the 'bug'


09-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Thanks, Jenny and Scott...I just didn't want to not get him something he needs but didn't know how to work it either if the cysto was important with all his issues. I did go out tonight and collected some urine to eyeball more closely (you should have seen me, lol, like I have a microscopic eye!). But, it was a beautiful deep yellow.....looked healthy....healthier than it was and it allowed me get a closer more concentrated look. I think we are past the bump in the road anyway...and the neighbors by now are used to me...

He is much brighter eyed tonight after dinner, and I would say bushy-tailed but he barely has hair on his skinny tail, lol...but you can see the "sick" has moved from his eyes. He even tried to play a little tonight after dinner but then went fast asleep...which I know will help him too. So he is here beside me sleeping like a log. :)

I will most definitely do the UA once we finish the antibiotic....6 more days of that...I'll remain on pee patrol until we get the all clear...and hope there are no other issues. I think if he had stones, there would be crystals in the urine?

The tumor thing I can't even think about so that's not an option and I told him so...from what I read they appear to get better on an antibiotic and then sick again...so, I will cross my eyes, fingers, toes, ears, Allo's paws, and my son's toes that this is over!

Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

Harley PoMMom
09-08-2009, 08:19 PM
I think if he had stones, there would be crystals in the urine?Yes, but you might not be able to see them, back in Feb. when I went thru my ordeal with kidney stones :eek: I had to pee thru a funnel that had a filter in it with a bottom...lol...it was sooo much fun. What I was thinking with Bailey, after you collect his urine, run it thru, maybe a coffee filter, see if you see anything that resembles sand, or anything hard that you can feel between your fingers, it could be smooth or jagged...just an idea...but this is what I had to do...look for this stuff. :) If I found anything, I was to put in a plastic or glass jar for the Dr. to see and so that it could be analyzed.

Keeping all paws, fingers, toes and tails crossed that the anti. does it's job and that's it....over and done with. :D

Love and hugs.

09-08-2009, 09:54 PM
I'm rooting for TEAM YELLOW! Let's go yellow, let's go!

09-08-2009, 10:00 PM
Lori...that's a great idea! I can play with pee after all my experience examining poop! The UA they did this weekend showed no crystals but I could swear in the summer his UA did show crystals...but since he had no symptoms, we left it alone...another thing I want to ask the vet about...

Thanks, Steph!!! I saw that and started LMAO!!! I do love yellow!!!!

Love and hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-09-2009, 10:13 AM
the antibiotics are usually pretty good at clearing up the UTIs....I did a few cycles of simplicef last year when my Aussie was dealing w/UTs....you may want to consider adding a urinary acidifier to your pup's diet....there are several out there....they help prevent UTIs from taking hold. I've been using cranberry extract for some time now...it has been very effective at keeping the UTIs at bay.

Good luck!


09-09-2009, 10:31 AM
Thanks, Jeff!!! I've been adding a dash of unsweetened cranberry juice to his water. Good to know about the antibiotic too bc I've only used it for his elbow infections. I was hoping it was going to be strong enough. Makes me feel better!:)

Yellow pee again this morning...I think (whisper) the worst is over...waiting for the vet to call me still....

tap tap tap tap tap....

I want to check his urine he did last time bc I think, but can't be sure, there were crystals present and we let it go bc there were no symptoms...and if there were and I am right, I want to figure out a way to check for stones....so we can avoid this hopefully from happening again.

He was still a little stiff this morning so I am not sure what is potentially bladder pain and/or arthritis...but onward we go...

Love and hugs! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie, and soon to be Pallie;)

09-09-2009, 06:27 PM
The vet never called me back today...:mad:

so I will call again tomorrow...

Bailey, I do believe, is A-OK.....just want to check on the last urine the vet did on him and about those crystals...

Trying to learn patience but failing miserably...
Love and hugs, Beth

09-10-2009, 02:35 AM
Hello Beth and Bailey!

Go! Team Yellow! Sounds as though the worst is over. You had me laughing when you said that the neighbors were used to you out in the yard examining Bailey's most recent deliveries! What we don't do for our furbabies! LOL I hope that you hear from your vet, and that everything is clearing up nicely. What would we do without some sort of crisis in our lives?! Wouldn't it be nice to find out?

Give that boy a scratchie on the belly for me, and get some rest for yourself. I'm so happy that Bailey is feeling better.

Big hugs,

Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie

09-10-2009, 06:58 PM
So.........did the vet call today about Bailey, hmmmmm??????


Harley PoMMom
09-10-2009, 07:18 PM
:):) Team Yellow :):)

Yea, me wanta know too, any word from that vet...yet???

Love and hugs.

09-10-2009, 07:38 PM
Yes, he finally called me this afternoon right after lunch....I yelled at him that he needs to be at my disposal 24/365, LOL...

He feels that as long as Bailey seems to be responding to the antibiotic he is on now, leave it alone. It wouldn't have been his first choice just bc it isn't that effective against any gram negative organisms. But, since we have yellow and Bailey actually played last night, and he is not running to pee every 20 minutes, leave it alone.

So, we will do a UA after Monday, the last day of his antibiotic, and he will make sure the ph came down, there are no crystals, and the blood is completely gone, etc.....Bailey's last UA was in July and I guess I was thinking of Scoobie's last urine bc there were no crystals in Bailey's urine then either. He is not really feeling we can put Bailey through the procedure to do a C/S either.

We had a talk about the Cushing's too bc I am feeling torn and guilty sometimes about withholding it. I feel like I am sending him to certain death not treating. But yet, if I treat, well, he has many days anymore where he can barely walk or even get up.....we have to preserve quality. Sooo....still in a holding pattern unless Bailey gets symptomatic where he is uncomfortable....constant hunger, peeing/drinking, etc...he said we are between a rock and a hard place...and that's just how I feel. I know we could use a lot of pain meds., etc....but I'm not sure I want to be bringing a lot of that onboard either unless we had to...

At the end of the conversation, I said well, I will try to schedule it so you can examine the puppy and the urine together....at which time he yelled at me, "WHAT ARE YOU A CRAZY WOMAN???"....LMAO...he told me no more sympathy bc I obviously love stress!!

See what you all got me into????:rolleyes:;):rolleyes::p

I feel MUCH better after talking to him....and Bailey is soooooooo much better that I think TEAM YELLOW won!!!!:D

But I still never want to see that again!

Love and many hugs and so much gratitude!!!!!
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

09-11-2009, 12:34 AM
It sounds like Mom knows best and mom is the Alpha! lol I have one vet that works "business hours" and I have another vet that you can call 24/7.

I smile every time I see that photo.

Love you,

09-11-2009, 01:28 AM
Ahhh, good report and glad to read Bailey is on the mend and feeling more like himself again.

At the end of the conversation, I said well, I will try to schedule it so you can examine the puppy and the urine together....at which time he yelled at me, "WHAT ARE YOU A CRAZY WOMAN???"....LMAO...he told me no more sympathy bc I obviously love stress!!What does he know! We'll give you sympathy if you need it.

See what you all got me into????

Yeah, sure, uh-huh....we did it, and we'd do it again!!! :D :D

Give Bailey some extra belly scritchies from me.


09-21-2009, 11:03 AM

Catching up with you...thanks for the emails, too....give me a call.

I am hoping all is mending and doing well.

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey