View Full Version : Casey - cushings dog - border collie sheltie/ sweet Casey has passed

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Harley PoMMom
07-12-2011, 03:47 PM
Hi Ellen,

I just read your visitor's message to me and I am so sorry to hear that Casey has diarrhea.

Almost anything can cause diarrhea in a dog but with knowing that Casey does have pancreatitis issues I believe you are right about getting this checked with a Spec PL test.

What was her latest ACTH stim test results?

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Please keep us posted, sending tons of healing and positive energy your way.

Love and hugs,

07-13-2011, 08:26 PM
Hi Ellen,

Hope Casey is okay. Sending love and hugs and special prayers.


Harley PoMMom
07-14-2011, 11:46 PM
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how Casey is doing.

Love and hugs,

Casey's Mom
07-15-2011, 03:23 PM
She is home, gasto intestinal bacterial infection which turned into Pancreatis. Luckily I knew the signs and she is home after staying in the hospital one night. My hard part will be getting her to eat. She can only eat Medical gastrointestinal low fat food. I am going to try baking it in little balls. Does anyone else have any ideas? She lost a lot of weight so I need to get her to eat somehow.

I am so glad to have my girl home!!! The house was so quiet without her. When we have a medically needy dog (which you all know about) they take up so much time so that when they are not there its like what do I do?

Love to everyone,

Casey's Mom
07-15-2011, 03:25 PM
She is doing really well with her ACTH results - the Lysodren is working well and she took off on me at the dog park Monday night - at 15 she can still run.:):):D:D

Squirt's Mom
07-15-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi Ellen,

I am so glad to hear that Casey is back home! You're right...when Squirt has been gone with surgeries, it just ain't the same at all! Of course, I took up my extra time by calling the hospital every 10 minutes to check on her. :o:p

Some of us have sliced the canned prescription feeds then baked them into a chip and fed the chips. Crys liked the kidney feed a little better this was but she just wasn't too fond of it period.

I'm glad her Cushing's is doing so well, too. Those parks and happy, healthy dogs can be risky, huh? :D;)

Leslie and the gang

07-15-2011, 04:52 PM
She is home, gasto intestinal bacterial infection which turned into Pancreatis. Luckily I knew the signs and she is home after staying in the hospital one night. My hard part will be getting her to eat. She can only eat Medical gastrointestinal low fat food. I am going to try baking it in little balls. Does anyone else have any ideas? She lost a lot of weight so I need to get her to eat somehow.

It might be worth talking with your vet to see if Yogurt (we use Yoplait Fat-Free Light Vanilla) is a possibility. Easy on tummies, helps to regulate the "good" bacteria in the gut (important after G/I infections)... it's really helped Penny. We had a parasitical infection in our house courtesy of our latest rescue pup and it hit her hardest - she now gets yogurt, cucumbers, and carrots for breakfast. She thinks she's getting the biggest treat in the world! We've also mixed yogurt with dog food and had all four of our crew eat like there's no tomorrow - it might help with Casey's appetite, at least.

Glad your furkid is home!

Mom to Princess Penny (my Cush-Kid), Her Royal Highness Holly, Luke, and Murray

Casey's Mom
07-15-2011, 04:55 PM
The vet told me absolutely nothing other than this food - this is not going to be easy. I just baked it into soft balls with a kind of crust on top. Desi went nuts for it but Casey will not touch it.

Casey's Mom
07-15-2011, 06:14 PM
I ended up syringing some food into her mixed with warm water. She didn't put up that much of a fuss and I needed to give her antibiotics with food. She is drinking quite a bit probably because she missed her dose of Lysodren and her cushings symptoms are back. She goes in for bloodwork to see how her amalyse and Lipase levels are Monday am.
After I gave her the food I put her outside and she had more diarrhea:(
Right now she is sleeping and pretty dozy from the pain meds they gave her. My poor girl, looks like I will be nursemaid for the weekend instead of the camping trip we had planned. Luckily my vet is open tomorrow am if I have any questions and on call this weekend.

I have seen all the problems with Pancreatitis on this site so I have to admit I am worried. I look on the bright side though and am happy she is here with me rather than at the vet's. I made a vow not to let her suffer so we will see how we do this weekend.

Love to you all and thank you for your support.

Squirt's Mom
07-15-2011, 06:23 PM
Hi Ellen,

Slow and easy on the food for now is best. Give her what you must to get the meds in her then don't force any more if she doesn't want it. Food and water can trigger the pancreas to start releasing those enzymes and keep the organ inflamed. Letting it rest is key to recovery. ;)

With your loving touch, I am sure Casey is going to be just fine!

Leslie and the gang

07-15-2011, 07:04 PM
Oh Ellen I am so sorry to hear this about Casey. Will be crossing my fingers and saying prayers for you both.

I was just reading about Pancreatitis on the Dogaware site. There is some good information about it.

Get well soon Casey.


Casey's Mom
07-15-2011, 11:33 PM
Thank you Leslie - I only gave her 24 cc of food/water mix so unless she wants more food tonight when I offer it I won't force the issue until morning when she needs more meds - thank you!! She is drinking well. The narcotics are starting to wear off and she is walking better. Still had another runny diarrhea poop just now - second one since she came home this afternoon but not nearly what she was like before she went in - every two hours!!. She came home from the vets with her under tail area all covered in old dried runny poop - yuck. I am glad she is home with me and I can baby wipe her when she goes.

Thanks Addy for the Dogaware site info.

Another night on the couch - sleep well everyone.

07-15-2011, 11:37 PM
Sending warm thoughts your way.... we had some of the runs this week and I was up every few hours... tough work being a mom sometime but you are such a great one. Hugs, Kim

Harley PoMMom
07-15-2011, 11:38 PM
Hi Ellen,

If your vet wants to see how the pancreas is doing, if it were me, I would forgo the lipase and amylase blood-work and just have a spec PL test done.

Gastric upset will usually cause an elevation in both the lipase and amylase. The spec PL test will only show results from the pancreas.

Sending healing and positive energy your way and hoping that Casey is feeling much better soon.

Love and hugs,

Casey's Mom
07-16-2011, 08:28 AM
Casey is feeling much better - she ate one of the soft dog cookies I made for her out of her Medical food last night at around 2 am and then I just offered her another this morning and she gobbled it up. She would have more but I am going slow. No going outside all night!! She just had a semi soft poop in the yard more runny than hard but it was a definite improvement. She seems bright and pain free - walking around and exploring everything in the yard and the house.


07-16-2011, 09:07 AM
that is an improvement, hurrah!!!!!!!


Bailey's Mom
07-16-2011, 08:40 PM
You go Casey!!!!!


Casey's Mom
07-16-2011, 11:59 PM
She is back to her old self - just going slow on the food two Medical baked cookies every 4 or 5 hours. That's about 1 1/2 tbsp each so not so much for a 40 lb dog. Well she lost a bit of weight so maybe a 37 lb dog now. I feel bad that it is so hot for her 40 celcius!! but she is just relaxing and enjoying life.

We are smilin :D:D:D

marie adams
07-17-2011, 12:19 AM
Oh Ellen you and Casey have been through a lot. I am so glad she is home and feeling better--close to back to herself again. It is stressful worrying about them and doing what needs to be done. I can imagine how lonely it was without her; I know how that feels, but now she is home YAY!!!!:p:D

Take care!!:)

Harley PoMMom
07-17-2011, 09:45 AM
So very happy that sweet Casey is feeling much better.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
07-17-2011, 09:45 AM
Hi Ellen,

Great news about Casey! :D "Back to her old self" is wonderful thing to see! I am so happy for you both.

Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
07-17-2011, 07:55 PM
Yes me too!! We go in for bloodwork tomorrow am so I will let you know her results. She loves her Medical gastro food - I toast balls of it on the barbeque - its way too hot for the oven.

Love and hugs to all,

Bailey's Mom
07-18-2011, 12:30 AM
Hey Ellen-
You said "Celsius" and I looked at where you are. S. S. Marie is where we are going on this 9 day trip of ours. What a coincidence. How funny.

Casey's Mom
07-18-2011, 08:14 PM
Susan maybe we can meet somewhere! Let me know I would love it!!

I am now worried about Casey - she is still eating drinking etc. but her bloodwork today showed her Amaylase and Lipase levels were higher than they were on Thursday when I took her in. This doesn't make sense to the vet so tomorrow they want to do an xray and if that shows anything send us to another vet for an ultrasound (they don't have a high density ultrasound). The vet is looking for a pancreatic tumour just to rule it out. By the way her liver values were very good and she seemed surprised by that considering her Cushings - maybe its the Milk Thistle.

She reminds me that Casey is "about a 100 years old" but she didn't see her running at the park last Monday.:) Regardless she said we need to see what is going on so we can begin her Lysodren again, she has been off since last Sunday but is still not showing any Cushings symptoms.

Also the only stools she has passed have been one of those soft balls, one every twelve hours or so. Her rectum does look sore but she should poop more than that!

Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Love and hugs,

Bailey's Mom
07-19-2011, 10:06 PM
Hi Ellen-
We had to go for the ultra sound on Palmer. I know how upsetting this must be for you. How old (young) is Casey now?...15 or so? Our first doggie lived for 17.25 years.:D:D....I don't believe anybody really knows. Palmer was just 13.25.:(
I don't have any suggestions for the lack of poop. I'd ask the vet tomorrow (oh-I guess that was today.) So how did the x-ray turn out?
I'd love to meet you as well.....but I just don't see that happening. We will be in SSM from 8/16 AM early to 8/18 really early AM. These friends want to take us everywhere to see everything. If you want to send me your phone no., if we get a break, maybe I could at least call you to say "hi."
Keep us posted on Casey. I hope it went well today.

Casey's Mom
07-19-2011, 11:23 PM
She pooped today so that was a relief. She seems fine and we started Lysodren again today. I decided against the xray - when I looked back at her records she had the same numbers elevated at almost exactly the same place and her ACTH showed she was high so I am assuming that is the case again.

She is doing great and as long as she continues to do great I have decided to follow the same path. She is supposed to eat the Royal Canin gastro low fat ad infinitum so we will see how that goes. Right now I am barbequing it - I will pick up the kibble tomorrow at the vets and add that to the canned. Hopefully we can start back adding in my homemade in a few weeks. The ingredients on this Royal Canin say pork by products as the meat source, not impressed.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi Ellen,

So glad that Casey continues to improve! You are doing a great job, Mom, and I know she is grateful!

Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
07-20-2011, 01:24 PM
I'm glad things are looking up. Would you mind sharing your homemade recipe? Is it for special dietary needs?

07-20-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi Ellen,

Glad to hear Casey is better. :D:D:D:D:D


Casey's Mom
07-20-2011, 07:55 PM
Here you go Susan -

When I got my Havanese Desi she had just finished showing and got her championship - the breeder decided not to breed her and sold her to me. The lady who bred Desi is amazing - she does it to show and not to make money on puppies but does have two litters a year from different mommas. Anyways she gave me her homemade receipe because she doesn't trust dog food and the Havanese are notoriously picky eaters. She mixes it with a good quality kibble.

I have been feeding it to both my dogs with kibble for 3 years now:


Boil 5 cups water then add 2 1/2 cups brown rice.

In a separate large frying pan I fry extra lean ground beef or chicken or turkey. I did some research and surprisingly extra lean ground beef has far less fat than ground turkey or chicken so I have been cooking that for about a year. I use coconut oil to fry - just a bit. Once the hamburger is cooked I add one cubed sweet potato, frozen green beans, sometimes frozen squash, enough water to cover then I put a lid on and simmer until the vegetables are cooked. I wills sometimes add two eggs and stir them into the mixture at the end and cook until eggs are done. Mix this mixture with the rice and freeze in containers.

My dogs love it.

07-21-2011, 03:01 AM
You sound like a great mommy! I am dying to tell you that Casey is a cutie. I have a real soft spot for sheltie-mixes. I have one too. Foxy! They are runners, jumpers, crazy, and cuddly!

I think you're right, Milk Thistle does have a positive effect, but somehow it stopped working for us. I still have faith in it and I doubled the dosage.

Glad to hear that Casey did poop soon after. I use honest kitchen perfect form and/or increased sweet potato and physium husk for those off days.

That is one sweet recipe. My Mandy eats the same. :D Plus organs and other odds and ends, Mandy has her own tupperware set.

I have never heard of BBQ'ed kibble. Is that a way of making it more enticing?

Casey's Mom
07-22-2011, 12:22 AM
I barbequed her canned prescription food because she didn't like it - I made little balls and barbequed them now I am adding kibble a little at a time and she loves it. I try to give it to her straight from the can and she will not touch it. Desi loves the barbequed stuff too - it must smell better somehow.

Thanks for the compliments - she is a sweetie pie. Happy to say she is back to normal and I plan on taking her for a walk soon when it cools down.

marie adams
08-11-2011, 11:53 AM
Hi Ellen,

So glad Casey is feeling better and back to normal. How they give us scares.

Ella is now constantly giving me scares and she is only 4 and half months. Of course hers are not as scary as Casey's.

BBQ wow never thought to try that one--haha!! Why not!!! :D

Take care!!!

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-11-2011, 02:04 PM
Someone on the diabetes forum said they bake the canned food for their dog too! You guys are so creative

I'm glad she is feeling better

Casey's Mom
08-12-2011, 11:30 PM
She is so amazing - on Tuesday we went for a walk around the block then when I brought her home she was doing donuts in the backyard, wanted to go in the house and was doing donuts in there too - on the hardwood, - way to slippery. I brought her back outside and sat down beside her, put her on a leash and told her she had to calm down she is an old lady. She doesn't think so though :D:p:p:D

Bailey's Mom
08-13-2011, 02:00 AM
What are "donuts?"

08-13-2011, 08:12 AM
Go Casey Go!!!!!!!!!


Happy Days!!!!


Squirt's Mom
08-13-2011, 11:49 AM
LOL How funny! :D I can just see her spinning 'round and 'round as fast as she could go! :D Before Squirt's legs got so bad, she would do that; all hunkered down in the back, almost squatting, and just flying in a circle! :D It really did me good to read this post so I can just imagine how you felt watching Casey spin. ;)

Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
08-15-2011, 08:14 AM
You described them exactly Leslie - she runs as fast and as hard as she can. I took a video of her flying in the backyard from my phone so I could post it but I deleted it instead of saving it :confused: I call them donuts but its her running as fast :D

I babysat 4 Bichons here on the weekend and I have another blind, crippled poodle that I babysit for an elderly friend. We had a houseful of seven dogs including my own. Whew!! My dogs are tired now and so am I - ready to go back to work.:p

09-23-2011, 07:10 PM
Ellen was just checking in on Casey - you were the first person I posted with back in January when I came on - so much has happened since then - Penny is doing ok and I am glad Casey is feeling better - love that recipe and love when they do donuts!!!!!!:D Penny is still on trilo - almost lost her in June July - her post dropped to .8 and thank God for Leslie Kim Addy Deb etc etc they helped me to get Penny back on her feet - sames issues - back muscles and legs - walking is the biggest problem - keeping Casey in our thoughts and prayers!!:)

Casey's Mom
09-26-2011, 11:33 PM
Hello Cindy and Penny,

Wow you did have a scare with Penny - glad to see you are doing better now. I personally would have never made it without this forum - amazing people with so much experience.

Casey is 15 1/2 now and due for her 6 month ACTH stim so I will be booking that shortly. She is still doing extremely well considering. Her back hips are arthritic but she still goes on walks with me and can do all the stairs to the second floor up and down without hesitating. I always make sure I am with her when she does the stairs and block it off except for when she comes up to sleep with me at night. She gets her monthly Adequan shots and glucosamine and L-Glutamine which have helped her. Also her twice weekly Lysodren for cushings.

I really can't complain - I am so blessed to have her with me all of these years. I tell everyone she is an amazing dog. My sister and hubby are so sweet because they tell me I am the amazing one for finding out what was wrong and researching it so well but I tell them it was thanks to the people here on this forum and a great diagnosis from my vet.

I have adopted another dog - a little Shitzu named Oreo. His mom left to move to Toronto and could not take him and I always babysat him and loved him. He is a good companion for my other dog Desi and another little lovebug for me :)

Love and hugs to everyone and all of your pups.

09-27-2011, 01:05 AM
So happy Casey is doing well - - best to you on the new baby - that was so nice of you to adopt!! I am up at 100am posting because Penny isnt doing good right now - I put it on my thread:( talk to you soon

Squirt's Mom
09-27-2011, 09:14 AM
Hi Ellen,

Such a good report on Casey! :):):):) I think her amazing mom has something to do with how well she is doing. ;)

And a new baby!! :D What a lucky little fellow Oreo is to get to stay with you, Casey and Desi and have you all as his new family. Can't wait to hear more about him and see a pic!

Leslie and the gang

Harley PoMMom
09-27-2011, 09:16 AM
Hi Ellen,

What a great update! It makes me so happy to read that sweet Casey it doing so well!!

Congrats on the new addition to the family...Oreo, Awww!!! Bless you, Ellen, for giving him a forever home, and what a wonderful and loving mom he has being with you.

Sending huge and loving hugs to you all, Lori

marie adams
09-27-2011, 01:28 PM
Hi Ellen,

So happy to hear good news about Casey!!!:):)

There is nothing wrong with having another cuddler in the family--Orea is a lucky guy!!!! :D


Casey's Mom
09-27-2011, 11:48 PM
New photos added of Oreo, Casey and Desi on my profile page.

Thanks everyone for your continued love and support.

Love and many hugs,

09-28-2011, 09:37 AM
Hi Ellen,

I have not yet had a chance to congrats and welcome Oreo. Going to check out the photos right now!!!!!:D:D


11-02-2011, 12:51 PM
Ellen - hi just checking in - how are the pups doing? How is Casey doing??? I have a quesiton about the adequan shots - I give them twice a week - did you start like that them went to once a month? Thanks - oh the pics are so cute - the new addition is adorable:)

Casey's Mom
11-02-2011, 10:58 PM
Yes Cindy - her adequan shots started twice a week for a month to build it up in her system then once a month after that. She is still on once a month two years later and it really does help. I may do every three weeks now as she is getting older and more stiff - the vet said some people need it every two weeks, you just have to judge how well the dog does with the frequency. She gets weighed at the vets every time she gets a dose so they give her the right amount.

I was going to ask a question of the group so thanks for bumping me up! Casey has lost 2 kilos (about 5 lbs on a formerly 40 lb dog) since she had her pancreatitis in July. Since then I have fed what the vet reommended - Royal Canin Gastro dry kibble which is 9.5% fat and the canned Royal Canin which is only 1% fat. She is not getting enough fat in her diet to keep her weight and I have put a call through to the vet to see what else I can give her to increase her weight.

Any suggestions? She is still very active - goes for two short walks a day and follows me around from supper until until I go upstairs at night and take her to bed (she has me well trained!)

Harley PoMMom
11-02-2011, 11:05 PM
I would recommend adding more carbs to her diet such as pasta, rice and/or potatoes. Since diets that are made for dog's with pancreatitis have to be so low in fat the added calories usually come from carbs.

Love and hugs,

11-02-2011, 11:44 PM
Thanks Ellen - i hope they work for Penny to - I am just so amazed with Casey - she gets in her walks and keeps on going - my Penny is getting around but feels it after a very tiny walk - she lays down alot - he leg with the hock injury is so weak - but shes a trooper for sure - vets tomorrow so we will see -- Hugssssss

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2011, 09:06 AM
Hi Ellen,

Lori is right on the mark about adding carbs to help maintain her weight.

Good to know Casey is doing well otherwise!
Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 02:49 PM
Hi Ellen-

Just letting you know I'm around and keeping tabs on how well things are going.

The carbs answer sounds best to me as well.

Casey's Mom
11-03-2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks everyone - carbs it is. I will try some rice or pasta but I will have to add something to it to make it taste good. Maybe some tuna? She has become very fussy in her old age as everyone here can attest to with their own older dogs. I added some fish oil capsule to her food today after clearing it with the vet and that gets her eating more of the dry.

All and all even with her fussy eating she is an amazing dog. She still drives me crazy to take her for a walk even in the rain last night. The little ones can do without a walk but not her. Now my life consists of work, getting Casey to eat 4 times a day, (I am home for about an hour at lunch) cooking for her and walking her then the two little ones. Now its bedtime and as I type this Oreo is snuggled at my feet, Casey on her blankets beside my bed and Desi in her bed by the dresser. Nice and cosy!!

Night everyone, love to all of you and your pups! :):):)

marie adams
11-03-2011, 11:47 PM
Hi Ellen,

Can Casey have yogurt? That might make it taste better. I am not sure it is okay with pancreatitis though...

It is great she still wants to be so active--just wonderful.:)

The three musketeers keep you busy--such a cute good night tucking in for all.:D

Best to you always!!

11-09-2011, 04:00 PM
Hi Ellen Just checking in to see how Casey and the gang is doing? Was just thinking about Casey while I was brushing Penny - Hope things are good??? Hugsssssssssss

Casey's Mom
11-29-2011, 09:22 AM
Yes Casey is doing great! I have her eating pumperknickle bread, gastro kibble, tuna and fish oil capsules. She has gained back two pounds since last month.

My little Havanese Desi spent the night in the hospital with Pancreatitis, this is my second time the first was last summer with Casey. Poor Desi, looked so small in the cage when I took up her bed at closing time. Just waiting to hear from the vets. She had no obvious signs, no diarrhea or vomiting but she was eating grass, refusing food (not too abnormal for a Hav) and at lunch she was stretching out and showing tenderness in her abdomen. I can't imagine what was different in her diet except I gave her a tiny piece of Purina Dentastix two nights in a row. (it came with a dog I was babysitting and she loved it)

Squirt's Mom
11-29-2011, 09:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

Always good to hear that Casey continues to do so well! Gaining back 2 lbs. is great and I know that made you feel so much better.

She had no obvious signs, no diarrhea or vomiting but she was eating grass, refusing food

Squirt was doing the exact same thing yesterday...worried her mom to pieces but seems better this morning. I hope Desi is back home very soon. It can take so very little to throw that finicky organ out of sorts and then it acts like a two year old having a temper tantrum!

Let us know how both your girls are doing and especially when Desi gets to come back home.

Hugs and prayers for all,
Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
11-29-2011, 06:33 PM
Desi is home now - doing just fine and back to normal. We caught it really quickly probably because I knew the signs from all my reading here! From the time she showed vauge signs in the morning to getting her hooked up to IV fluids was probably about 6 hours total. The vet said they have had 5 cases of Pancreatitis in a few weeks which is very unusual for them and one scary thought, one was a young 5 year old dog that from the time of onset until death was 24 hours. I think it was some type of ingredient in the Dentastiks in Desi's case but will never know for sure.

I am just so glad to have her happy and healthy and home. :)

11-29-2011, 09:32 PM
Ellen so glad Desi is fine!!! And glad you caught it quick - I wouldnt even know what to look for - maybe I need to ---- Casey is amazing - maybe I need to start fish oil?? she is still on Dasaquin - Adaquen Shots pepcid tramadol if needed at bedtime and rimadyl - its the only way I can get her to walk ---- uggg ---- now she is going for ultrasound and xray to update things -- hope you have a good holiday -- hugsssssss to all xoxo

Harley PoMMom
11-29-2011, 11:32 PM
So happy that Desi is home and feeling much better. Great job in recognizing the vague symptoms of pancreatitis and getting Desi to the vet.

Give sweet Casey some smoochies from me and sending lots of love and hugs to you all, Lori

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2011, 09:25 AM
Hey Ellen,

So glad Desi is back home and feeling better! You are a great mom, honey!

Leslie and the gang

11-30-2011, 01:22 PM
Hi Ellen,

I was sorry to read about Desi. So glad everything turned out okay.
Give both Casey and Desi hugs from me.

Zoe has munched grass a few times, in years gone by. :confused: Good for you for being so alert when Desi refused food. I didn't know Havenese were picky eaters. Have I ever told you how much I ADORE Havenese???????:D:D:D I LOVE THEM:):):):)

Thinking of you all,

Casey's Mom
12-06-2011, 07:44 PM
Yes I love them too and would have another in a heartbeat. I tell everyone I know that they are the most sweet natured and fun dog I have ever known. Great with everyone and everything!

I think she got into some suet that the birds dropped in the yard. Needless to say that suet ball is gone.

Love to everyone!

Bailey's Mom
12-07-2011, 07:07 PM
I'm glad things are back on track. Kudos to you for being so alert and quick acting.

marie adams
12-11-2011, 12:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

So happy for Desi getting better! I hope all is well with you and Casey too!!

Casey's Mom
12-21-2011, 11:14 PM
I have been away for 10 days but now home. Casey is doing well although my sitters said she had a few accidents but they don't really mind they know she is old. I know her schedule but it is difficult for others to care for her the same way I do. She is my heartbeat :)

Love to all,

Squirt's Mom
12-22-2011, 08:45 AM
Hi Ellen,

Glad you are back home safe and sound, and reunited with your sweet Casey. I just know she was glad to see you!

Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
12-22-2011, 09:29 AM
This morning Casey is outside and keeps going pee and I checked and saw a clot of blood in her urine. We are off to the vet -

Squirt's Mom
12-22-2011, 10:24 AM
When our Ruby did that, she had a UTI. Scared me to pieces, tho!

Let us know what you learn!

Leslie and the gang

12-22-2011, 11:17 AM
Ellen - i was just checking in to see how Casey was doing cause he always amazes me and I see you are at the vet - let me know how things go - hugssssss xo

Harley PoMMom
12-22-2011, 11:52 AM
Sending positive and healing thoughts. Hopefully this is just an UTI and antibiotics will be all that is needed. Please do let us know as soon as you can.

Love and hugs,

Casey's Mom
12-22-2011, 02:32 PM
UTI - thanks guys. My cushings angels were with us!!:):):)

01-18-2012, 09:11 PM
Just wanted to say Hello - how is Casey -- your last post was UTI - thats where Penny is at right now UTI--
Hope all of you have a healthy and happy New Year:)

hugsssss xoxo

Casey's Mom
01-20-2012, 11:16 PM
How is Penny's UTI?

Casey is amazing - and continues to amaze me. Not knowing she had a UTI it all makes sense now - she was waking me up between 3:30 and and 5:00 am to go outside. Now she sleeps from 9:30 to 7:30 am. Still loves her nightly walks but we go a little slower now. God willing she will be 16 in March:) I never ever thought I would see that day.

For all of the newcomers to this site have faith in all of the wonderful knowledge you will find here. It saved my girl, gave her a wonderful life and saved my sanity on numerous occasions>

Love and hugs,

01-21-2012, 12:23 AM
OMG Casey is my hero! just amazing:) Pennys UTI seems better - she still cant go thru the night but I think that is just her - still on

off rimadyl so she can try previcox
fish oil
adequan shots

Casey has good genes for sure!! bless him!!!

Love and hugs xoxo Give that boy a big kiss and hug from me:)

Casey's Mom
01-21-2012, 08:41 AM
Actually Casey is a girl :)

She takes L-Glutamine and Glucosamine Chondroitin as well as monthly Adequan shots.

You are definitely on the right track with Penny and so glad she is doing better.

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2012, 09:39 AM
Hi Ellen,

SO nice to hear how well our sweet Casey is doing! :) Sixteen! Wow...a testament to the great and loving care she has received at your hands. And a beautiful gal, too!

Leslie and the gang

01-21-2012, 09:54 AM
Ellen I did that before to - referred to sweet Casey as a him:o Its when a post about Casey I think of my cousins golden who was named Casey who was a he----see what happens when you post at 1am:D:D Sorry sweet girl:)

She is not on any other meds at this time? no cush meds just supplements? Penny has been off the trilo since September - just switching her to senior food - was on weight management but losing to much weight now - IMS said to try the senior blend

hugssss xoxo

Casey's Mom
01-21-2012, 05:48 PM
Oh yes she is on Cush meds. Lysodren 2x a week for 3 years now. If she wasn't on Cushings meds I shudder to think of her outcome.

I was lucky in having a vet diagnose her right away with a minimum amount of testing and steer me in the right direction with medication, as well as having my cushings angels here to guide me when I didn't understand how the meds actually worked or knowing when her cortisol is too high or too low and when we needed another ACTH stim. They have helped me with diet, arthritis issues, dealing with pancretitis, (now with two of my dogs), and answered all of my questions along the way. :)

Casey's Mom
01-26-2012, 07:01 PM
I have to share this because we all want good news right? Tonight when I came home I went on poop patrol in the yard with my three dogs and a bichon I am babysitting. Oreo wanted to play chase so I did that with him for a bit then Casey ran up to me and crouched so we played chase in the snow for about 15 minutes or so. She can get a good grip in the snow much better than my hardwood floors:(
Meanwhile Desi got into it too! I had three dogs going nuts running like stink in the yard:D:D:D

I am thinking of ordering Power Paws for her online. They are like socks with treads on the bottom to help older dogs on hardwood floors. The website is woodrowwear.com. May be of interest to some of you as well.

Casey's Mom
02-02-2012, 11:16 AM
My last post was so optimistic and today my news is not so good. Casey's back legs were getting very weak in the last week especially on the days that I gave her Lysodren. Then on Tuesday night somehow she must have been looking down the basement steps thinking I was down there and fell all the way to the bottom. :eek: She was okay for a few hours but the next morning she could hardly walk or stand. I took her to the vet yesterday where we checked three things. I had another urinalysis done because I wasn't convinced that her UTI was cleared up, the vet recommended we check her potassium levels in case of Addisons, and we did a spinal and hip xray.

Her urinalysis showed blood and some transitional cells, he talked about an ultrasound but no - at almost 16 i(next month) f she does have a tumor treatment is not an option. We gave her a long acting antibiotic that was an injection (Convenia). Her spinal Xray showed a disc problem in her spine mid way down the length. It is the discs getting closer together in one area with some calcificaton. :((Her hips are fine)This is causing her pain so she is on Robaxin and Prednisone. We are giving her until Monday to see if she will have good quality of life on these meds. If not I have made the decision that she will not suffer and I will put her out of pain on Monday.

She is better today, walking better - not great but better and also able to get up the three back steps on her own (I was busy in the kitchen and was going out to get her and there she was scratching on the back door). Her potassium levels are fine therefore no Addisons. Her attitude is great and she seems to not be in any pain, just difficulty walking but that could also be muscle soreness from the fall.

On the same day that she fell down the stairs our office was shut down which affected me and 700 others across the country. At the same time our parent company offered me a job and I have to be grateful that I was one of only 40 employees that received the offer.

I was supposed to leave for Toronto on Monday to start training for two weeks but I told HR of my dilemma and that I may have to put my dog to sleep Monday. They were very generous, gave me Monday as a holiday and I will fly out Monday night. My wonderful dogsitters are taking my dogs, perhaps Casey included for the time I am gone.

I don't think my life could be more stressful at the moment, but I have all of you wonderful people for support.:)

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
02-02-2012, 11:22 AM
Hi Ellen,

I am so sorry that Casey is having difficulties at the moment but I am going to hold to the belief that these meds will work and she will be feeling much better very soon, that "that day" will be far and away from Monday.

What a wonderful company you work for to be so understanding about your baby and her needs right now. Not many in my experience would be so kind but then they have a wonderful employee in you. ;)

Know we are here anytime you want to talk. We are right beside you and Casey, sending our support and love every second of the day.

Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

02-02-2012, 11:43 AM

I was just checking in to see how Casey was doing and now I am catching up on your last couple of posts. I am sorry that Casey had such a fall. I understand I said the same I don't want my girl to suffer. Casey has what Penny has with the disc being to close together and calcifications plus arthritis stenosis and ?? We were at the vet today cause she is having problems getting around. These drugs do help a lot. He offered

Tramadol for pain. Which works great on her
Rimadyl for inflamation which worked good but we went to previcox which didn't work as well for her going back to rimadyl
Also can include gabapentin.

He knows I hate all the meds and what they can do but right now its about quality of life.

Sending you and Casey lots of support strength prayers love and hugss....get better soon Casey. Xoxo

Harley PoMMom
02-02-2012, 12:39 PM
I, too, am so sorry to hear this news about sweet Casey and will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending mega tons of healing white light, love, and hugs...Lori

02-02-2012, 01:22 PM
Hi Ellen,

I am so sorry to hear about Casey and about you. What a tragic fall. I hope and pray she can recover with proper pain meds.

Thank goodness HR has a heart. What a worry for you. Trying to send strength your way.

We are here for you every step of the way, Ellen.


Casey's Mom
02-02-2012, 08:31 PM
You guys are great thank you. I do have tramadol for the pain but it makes her so loopy. She is a little better but still not enough strength in the back legs.

Yes my new employer is very understanding, and I hate being away for two weeks but sometimes work and supporting my dog habit (vet bills) gets in the way of what I really want to do and that is nurse my girl.

I am lucky that I can spend all the time in the world with her now before I go.

02-02-2012, 09:22 PM

Penny gets that loopy feeling also. But she gets such a good night sleep. Penny is 75lbs and takes 10 mg and her Rx says to take 1-1/2 pills up to three times a day:eek: she would be in a coma! But she takes 1 at bedtime and sometimes I will cut it in half if she isn't to bad. The next morning she can move around aliitle better. All dogs are different to how the meds effect them. Bt the vet said this is one med you can play with the dose. Start off with less if you need to give it to Casey and see how it goes.

Hugssssss xoxo penny is sending Casey a big wet kiss:D xo

Casey's Mom
02-02-2012, 10:54 PM
Thanks Cindy - I will try that. Her dose is premixed in a capsule and would be kind of difficult to split up but I could try. I am looking at the bottle now and Casey weighs 35 (she was 40 lb when this was prescribed) and her premixed capsules are 40mg. No wonder she was loopy. I can try and open the capsule and give her a small portion to see if that will help.

I really do have to be impartial to some extent and keep an open mind during the next few days. I need to make the right decision for her and not for me if that makes any sense.

Love and hugs,

02-02-2012, 11:06 PM
Ellen what are premixed capsules?

Bailey's Mom
02-03-2012, 02:26 AM
Hi Ellen.....

I am just getting caught up on here. I am so sorry for Casey's fall. Our first dog reached a point where she could see only shadows. We went to some of Bob's family for Thanksgiving that year (a long time ago) and someone left the door to the basement open. Poor little Peaches bounced all the way down....and of course she was scared to death. I was there when it happened, so I had to watch without being able to cushion her fall.

Peaches lived to 17.25 years. That Casey is about to reach 16 is wonderful. How fortunate for both of you.

With both of our prior dogs, we reached the point where we had to make that decision. I know how hard that is. I understand what you are feeling. It is such a helpless feeling. I understand completely what you mean when you say the right decision for her and not for you. It's a very tough call. With Peaches she had reached the point where her tail, which usually curled up and around (a PekePoo) was only up and around for about 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the night. She started having seizures which were dreadfully hard on her. I said to Bob-the only reason not to go ahead with this is a very selfish one. Her quality of life was so diminished. She was no longer perky. So, out of great love, we did what needed to be done.

I am so glad you will have the next 3 days to devote to Casey. You will always be very grateful that you had that. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will be looking for any news that you have. Enjoy that wonderful dog...for however long it turns out to be....maybe to 17.25 years old!:)


02-03-2012, 03:25 AM
Hi Ellen,

Sorry to hear about Casey's fall. My dog, Brin 15, has been having some balance issues recently (along with other major health problems) which the vet thinks is coming from discs in his spine too. He said that there is more chance of him recovering if we keep him completely rested, which is very hard with a springer spaniel, and that means not being allowed to climb any stairs at all as it puts pressure on the back and affects the nerves. He is alot better than he was a week ago. I am sending best wishes for Casey and hope she improves over the weekend.

Linda x

02-03-2012, 09:45 PM
My 11 year old husky Kodi was suffering from something we really didn't ever know what for sure. He went down hill so fast and we didn't have the money to spend on something that seemed so hopeless. Then something came up and we had to leave town for a few days. He had already spent the night at the critical care center. I asked them to keep him there until we got back. My mom planned to visit him every day. We stopped by there on our way out. In my heart I just knew he wouldn't make it until we got back. They suggested maybe it was time to go. So I just let him go then. I didn't want to make him suffer just so I could see him one more time.

02-03-2012, 11:02 PM
Hi Ellen-

I don't think I have posted before, but I wanted to offer my two cents. My dog, Hannah, has had some back problems (a disc in her middle back) recently. She is in pretty good health otherwise. The first time she had back problems I don't know what caused them, but she was painful and had difficulty walking. We went to the ER vet. They told me that prednisone often doesn't do the trick for dogs with these back problems. That used to be the main drug of choice. (I had a dog, Bailey, several years ago who was dragging both back legs by the time we knew something was wrong and they tried prednisone with no success and we had to put him to sleep). Anyway, she said now it was better to try an NSAID (we did a short run on Metacam for 5 days and it really helped). They also told me to completely rest her-no stairs, no jumping, no running, etc. at all because it can make it worse. It is a good sign that Casey is feeling better, but I would not let her do any of that activity. The painkiller is masking the pain. Also, we had TREMENDOUS success with acupuncture. She had four weekly treatments and was like a new dog. Also, she was shaken by a black lab about a month ago (he got her by the sweater and thought she was a toy) and her back was injured again. We had two rounds of acupuncture with major improvement again. I also know they now offer laser treatments for disc problems, and a host of other issues, with a lot of success. I am considering trying it for Hannah. It is actually a bit cheaper than acupuncture at my vet.

You do have to take the time to make the right decision for Casey and it is definitely hard to do. I just wanted to give you an option in case you feel that she does have more time. If your only hesitation is the back issue then acupuncture or laser treatment may be a good option.

I wish you and Casey the best.

Julie & Hannah

Casey's Mom
02-04-2012, 12:05 AM
Thank you Julie, I appreciate the advice however acupuncture is not an option as it is not available here. The other thing I keep thinking of is her age, she used to be 40 lbs is now 35 and is almost 16. She may also have some type of cancer because the blood and transitional cells in her urine are not clearing up and I have not been able to put weight on her for six months.

I am resigned to the fact that it is her time.I could keep her going, carrying her up and down the stairs but her breed is not a lap dog, she is a very active, hyper border collie mix and being unable to go for her nightly walk is not fair for her. Even though we went slowly around the block she looked forward to that every day. She doesn't have the quality of life she deserves. She came into my life as a puppy and gave me so much joy at a very hard time in my life. We have had wonderful times and memories, many long trail rides with her in the woods and me on my horse.

As a side note, when I was at the vet's on Wednesday he said that most people with cushings dogs keep them going maybe a year, year and a half because they can't deal with the issues - giving meds, testing, etc. He was amazed that we had done this for three years. We can all feel grateful for dealing with these issues and giving our dogs a longer, happier life with treatment - nevermind the inconvenience. We do it for the love of our pups.

02-04-2012, 07:35 AM
Dear Ellen,

Please give Casey many gentle loving hugs on behalf of all her family here. Tell her she is such a good girl. My heart aches for you this weekend. But through it all and for however much time you will have together, I know you will be mirroring the devotion with which Casey has been your true and loyal companion all these years. You will cradle her with love.

Such a good dog and such a precious spirit. Many, many hugs to you both.


Squirt's Mom
02-04-2012, 08:21 AM
Hi Ellen,

When Squirt was at Dr B's this week, I commented that she was soon to be 14. He raised his head from examining her and said, "You have done a really good job caring for her." He went on to say that I was his only client who would tackle an adrenal disorder - all his other clients just can't/couldn't face all the "bells and whistles" that go along with caring for a dog with Cushing's or Addison's. My reply was, "She is my world, my child, my pride and joy, and she deserves the best I can give her." He said he wished everyone felt that way, his job would be so much more rewarding.

Our moms and dads here are truly unbelievable people with hearts and love too huge to measure. You and Casey are shining proof of this fact. The two of you give me, and others, the courage to keep fighting. "Precious spirits", both of you.

Now we stand by you and Casey with all our love. Our arms are reaching out to catch you when you feel the need to fall; our shoulders are here to lay your head against and let your tears flow; our spirits surround you always, you are never alone.

Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
02-04-2012, 09:29 AM
Thank you everyone, I feel like I personally know all of you. You have touched my heart in so many ways as I have known your tears and your joy. I have been right beside you as you have gone through the same difficult time I am now facing and knowing that you are there for me is so uplifting.

Marianne, you were there from the beginning for me and I will forever be grateful that you were there for me. Leslie, I feel like I know you like a sister and your words always make me cry(but in a good way!) you should be a writer. You have a gift. Linda and Susan, I remember all too well your pain with Spicey and Palmer. I am also happy that you have pups in your life to share your love.

Janis, my heart has ached right along with yours. You are an incredible owner and your dogs are so lucky to have you.

Cindy - thank you for checking up on me and for being there with Casey and I in the middle of the night. Her premixed capsules were compounded by the pharmacist.

Julie and Hannah, thank you Hannah has an amazing owner and she looks like such a sweetie.

My girl is resting comfortably on her bed. Tonight her dogsitters and my sister are coming for a visit. Her favourite people. She will be showered with love.

Thank you all,

02-04-2012, 09:58 AM
Hi Ellen,

I just wanted to tell you that I will be thinking of you this weekend as well. It sounds like you have thought things through very carefully, and for what it's worth, it sounds to me like you have come to the correct conclusion.

It is so hard to make this difficult decision, but you are exactly right in your thoughts about deciding for your dog and not for yourself. She has lived a long life, and from what I have read, you have done an amazing job caring for her and thinking of her needs. I am so glad you have this time with her this weekend.

We're all here for you for whatever you need. You and Casey are in my thoughts...

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
02-04-2012, 10:18 AM
Dear Ellen,

We all do understand the difficult decision you are facing and our hearts and arms, filled with love, are reaching out to you.

Give sweet Casey some hugs and kisses from me and I am sending more loving hugs your way...Lori

02-04-2012, 01:52 PM
I'm absolutely 'gutted' to read about this very difficult time for you. You have been a great mum and I'm sure Casey knows it. The bond you two have will last forever and one day you will be united again. Sending love 'n' hugs your way dear Ellen.
Leah and Maya

02-04-2012, 01:54 PM
Ellen, I am here too thinking of you and Casey, sending all my love and support.


02-04-2012, 03:34 PM

I am sorry for what you have to go through but I hope knowing that you gave Casey a wonderful 16 years helps. The care and love you have given her shows what a wonderful mom you are. Casey knows that and has shown that with her love and commitment to you.

Casey has always been that WOW dog to me. You know she has amazed me from the first day you posted with me on 1/18/11-- you were the first person to welcome me here.

Enjoy your time with your girl...she is truly amazing for sure.
Please give her a kiss and hug from me and Penny and tell her how special she is to us. She will always be my WOW girl!

Support , strength, prayers, love and hugs xoxo

Bailey's Mom
02-04-2012, 03:39 PM
Hi Ellen-thanks for stopping by this morning. I'm here just to give you a big, warm hug. In ways you may not understand right now, you are so blessed to know where you are headed in the next few days and that you can concentrate you love and attention on Casey.

Tell Casey "hi", give yourselves hugs. I look forward to hearing from you,as you see fit.

John II
02-04-2012, 03:41 PM
Dear Ellen,
I'm so sorry to hear this news about Casey. About her fall. About how everything seems to be coming at you all at once. Please know that we are with you through this difficult and heartbreaking time. (((((HUGS)))))

02-04-2012, 06:20 PM
Dearest Ellen,

I saw your post on FB, and I had to come on the forum.

I am so sorry for what you're going through right now. I know how difficult it is to make this decision. Casey will let you know when it's time for her to cross the bridge.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sending lots of love and special hugs your way.

02-04-2012, 09:53 PM
Ellen....thinking of you and your family this weekend....lots of hugs and kisses coming for your sweet girl....please take care....(((HUGS)))

02-04-2012, 11:12 PM
sob ((((((hug))))))

Casey's Mom
02-04-2012, 11:50 PM
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

It was a difficult night being with her dogsitters who love her dearly saying - what if? Then coming to the same realization as I and saying goodbye on the floor with their tears. I know I cannot put her on painkillers for the rest of her life to make her life comfortable getting up and in the house. She deserves so much more than that. She is my angel, my soul, my heart.

02-05-2012, 08:00 AM
Ellen, I just want to thank you so much for giving us all the chance to say good-by to Casey, too. I think it is very brave of you to open your own heart to the pain that all the rest of us are also feeling. But by letting us know what is happening, I've found myself thinking of sweet Casey so often during these past days -- and hoping that somehow my warm thoughts are making their way to her from across the miles.

Sending many more hugs again this day -- to you both.

02-05-2012, 08:47 AM
Dear Ellen,

I looked to you and Casey when I first came here. Your thread gave me hope. Thank you for sharing your journey with Casey.

Love you both,

Squirt's Mom
02-05-2012, 09:23 AM
Many hugs, much love, and loads of gentle belly rubs and ear scritches for you both.

Holding you both tight in my heart. I remember well our last weekend with Ruby and will always be grateful for that time with her.

Leslie and the gang

02-05-2012, 09:28 AM

I am still thinking of you and Casey and want you to know my thoughts are with you during this really difficult time. I have cried every time I read posts on your thread these past few days because I can remember that feeling when I had to put my dog Bailey to sleep several years ago. I can also imagine how it is going to feel if it comes to that time with Hannah. I dread it.

But you have helped me to remember that it when it comes to that time, even though it is hard, you just know it is right because you have to think of your pet and not yourself. When their life is not the same as it once was and they are no longer happy or able to do the things they enjoy, we need to do the most challenging thing of all for us because it will bring them relief and peace.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences during this time. You have been an absolutely wonderful mom to Casey.

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
02-05-2012, 11:55 AM
Hi Ellen-I must echo what Marianne said. This is so generous of you. It is a very sad time, but there is so much support for you and for Casey. Make your choice, out of love, then never regret. I am with you all the way.

02-05-2012, 01:29 PM
Ellen, Sending love and strength. Kim

02-05-2012, 03:52 PM
Dear Ellen,

I just want to say God Bless you and your sweet Casey. I'm deeply sorry for your great pain.

Tight hugs.

Jeanette and Princess

Casey's Mom
02-05-2012, 08:14 PM
My friends I cherish each and every one of you.

I bought Casey some steak and some spinach nuggets- She loved the spinach nuggets (we found this out last night when we gave her one, they were appetizers) and was so so about the steak. My fussy girl. In the old days it would have been steak all the way.

She is better today but her hind end sinks to the ground whenever she stops walking. We went on a short, slow walk for another sniff around and I tried to ingrain into my brain her back and head - the view that I have had for so long when we walk.

I try not to second guess myself about tomorrow, she is still happy and loving and can get around, she can still climb the 3 back steps into the house and I don't want her to she sneaks it in but I carry her down. However I know she will only get worse in time. Also my sister says they don't show pain because then they would be attacked in the wild.

She my girl and I won't keep her going for selfish reasons.

I will be up for a while. Tomorrow after the vets I have to get on a plane so if I don't respond its because I am travelling. I will post tomorrow night from my hotel room.

Again thank you to all of you for your love and support, you love unconditionally and then you get it back in return.

Love and many hugs to each and every one of you. Love your pups and give them lots of love from me tonight.

02-05-2012, 09:16 PM
What a wonderful tribute this is to the cainine species. Those wonderful creatures that incourage us to love them as one of our own. I know that at least for me there will always be one in my life and another gone. You are doing the right thing.

02-05-2012, 10:08 PM
my heart goes out to each of you......this is a horribly difficult decision to make, relieving ones suffering, knowing how your heart and soul will suffer by offering peace to a broken soul. Most selfless act of love......
you love enough to set free of pain, you love enough to never forget, may the entire heavens hold you as they welcome sweet Casey eternally home free from all pain, Casey will remain with you always, and in time, guide your heart to the one who is in need of the love you give.

02-05-2012, 10:22 PM
Ellen and Casey

Love hugs and prayers xo

Casey's Mom
02-05-2012, 11:47 PM
Oh my heart is starting to break now.

Tonight as I sat on the couch she has been across from me on her bed. She would watch me with her head down on her bed I would meet her eyes we would look at each other and then she would close her eyes. This has gone on for two hours as if we were each trying to hold on to the sight of each other. She is now snoring. This reminds me of how old she is, she never used to snore until this past year.

I want to sleep on the couch so I am here all night or I may take her up to my room for one last night together. I don't know if my heart will let me sleep tonight.

02-06-2012, 12:20 AM
My heart goes out to you.


Harley PoMMom
02-06-2012, 12:23 AM
Oh Ellen,

My heart is breaking for you both and I am sending huge loving hugs your way.

Bailey's Mom
02-06-2012, 01:58 AM
Hi Ellen-

I wish for you the strength you need for you and for Casey. I wish for both of you peace. I hope, if this is what happens, that you have as loving an experience as I did. Much gentleness to you and Casey. Somehow we always get to a point where we know that's what we need to do. When that time comes there are no more questions. Please give Casey a big hug and a kiss from me. Palmer is looking forward to meeting her! Peace be with you.


02-06-2012, 03:24 AM

Thinking of you today knowing exactly how you feel. God Bless you and Casey.

Linda x

02-06-2012, 07:00 AM
We are holding you in our hearts, Ellen. And all our angels will be there to greet Casey at the moment of release. She will never be alone, either. I am sending you strength and enormous hugs. And now the tears are coming.

Fare thee well, sweet Casey. Fare thee well.


John II
02-06-2012, 07:15 AM
Dear Ellen & Casey,

Thinking of you today.

02-06-2012, 07:38 AM
Dearest Ellen,

Whichever path you choose today will be difficult. We are here to walk with you and hold you, support you and care.


02-06-2012, 08:08 AM
Ellen, continued love and strength sent your way. xoxo Kim

02-06-2012, 08:30 AM
Thinking of you both today....(((HUGS)))....Lady too will be there to greet her....

02-06-2012, 08:42 AM
God be with you. All of us here know where your going today. We are all in tears. God bless you Casey.

Squirt's Mom
02-06-2012, 08:44 AM
Dear Ellen,

Oh, honey, you and Casey will never lose sight of each other. When two souls are bound by love, that bond can never be severed. Nothing has the power to cleave that bond, nothing, honey.

My heart aches for you, my tears are flowing, prayers are rising.

Your k9c family is by your side always. You are not alone, Ellen.

Leslie and the gang

02-06-2012, 09:31 AM

I am thinking of you today and sending lots of hugs your way. There are many of us with you, so know you are not alone.

Julie & Hannah

Casey's Mom
02-06-2012, 11:44 AM
It is with much sadness that I post her passing. She went very peacefully with me by her head and Nancy stroking her, Don just beside and my favourite vet tech Dawn and her wonderful compassionate vet.

Do not be afraid of this day, I know that I did the right thing and that I didn't wait too long. I have a feeling of relief and also knowledge that she is in a better place, running free with all of her former dog and horse friends. I actually felt a light course through my body afterwards as I had my hand on her head and the other on her shoulder, I asked the heavenly powers to take them into her care and I am certain that she is there now.

My sweet darling Casey,

Harley PoMMom
02-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Oh Ellen,

I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your sweet Casey...our sweet Casey. She had the best mom in the world and was surrounded by deep love. We will all miss her.

Letting them go is so very hard but it is a decision we make out of the deepest love from our heart.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending tons of love and hugs.

Godspeed sweet Casey.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

02-06-2012, 12:45 PM

I am so sorry for the passing of Casey. Don't ever doubt your decision. Today was about Casey and what you did was for the love you have for her. Casey is free of all her pain and is running free and meeting up with all her friends. You have 16 years of beautiful memories to hold on to and that is vey special. Casey loved her mom so much and will always be thankful for being so loving and caring to her all these years. You have a bond that will go on forever......it will be hard for you no doubt but just keep remembering the good times and that she is happy and pain free.

Run free Angel Casey....Run free.

Casey you will always be our WOW dog and always have a special place in our hearts. You wll be missed so much.

Love, hugs and prayers,
Cindy and Penny xoxo

02-06-2012, 01:50 PM
Godspeed dear Casey.


Bailey's Mom
02-06-2012, 02:45 PM
Fly away Casey-fly away. You are free, whole, well. Run and jump and play.
Ellen, you two will meet again. I have no doubt that you took a very courageous act and that it was done with great thought and love and that it was right. Your image of your holding her is exactly my image of Palmer. It is so heartwarming when we can send them off with peace and so much love.

02-06-2012, 03:59 PM
Casey had the best mom ever!

02-06-2012, 04:34 PM

Love is letting go when it is time. It doesn't make it any easier but it is the right thing to do. Casey was so loved and will be missed.


Squirt's Mom
02-06-2012, 05:40 PM
May I Go

Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days and endless nights?
I've lived my life and done my best, an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond, and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now to a warm and living light.
I want to go, I really do; it's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid, because I see your tears.
I'll not be far, I promise that, and hope you'll always know,
That my spirit will be close to you wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
And that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.
So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say,
Because you care so much for me, you'll let me go today.

by Susan A. Jackson

02-06-2012, 06:01 PM
((((hugs)))) Casey is free from pain now...and may the angels comfort and ease yours....

02-06-2012, 06:09 PM
Ellen, I am so very sorry for your loss. I've been reading your posts and I can't even tell you how much I admire you for the thoughtful and loving way you handled things since making your very difficult decision to set Casey free. When that time comes for me, I pray that I can be as brave as you and that my love will guide me as much as your love for Casey guided you.

Godspeed, Sweet Casey.

(((Huge Comforting Hugs)))

02-06-2012, 06:27 PM
:( It's all I can say right now, sorry.

Tight hugs too...Jeanette and Princess

marie adams
02-06-2012, 07:14 PM
Dear Ellen,

I am so glad you and Casey had 16 wonderful years together. I know well making that decision that "today is the day". You have done far better than I did a year ago. :(

You were there when we first started the journey with Cushings and have been there still. You are such a wonderful person. Casey was close in size and type of dog as Maddie so you helped me understand what changes I could see and how it would improve--Thank you!!! :)

I am sending my (((HUGS)))) to you and now Casey and Maddie have met up with each other -- running free as they did in their youth.:)

02-06-2012, 08:19 PM

I agree completely with what Glynda said. I can only hope I can have your attitude and bravery when I come to that time.

My thoughts are with you...

Julie & Hannah

Casey's Mom
02-06-2012, 08:44 PM
Thank you everyone, you all mention my bravery but remember that here I am in a strange hotel room and now not so brave.

I can feel her here on the bed beside me her presence is so strong that I reach out to feel her coat.

It is strange to imagine her here on the bed as she only did that when she was much younger but then I have to remember that I did have her for a long time as a senior dog. She was actually considered senior at 9!

I miss my other dogs at home but I think in a way it is good for me to be away right now and just concentrate on Casey and my happy memories.

To each and every one of you your support love and kindness is the most incredible thing, if only all dog owners could experience the support we have the world would be a much better place.

Love and hugs,

02-06-2012, 09:54 PM
I remember so well what this time feels like. Seems odd that over a year ago can still feel like yesterday. I still talk about Mira to anyone who will listen. She comes up in general converstions so easy. Anyway... I will be here all night if you need someone to talk to. I'll even give you my email address if you wish. You are a much stronger person then me. Maybe you just want to be alone. But you don't have to be. I will stay close by all night ok. :'(

02-06-2012, 09:54 PM
Dear Ellen, I'm just now reading and I join the others in sending my condolences to you on the loss of dear sweet Casey. Heaven just got a new angel and like Marianne said - our cush pups no doubt greeted Casey with huge hugs and kisses and I am sure my Haley is showing her the ropes and sharing where all the best treats are hidden. ;)

I too hope that I have the strength and can handle the situation as gracefully as you have. I admire you and please do know you were a wonderful mom to Casey. Take care and get some rest friend. Know we are here for you. Kim

02-06-2012, 10:37 PM
Dear Ellen - I just saw all the candles for Casey and am so saddened to read that your sweet baby went to the bridge. Sending you love, peace, and good thoughts during this difficult time. May happy memories help you heal.

Sabre's Mum
02-06-2012, 11:14 PM
Dear Ellen

I am so sorry for your loss of your dear Casey. She lived a long wonderful life with a fabulous owner. Thinking of you from down under.

Lots of hugs
Angela and Flynn

02-07-2012, 02:19 AM
i so wish words could ease your pain, but i know they cant. as one is freed of pain to embrace life newly and eternally another heart is heavy with pain and sorrow for the loss of the life that gave their life eternal happiness.............eternal........let sorrow wash through and out with tears.........and your heart hold dear the memories of eternal loving thoughts and memories..........keep them dancing in your heart........for the dance will lead you to where you need to be to perhaps open your arms and share in the dance again.
sending love, strength,support

02-07-2012, 02:45 AM
((((((((hugs))))))))) :'(

maybe you would tell us about a happy memory with Casey?

I lit a candle for Casey and all the ones I've lost. Four of them... All huskys.

02-07-2012, 02:48 AM

I am so sorry that Casey has passed away. My thoughts are with you. We are all here for you just as you have been for us.

Linda x

John II
02-07-2012, 08:24 AM
Dear Ellen,

I can only echo what everyone else has said.

You did everything you could to help Casey, up to and including letting her go and releasing her from her pain.

My thoughts, prayers, tears and hugs are with you.

Jenny & Judi in MN
02-07-2012, 08:34 AM
I'm so very sorry. It sounds like Casey had a wonderful life. xoxo

02-07-2012, 08:38 AM

I'm so sorry for your loss of Casey. What a wonderful life the two of you had for so long! Casey knows that you loved her beyond belief. Picture her in your mind as that sweet puppy girl of long ago.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann

Roxee's Dad
02-07-2012, 12:54 PM
Dear Ellen,
I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace Sweet Casey, You are now our newest and brightest star in the sky.

02-07-2012, 03:07 PM
Rest in peace beautiful, sweet Casey.....please stay close to us Ellen and take good care of yourselves.

Bailey's Mom
02-07-2012, 03:47 PM
Hi Ellen..........just wanted to know I'm thinking of you and of Casey. I hope today has been bearable and I hope you were able to sleep some last night. I too think maybe it was best that you were off by yourself, to allow yourself the space to let the feelings flow. On the other hand, a strange hotel room never is as neat as it was when we were kids. I am sure you felt quite alone.

I also lit a candle for Casey and one for Palmer.


Casey's Mom
02-07-2012, 07:31 PM
I couldn't wait to end my training class and dinner so that I could come back to be with you all. Your messages give me so much strength and love.

Casey loved children, if ever there was a child over for a visit or we met one on a walk she went crazy to kiss them all over. I had to hold her back but if the child loved dogs then they would lie down on the floor and she would squirm and kiss their faces over and over while they laughed and laughed which would only make her go crazy to kiss them some more.

The first time I brought her to visit my sister on the farm and before I moved there she was only three months old. My sister had Sasha a collie lab mix and she would sit on front lawn by the house overlooking the hill that sloped into the horse pasture. Casey loved to sit with Sasha and look at the horses. My sister and I went out for dinner and she talked me into leaving Casey outside with Sasha while we went into town. I was nervous as heck but when we came home there both of the dogs were curled up into a ball but with one eye still on the horses in the pasture. When we did live on the farm I just had to look out the kitchen window and there were Casey and Sasha, curled up into balls on the front lawn or stretched out in summer. In winter they would lie there with snow all over them for hours.

I have lots of stories to tell, she had a lifetime and them some of stories. Thank you for letting me share.

Yesterday her presence here was so strong I felt like she was still with me. Today I have a huge lump in my throat, tears in my eyes and an ache in my chest. Now that I am back on the bed in the hotel room I pray that I will feel her presence with me again.

Love and hugs everyone,

02-07-2012, 07:36 PM

Thank you for sharing your stories about Casey with us.

I can feel your love for her through your words.

I know Angel Casey will be besides you tonight and always.

Please continue to share your stories.

All my prayes, love and hugs to you. xoxoxo

Love you Angel Casey - continue to watch over Mom

02-07-2012, 10:22 PM
Ellen...I love the story of Casey and Sasha curled up sleeping but keeping an eye on the horses. I too hope she stays close to you in the coming days, especially while you're away training.
Hope you can sleep well tonight....

Bailey's Mom
02-08-2012, 12:16 AM
Hi Ellen....I hope you're asleep by now.

I love the story about Casey and Sasha....but more so of Casey and kids.

Ryan came for a visit this past weekend. He stretched out on the floor (all 6' 1" of him) and Bailey kept going from side to side....using Ryan as a bridge. All the while, her tail was wagging fiercely.

What is the class about?


02-08-2012, 04:21 AM
Loved the story on the farm. Casey had a pal named Sasha. I had a Sasha once. Husky she lived 15 1/2 years bless her heart.

And You made a mad dash back here to the forum to visit with us. That's so cool. I hope your work there is going ok. I fear I would be a muddled mess.

You sence her around you. Maybe shes making sure you are ok. I remember when Mira died the wind came up here feircely and i kept picturing her doing the dog crazies out there in the sky. Wooshing by, upset that she wasnt with me. The wind blew for days.

Tell us more!!

Squirt's Mom
02-08-2012, 09:18 AM
I could see Casey and Sasha on that hill, hair ruffled in the breeze, noses twitching with the rich scent of Horse, dreaming of running free in the fields behind the thunder of hooves. What a wonderful, wonderful image.

But the most poignant thing you have said was when you felt Casey's Spirit going through you. This tells me that she filled you with her Essence so you would know she would always be with you, so that you would know how very much she loves you. This was an incredible gift and speaks to the bond you and Casey share - a bond that nothing can break.

My thoughts and prayers remain with you.

Casey's Mom
02-08-2012, 10:54 PM
Hello my friends,

Leslie when Casey passed it was definitely the most amazing experience I have ever had with an animal. The doctor left my sister and I alone with her and our tears .I had one hand on her head and another on her shoulder and I don't know what possessed me to do this but I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. I was at peace, perhaps with some relief and I don't know how but I felt a white energy force travel through me and up out of me. This energy somehow gave me a feeling of joy after all the tears. That feeling of peace has somehow stayed with me. I think it was her spirit traveling up to heaven. If we are open to communicating with our animals through touch and energy which I have always tried to do I believe that we can have better conversations with our pets.

Whenever we went for a walk people would always talk to her and tell her how beautiful she was. She was definitely a people dog and loved them and they all gravitated to her, must have been that friendly smile she had.

Tonight I can feel her presence and I feel blessed. Blessed to have all of you with me.

Love and hugs,

02-08-2012, 11:02 PM
Hi Ellen,

What an amazing experience you had. Thanks for sharing your stories about Casey.

I've been thinking of you and I'm hoping you'll feel Casey with you again tonight and that you'll feel at peace.

Julie & Hannah

02-08-2012, 11:15 PM
Hi Ellen

Was just thinking about you and Angel Casey.

Love hugs and prayers xoxo

Harley PoMMom
02-08-2012, 11:34 PM
Tonight I can feel her presence and I feel blessed. Blessed to have all of you with me.

It is truly we who have been so blessed, blessed to have known sweet Casey through you and to have you both in our lives.

With much love and hugs,

02-09-2012, 12:28 AM
Truly touching stories. I am touched by the love and experiences you shared. My thoughts are with both of you.

02-09-2012, 12:49 AM
I just read your thread and wanted to say how sorry I am about the passing of sweet Casey. She had a good life with you and you always made the right decisions for her, even the hardest one. You will be in each other's hearts forever. Fly free precious angel. Godspeed and God bless.

02-09-2012, 04:35 AM
I'm listening too.

02-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Me too....I checked in last night and you were on but hadn't posted yet. Will check back in tonight to see how you're getting on....

Bailey's Mom
02-10-2012, 12:15 AM
Hi Ellen-

Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. I hope you are "managing."


02-10-2012, 12:36 AM

Love and hugs xo

Casey's Mom
02-10-2012, 07:02 AM
Thank you everyone. I wasn't able to get on last night because of connection issues so I missed all of your posts. Thank you.
Flying home today then back Sunday. I can't wait to pick up Desi and Oreo from the sitters, then wondering how they will react to Casey not being there. Wondering how I am going to be with Casey not there....

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind thoughts and support.

02-10-2012, 09:06 AM
Ellen, have a safe trip home and give Desi and Oreo some huge hugs for us, OK? We'll be anxious to hear how the weekend goes for all three of you.


Lady's mom
02-10-2012, 09:34 AM
Just now reading this. I am so sorry for your grief and loss, but glad you were able to give her this last great gift.

02-10-2012, 02:05 PM
Ellen... I almost left a note of compaint that you hadn't checked in last night. LOL (sheepish smile) I too wonder what going home will be like. Hold tight, and know we will all be with you in spirt.
Neeka's breeder had this thing she wrote on her web page that went something like: Don't morn for what you lost, just be happy that it happened. I never mastered this but I thought it was worth mentioning.

02-10-2012, 08:07 PM
Hope you're all home now and adjusting to the new world....will be thinking of you over the weekend and waiting for your posts. Take care...(((HUGS)))

02-10-2012, 09:17 PM
I know how hard it was to go home today......but Desi and Oreo must of been thrilled to see mom!! Thinking of you.

Love hugs and prayers xoxo

Bailey's Mom
02-11-2012, 12:58 AM
Hi Ellen. Rest well.

02-11-2012, 01:32 AM
Hi Ellen. I hope you are finding peace tonight. I'm picturing you sitting beside your dogs explaining it all to them, as they sit there solumly listening. I have thought in the past that dogs do mourn the loss of a pal. But I'm not sure, it could be explained as something else too. The world is differant for them, who knows. They will surely feel the sadness from you. Ok now tell something funny you remember about the lot of them. I actually like to walk in the dark alone and talk to the one who is now gone.

The only thing a dog does wrong, is not live long enough. .. Xxxooo

Casey's Mom
02-12-2012, 09:25 AM
Sorry for not posting sooner. It has been a whirlwind coming home Friday night then leaving again today. I babysit little dogs so I had one with me already Miyah the Daschund - love her - and Rosie a little black and tan corgi something mix - love her too! These two little ones were already with me when I found out that I had to go to Toronto in 5 days so my dogsitters happily took them in. I told the owners and they were fine with it - they figure if they are good enough for my dogs they don't have to worry and they are right!

Don had picked up the dogs from my babysitters so I came home to 4 happy little ones. It was fun and joyful but there was someone missing. Right away I noticed Desi was not herself and was sad. She is still sad and I can see it in her eyes. She has huge almond shaped eyes that are typical of the Havanese and I really notice when she is sick and now I see sadness. She is not playing with the other dogs she is just sleeping and looking at me with those mournful eyes. Oreo is fine he came to us later on and still stays with my sister when I have too many little ones around especially other boys - they can get into peeing contests :eek:

If someone here could please direct me to a site where I can help her or understand her grief I would be grateful. I know that we must have them in our resource section.

It is very hard not to miss my Casey - I still have her beds out and the little ones are happy that I don't shoo them off them anymore. I know that I did the right thing for my girl. I think the older they get the more prepared you are - I had her for two years longer than I ever thought she would live. 16 is a very advanced age for a 40 lb dog I believe.

When she was 4 and we lived on the farm she went missing. I looked and looked for her and then a friend and I looked for her on our horses -no luck. That night I was physically sick with grief and worry and it carried on for two more days. I will never forget those feelings of hopelessness, despair and worry. It was physically and mentally incapacitating.

I called the local humane society to see if anyone had dropped her off and no one had. On the third day I went back to work. At the time I taught riding at a local horse stable. A dear friend of mine had gone to the humane society (similar to a pound but they also rescue and adopt dogs) and gave them Casey's description. The woman on staff said that someone had called in a description of a similar dog. My friend called them, went to the house and there was Casey! Casey had gone about 5 miles due south through the woods and was probably chased because we later found a tooth mark on her back , just a scrape. In those days man she was quick because she was getting lots of exercise running the trails with us on horseback.

Casey had seen a little girl playing in her yard and ran right over to her. Luckily the mom loved her too and they kept her - bought her dog food and cookies and let her sleep on the little girl's bed. They had called in her description to the humane society but weren't going to leave her there because they realized what a nice, friendly, happy dog she was.

My friend came to visit me at work and called over to me - I looked and out jumped Casey from her car :D:D:D I cannot explain the joy the relief and happiness. She went crazy running circles everywhere and barking. The family who took her in got a huge basket of goodies from me and Casey and I lived happily ever after :p

Love to all of you, enjoy your pups.

Squirt's Mom
02-12-2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Ellen,

I am so sorry Desi is having a difficult time right now. I don't thing that is all that uncommon and there are things you can do to help him adjust. Time will help him just as it does us and your tender love is, as always, the very best medicine.

We had to put our old mare down this summer and our gelding went through a difficult mourning period. He would barely eat, he would call and call and call for her all hours of the day and nite, and wear himself out racing around looking for her...then he would seem to realize she still wasn't there, and he would just stand with his head hanging down. Everything about his body posture said "sad".

I made it a point to spend a lot of extra time with him, touching him, talking to him, just standing or sitting in the pasture with him...I even spent a couple of nites on a lawn chair with him because he was so distraught I was afraid he might run through the fencing. I gave him special, extra treats to encourage him to eat. But what I think helped him most of all was touch and talk. Just that simple connection helped him accept Baby's loss and move on, tho it took time. He still misses her at times, I think, but he is no longer depressed.

Here are some links about grief in dogs -

Grieving dogs – how to help






Bailey's Mom
02-12-2012, 03:32 PM
Nice story, Ellen.


02-12-2012, 06:51 PM
Ellen... Yes just like that. All of it. I had a husky die at 15 1/2 and one at 7. No comparison. Like you the older one hurt like hell but I was so greatful to have her so long. She moved slowly into death and when it was time to go, I was heart broke but greatful. The young one was the exact opposite. Sudden and never ready to go.

Three days! OMG... I'll never forget the day I came out of our motor home parked in our front yard and saw the front door open. And recalling a noise at the motor home door that I thought was the wind. Yup my Sasha was gone! I found her about two hours later.. Man Three days not knowing. God bless your freind who jumped in to continue the search when you couldn't. How thrilled she must have been to return Casey to you!

I'm so glad you find solice in the company of your the other dogs. I don't believe in suffering more then you have too.

I'm worried about Desi. Once I mistook illness for sadness after the death of a dog. That's not to say there wasn't sadness too but maybe the ability to ward off illness fails. My Sasha almost died from a infected uterus four months after Sigh died. And Kira who knew something bad was happen to Mira was diagnosed with Cushings. Maybe even a loss of will to live. An all important element. Poor Desi.

Did you see the cover of Time magazine this month? "Animal Friendships" it's about friendships between animals. Dogs to other dogs and that in so many differant kinds. Desi and the others surely miss Casey. Well I'm sure you will be keeping close watch on your Desi.

Storys about our precious ones alone in this dangerous world sure remain clear in our minds for sure.

How sweet they want Casey's bed.

I think it was good you got to go home briefly and get past this step in remember Casey. Hang in there Ellen.

02-12-2012, 07:13 PM

Beautiful touching story -- My Amber missed her son Cosmo when he passed - she was very said - I just gave her all the loving and attention I could - it got better. You are a great mom - you will help each other to get through this --prayers things get better each day.

Leslie - Also a touching story - I can imagine you laying in the lawn chair with your horse - just beautiful!!

all my love and hugs xo

Casey's Mom
02-13-2012, 12:19 AM
Janis I did see that article in Time magazine about animal friendships. It jumped out at me in the Toronto airport. Strange timing on that one.

Back at the hotel in Toronto till Friday - dogless:(

Night all.

02-13-2012, 01:15 AM
Dogless?? Bark bark bark.... whine!!! Lick....lick .... Whine-yawn. Does that help at all?

02-13-2012, 01:38 AM
It must be hard to be dogless and away from home...hope you have sweet dreams.......here for you.....

Love and hugs xo

marie adams
02-13-2012, 03:52 PM
Hi Ellen,

What a wonderful story!!! I would have been just like you looking everywhere. For me one of my complusions is I have to find what it is I am missing.:p

See, you did such a wonderful job making Casey who she was that someone else wanted her. It was a happily ever after story.:)

I see you have some links now for Desi's mourning. I hope they help!!!:)


02-13-2012, 07:13 PM
Ok so your back to work now. Maybe Desi is offering you a little distraction as she sits there telling you. I need you mommie. I hope the new job is going well. Let's us know how you are.

Casey's Mom
02-13-2012, 10:37 PM
No not at work yet - back training and at the hotel till Friday night - dogless. Janis you made me laugh:p

I can't wait to go back home because my dogsitters are having us for a late dinner when I get home and I will go pick up my Desi and Oreo, have fun then home. On Sunday night I will have my babysitters two Havanese for my guys to play with for a week or so. I even talked to Desi's breeder about a puppy but that is crazy I know that I can't have 3 dogs again plus all of the ones I babysit. Wish, wish, wish though!!

Starting a new job next Tuesday, same type of work just a different company and different way of doing things. They are coming to set up my new home office so I will be home more for the pups. Just hope I don't get too distracted because I need to work :)

Did you see the photos of Casey that Terry(Mytil) put together on the In Loving Memory page? Wonderful work - I downloaded that image onto my phone so I can look at her all day in class.

Thank you for being there for me - love you all!

02-14-2012, 12:06 AM
Beautiful pics of Casey! Great job Terry. That's was so nice:)

Wishing you luck in your new job. So nice you will be working from home. The little ones will be so happy!:)

Sending lots and lots of love and hugs xoxo

Harley PoMMom
02-14-2012, 12:13 AM
The pictures of Casey are just beautiful.

The best of luck with your new job and remember we are always here for you, please keep us posted.

Love and huge hugs,

02-14-2012, 06:59 PM
Hi Ellen....I was thinking that Desi must be missing you too....and maybe she's wondering why you came back but Casey didn't. I feel so helpless sometimes wondering what is going on in their minds when things change around them. Desi will love having you around more and we're going to be a distraction for you too! :p
Only 3 more days left in this week....wish I could tell Desi that too. Take care.

02-15-2012, 07:22 AM
I'm so glad I'm not the only one to inquire about puppies. Mira was only 3 or 5 days gone when I did. That's when I found out about Mira's niece, who is now my Neeka. If you got a hole in your heart, fill it. You won't forget about the one you lost. Well it was never a problem for me. I hope you do swing that puppy.
Dummy me, I didn't realize you would be working at home. That is so cool!

Dogless - curls up beside you to take a nap now...

Squirt's Mom
02-15-2012, 08:18 AM
Hi Ellen,

I know you will be glad to be back home and with your boys. :) I can just imagine the excited reunions. There is nothing quite like that wiggly wagging, silly spinning, and goofy grinning when we are back with our babies after being gone for a while. :p

So nice you get to work from home! That is wonderful. Of course, you're gonna need a few days off when you get back home just to enjoy your boys...surely your boss(es) will understand that. :D

Our Terry does such a wonderful job on our ILM albums and Casey's picture is just perfect. Worthy of a frame. ;)


02-17-2012, 04:18 AM
I'm assuming no news means your ok.

Casey's Mom
02-19-2012, 10:23 AM
Hi everyone, I am back home now and enjoying my two puppies Desi and Oreo. I took in a yorkie mix to babysit until Monday and she got in a huge fight with Desi over a toy. I feel awful. I am sure it was the new one that initiated the fight because Desi doesn't have a mean bone in her body but she does like toys. They are okay but I don't think this little one will be coming back for another babysitting experience!

My mom's best friend is 92 and she lost her little poodle mix a week after Casey. I went to visit her last night and she is heartbroken and so depressed. She was also depressed about Casey and I tried to cheer her up but it is so different for her because she can't get another dog at her age. I found a nice older cat at the shelter, she is a ragdoll mix 10 years old but she doesn't want to think about it yet.

I feel so badly for her. I have sadness but I don't think I have had time to be depressed yet.

Love and hugs,

02-20-2012, 02:49 AM
It's a horrible sad thought when your too old to have a dog. Keep after her... she needs a pet... Did her dog die suddenly?

Casey's Mom
02-20-2012, 04:06 PM
No he didn't die suddenly he was sick for a while. She is heartbroken and cannot imagine it right now. I hope to get a cat for her though.

Wendy Tillotson
02-20-2012, 05:05 PM
Wish you were nearby - have two wonderful cats for adoption. We have rescued and rehabilitated a number of cats and kittens. Have one cat that would be perfect for an older person - she is super sweet and never puts a foot wrong.

Good luck.

02-21-2012, 06:21 AM
CAT'S CAT'S wishing for the sad old women... a cat please! A very specail cat...:o I know you got one... take the cat... the Angels are fluttering madly.... I can hear them!

02-24-2012, 09:44 AM
Oh Ellen....there are so many elderly dogs and cats looking for homes....I hope your friend finds one to keep her company....even if all she could do was to have an animal with her during the day. I dread the day that I can't have a dog.....
Take care....

Squirt's Mom
02-24-2012, 10:14 AM
Hi Ellen,

One idea you can present to your mom's friend is having someone who will take her baby when she can no longer care for it - a Godparent so to speak. That way she could have a baby as long as possible and yet know when she couldn't take care of him/her any longer, someone who will love her baby is standing by to take over. They can visit even when the baby can no longer live with her.

And I dearly love JoAnne's idea of a senior baby - they need someone so badly just as your mom's friend does. ;)

Bailey's Mom
02-24-2012, 04:14 PM
Hi Ellen-

What a wonderful idea-have an older cat for an older woman. All trained. Not too frisky. Loving. I hope she will reach a place where she can see the benefits and not too many demands.


02-25-2012, 12:29 AM
It's already been desided. I'm going to be the old women who dies with a house full of dogs!

Please let us know if she gets a cat. Tell her it would make the angels very happy. ;-)

And maybe a puppy for you too! Puppies are always good for a smile.

Casey's Mom
02-26-2012, 09:59 PM
My mom's friend wants to look after Oreo when I go away next week. I have thought about it however he and Desi went to the vets yesterday for their annual checkup. This was Oreo's first time there and the vet did the tear test on him (he has mucous in his eyes daily) and he has "dry eye" which requires daily drops. I understand this is common with shitzus. Not sure if a 92 year old can handle this so I will talk to her about it before I decide. She doesn't want a cat. Maybe I can find her a rescue but it really is difficult here to find a small dog at our shelter - I tried for a long time to get one even looking in Michigan with difficulty.

02-27-2012, 05:52 AM
My mom is 92 and she could handle it better the me! (sheepish smile). I don't know, if your going to be worried the hold time, I wouldn't do it. You don't need that stress right now. Well, if ever really. Imagine if something happened. Keep trying on that pet thing though. What about a bird? Or a fish... She needs something to talk too. It breaks your heart to think she is all alone. How is she doing?

When I'm 92 will you come visit me too? lol :o

02-27-2012, 08:06 PM
Hi Ellen....have you tried a breed specific rescue? Or Best Friends has some senior dogs and they will let some go, even without a visit from a prospective owner. Petfinder has senior dogs too. I'll keep thinking and checking online....so many senior dogs get dumped at shelters :( :mad:

Casey's Mom
02-28-2012, 09:18 PM
I just talked to her tonight. She started to cry because she said people told her she was cruel to keep her dog alive when he was sick but she wanted him to go on his own. Heartbreaking. I told her she was welcome to look after Oreo while I was away but he would need eye drops and she declined. I will look on those sites you mentioned because she would love another dog.

Squirt's Mom
02-29-2012, 09:22 AM
Hi Ellen,

I am not real clear on Canadian geography, but I have a friend in Quebec who might be able to help find an appropriate baby for your friend. She is involved in rescue up there so I will ask her to keep her eyes open.


03-29-2012, 07:41 PM
Been a long time Ellen... how are you doing?

Casey's Mom
03-29-2012, 09:55 PM
I got a card this week from my vet's assistant telling me how sorry she was about Casey. She was our monthly Adequan shot girl and we knew each other well. When we put Casey to sleep I asked for her to be there and she was amazing as was the vet. I have Casey's ashes back and I put them in a memory box with her collar and feathers (they were a bling decoration in her hair from our groomer). My sister and I are planning a memorial with just the two of us - we are going to the trail we walked every day with the dogs and there is a place that overlooks the valley called Pikes Peak. We will let some of her ashes go there as she loved that trail. I have asked the rest of her ashes to be buried with me.

I put a great photo of her where she is looking into my eyes on my desk so I look at her all the time. It gives me peace.

On a happy note my mom's neighbour got a great dog from the local SPCA. She is a smaller terrier poodle mix about 8 years old. Very well behaved and belonged to an older lady who passed away - now she has a great home!

Love to all,

03-30-2012, 07:37 AM
Pikes Peek... I've been there. It's beautiful. I bet that's going to be a very tearful memorial. Maybe you might toss a little bit and mention our name? For all of us here. We would be honored if you did.

You want the rest buried with you... boy- that really says it all Ellen...

She got a dog! I'm thrilled! I hope that everyone who ever loved a dog gets another. I hope that everyone who ever loved a dog HAS ONE...

Casey's Mom
03-30-2012, 11:18 PM
Yes and this sweet little dog got a second chance and changed someone's life around. :::)))) BTW Janis our Pike's Peak is not the same as the one by you. It is on a neighbours trail in Sault Ste Marie, beautiful rock outcropping over a valley. Its a trek to get there but we love it - just have to be careful of the bears!!

03-31-2012, 03:47 AM
BEARS! =8-0 .... Be careful!

Take pots and pans with you! Lol... When we went camping years ago people used to bang them together to scare off bears. It worked.

04-06-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi Ellen....I read your post on the 30th when we got home but just have found time to respond now....very busy getting unpacked and back into a "normal" routine!
I'm so excited and happy for your mom's friend and the little dog that they have found each other....adopting an older dog has worked so well for us and I would definitely recommend it to others and want to do it again.
I'm glad to hear that Casey is back home again and I too have plans for some of Lady's and Muffin's ashes to be buried with mine. Some of theirs have already been scattered in special spots.
Hope the new job is going well,