View Full Version : Casper, 12yr old blue bedlington (update: Casper has passed away)
Dearest friends
Casper Our 12yr Old Blue Bedlington Terrier
So here goes, The History So Far…..
It all started about 18 months ago, when he started to drink more water than usual. The vet said If I can keep an eye on him and see how it goes, this continued for several months, then we went back to see him again, at this time, he also started urinating more frequently, particularly in the middle of the night. We had also at this point started to swap and change his diet, thinking that this could possibly be the cause. Approximately 6 months later, at his next check up, with the vet, he put him on Thyroid medication to see if this would reduce the amount of water he drank. It did significantly reduce the amount from approx 1200ml water per day down to approx 900ml, But the
urination still remained the same. Then when he went for the annual boosters, he was tested for Cushings, this was in July 2008, the results of these tests came back inconclusive, I do not have the results, from then.
However, this July 2009, when he went for his boosters, the water consumption had reduced down to approx 600ml per day, where it is currently stable.
Mid August – he had some sort of a turn, which was really scary, as he was laying on the lounge, when he jumped down from it, and he appeared to be very disorientated, scared, and had problems walking, and is back legs appeared to go from underneath, and was walking as if he was walking drunk, staggering from one site to another. We took him to the vets, a different vet at the same practice, and he said it could possibly have been a very small stroke, and some have a couple of small ones, and some have only one – no one could tell.
Then, at home last night, we had a real scare, as again he could not appear to walk properly,swaying from side to side, walking in circles, and appearing to have a tremor in his head, as it was shaking and down. Very frightening, we immediately got in the car, and took him to the emergency vet, who gave him the very thorough examination.
After doing so, she told us that we should make an appointment to see a specialist, to look at different options of treatment for his cushings, which I made the appointment this morning,and we are going to see on Friday afternoon for a consultation. There is a specialist vet at, the emergency centre where we went, which is only about 10 Minutes Drive away. Will I have been recommended a very good specialist, from the lady that grooms him, who was a vet nurse, so would like to go see him first. Although it will be a little awkward, and tonight we have to take him to our own vet for a referral letter, and it has been 3 months since we last saw him, as not been able to make any decision up to now…feeling stressed out, I ask for your prayers for us all and will let you know the outcome – possibility of brain scan to be done she said!
Bye for now Dawn, Adrian & Casper:o I think I have made some progress doing this all be it took all day!!
Now shall I try and attach the doc's fingers xxx'd .... so this did not work - will persevere to attach results hopefully you will get htem soon there her just cant get them to you:eek:
08-23-2009, 08:45 PM
Note: I have started this thread for Dawn & her pup, so more members can respond to her questions.
08-23-2009, 08:57 PM
Dawn, I would like to give you an official welcome to our group! First of all, what is your pup's name? We do tend to play "20 questions" with new members, but it just helps us to get a good idea of what has been going on with your baby so we can offer the best advice we can.
Could you tell us your baby's age, breed, sex, & current weight? What were some of the symptoms your baby has been having that led you to go to the vet? These may include drinking lots of water, urinating by the gallon, voracious appetite, skin & coat issues, muscle weakness/wasting, especially in the rear end? Do you know what types of test your vet has done for Cushing's? These may include a low dose dexamethasone test, ACTH, abdominal ultrasound, & high dose dexamethasone test. Did your vet do any basic labwork such as a chemistry profile, CBC, UA, or thyroid? Would it be possible for you to post the results of these labs including reporting units & normal ranges? On the basic labwork, we would just like to see the results that are abnormal. If you don't have copies of the results, your vet should be happy to provide them. Most members do keep files on their pups at home as you never know when you might need them, especially if you end up at a strange vet. Did your vet rule out diabetes & thyroid as symptoms for these 2 problems overlap with Cushing's?
The reference you made to "leaking protein" usually indicates a possible kidney problem, but without seeing the lab results, none of us could really offer you any valid input. When your vet said, "early Pit Cushing's", could be more specific & explain to us what he told you about this? Was diagnostic testing done for Cushing's as no vet can diagnose Cushing's from general labwork. There are certain tests on general labs especially liver function tests that can lead a vet to suspect Cushing's but further diagnostic testing has to be done.
Looking forward to hearing more.
deb it was when i was trying to respond to someone when i went and clicked on - advanced options when the question disappeared
08-23-2009, 09:02 PM
Dawn, I've also PM'd you with what to do. Anytime you want to talk to us, go to this thread that I have started for you, & click on the "post reply" button. A window will open that will allow you to type in a response, questions, or anything you want to talk about.
PS- Forgot the last important step, once you have typed what you want, then click on the "submit reply" button.
Hi Deb
Thanks I am more than happy to send you all I have but I will have to sit down and rewrite all this again - as unfortuanately its gone from who i was trying to reply back too earlier, just quickly I cannot use the pc for long periods of time due to medical issues of my own, so please bare with me also i have some dyslexia so apologies for spelling. Just quickly for now our baby boy is called casper and he is a 12yr old blue bedlington terrier, who we brought over with us from the uk when we emigrated here to australia in 2000. I have to go now but will return back here with more for you next time - looking forward to talking again very soon thanks:)
08-23-2009, 09:13 PM
Take your time, don't worry about spelling & grammar, we'll be ok. If were' not sure of something, we'll ask. We are here whenever you want to tell us more.
Thanks Deb
Just knowing you are there feels like its lifted a huge mountain from my shoulders:)
Roxee's Dad
08-23-2009, 09:33 PM
Hi Dawn,
I would also like to welcome you and Casper. You are in great hands here with Debbie. I just wanted to add that when you log in, check the remember me box so it doesn't time out and you shouldn't lose the info you have been typing in.
Looking forward to hearing more about Casper.
I will be putting up more about our situation asap many thanks in anticipation:)
Squirt's Mom
08-24-2009, 11:38 AM
Hi Dawn,
Welcome to you and Casper! :)
I'm sure you know this but just in case, the Bedlington Terrier is prone to Copper Storage Disease. Has Casper been checked for this condition? This disease impacts the liver. At his age, I would hope this has already been ruled out for Casper, tho it does sound as if it can come on at any time.
Honey, you don't worry about your spelling or anything else, ok? I do understand when there are physical demands that we can't perform as we once could...and it SUCKS! :mad::(:o Do what you can and we will work it out....if we can't, don't worry....we will just ask until we can. We ain't shy about asking questions. :p
You don't be shy about asking either. That is one of the best ways to learn, not just for you but for anyone who reads your thread in the future. ;) Cushing's is complex condition so the more you know the better off Casper will be. Read, read, read, ask lots of questions, then read some more. You are Casper's only voice, his advocate, his first and last line of defense and the more you know about his condition(s), the stronger you will be in these roles on his behalf.
When you are able to post the actual test results, we can help you interpret them. Debbie is a lab tech for humans and is a great help to us here in reading blood work for our babies. The collective experience here is astounding and we are more than happy to share. None of us are vets, but we do live with Cushing's, and other conditions, on a daily basis so we have an intimate knowledge that goes beyond what any textbook or vet degree could provide. We don't try to, nor intend to, take the place of your vet(s) but rather to help you be a member of a team with your doc(s).
Confusion, fear, anger, guilt, frustration...these are all common emotions when facing this condition and ones we understand completely! I was a total basket-case when I came joke! :eek: But these wonderful folks took me in and gently led me along until I could start to comprehend a little bit, and they have remained by my side ever since. Cushing's can be an emotional roller-coaster but we will be here with you every step of the don't have to take this journey alone. Personally, I have season tickets to that particular ride so don't be surprised when you see me there over and over! :p
I am so glad you found us and look forward to learning more about you and Casper in the future.
Leslie and the girls
Links on Copper Storage Disease:
Hi As I have not yet really conveyed our bedlington's (caspers) symptoms fully yet - so far told early stages of cushings pituary - I feel inclined to thin that he also had diabetes (I dont think been tested for it yet) and possibly by other members comments pancreatitis? I look forward to posting more info about him for receiving more valuable info from other members thnks
Dearesr Leslie & Girls
Thanks for your much appreciated help and support - I greatly look forward to our communications. I will post the relevant info once received. I dont feel I quite mad much sense of my post (1st time user an all) so will be more explainative hopefully next time:)
We wish to say thank you to all our new our found friends from casper, dawn & adrian
Are there anymore Bedlington friends out there going through the same as me?
would anyone know what the prognosis would be by NOT HAVING TREATMENT compared to having treatment?
08-28-2009, 07:17 AM
Dawn, this is a quote from Kate Connick's website that has a lot of good information about Cushing's.
Prognosis: Left untreated, Cushing's disease will progress. As excess cortisol is immunosuppressive, Cushingoid dogs are prone to various infections. They are also predisposed to developing hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, seizures, hypertension, congestive heart failure, blood clots (thromboembolism), and liver and kidney failure. It should not go without noting that many of these dogs are at risk of early euthanasia due to incontinence resulting from increased water consumption.
When my 1st Cushpup, Barkley, was diagnosed, I asked my vet this exact question. The response was approximately 2 years. I was told that the continued overproduction of cortisol by the adrenals will eventually lead to multiple organ failure. To paraphrase what my vet said, untreated Cushing's can be a very, slow ugly death for the dog.
As Leslie mentioned, Bedlington's are predisposed to copper storage disease which also has serious effects on the liver that might very well mimic Cushing's. Has your vet ruled this out?
08-28-2009, 10:51 AM
Dawn, until you can post Casper's lab results, we really can't offer any input about possible diabetes or pancreatitis. The results that might indicate these issues are the blood glucose, amylase, & lipase.
Squirt's Mom
08-28-2009, 06:38 PM
Hi Dawn,
I saw your post in the Support and Counseling thread and wanted to try to comfort you a bit so I am responding under yours and Casper's thread.
I think we all have at least visited "extreme denial" about that time when our babies must leave us. I cannot even bear the thought of life without Squirt.
But, when that most dreaded time comes, I know many here will hold my hand, hold my spirit, hold my faith, and hold me up with their acceptance, love and understanding. Even tho I may require services from professionals, which I will seek if needed, I always know here is the place where where kindred spirits truly understand the bond between human and canine, and what it means to lose the one I hold so very dear.
When that soul wrenching day comes for you, we will be here to hold your hand, hold your spirit, hold your faith, and hold you up with acceptance, love and understanding until you can take that most painful step forward toward life without your precious baby, regardless of what other sources you may need. You and Casper are family now and family stands by each other in the toughest of times as well as the best of times.
Leslie and the girls
08-28-2009, 08:04 PM
Hi Dawn,
I have nothing to add to Leslie's wonderful response except to emphasize the loving and caring truth behind it. We each share the compassion and dedication for every one of our "family members" and our hearts are shattered when a precious soul is lost.
Shelba and Suni
thanks will post as soon as can:)
Thank you so much for your wonderful words and to know that we now ALL BELONG TO A VERY SPECIAL AND UNIQUE FAMILY :):):) to all out newfound family with much love
thanks for this so needed advice about ticking the box I thought I did it last time when I wrote a very long segment all about casper -but alas found it had gone again:( will keep trying eventually I must get it right
still trying to get the info transferred here:o
Harley PoMMom
09-13-2009, 06:12 PM
Hi Dawn,
Every time you sign in, make sure to "check" that little box that says "remember me" that way when you are typing something, and if you are like me and sometimes I write "very looong stories" it won't "forget" you or what you typed. It took me a while to figure that out myself. :eek:
Love and hugs.
09-13-2009, 09:00 PM
Hi Dawn,
Another suggestion that may help in addition to checking the remember me box when you log in.....if you have a long post or lots of numbers i.e., labs results you want to post, you can pre-write your post in a word .doc, Notepad or WordPad and then select it all and copy everything. After you click on the "post reply" button and you get the box for entering your reply, just paste in the information and then submit your reply.
thanks so much for this info it has really helped:)
many thanks much appreciated
To all our new friends thanks for your kind and helpfulness in again trying to get used to using the site correctly - I have now ticked the box suggested by you all thanks:) at least ive made a tiny bit of progress - ok so now see if i can progress any further today:)
09-22-2009, 07:29 PM
Hi Dawn and a belated welcome from me.
Those of us that came here computer challenged took baby steps until we could stand on our own two feet. Some people don't understand how intimidating a computer can be huh?
I just went back and read your three page thread and realized that we have not really received much information from you on Casper. Can you round up his test results that the vet did to confirm a cushing's diagnosis and post the results here? Can you tell us what symptoms Casper had that led you and your vet to believe that cushing's was involved? I noticed that you posted to another member's thread and advised that you would probably be starting treatment with Vetoryl. Can you tell us how much Casper weighs and what dose (in mg) your vet has prescribed? I know we ask a lot of questions but we need as much information as you can give us so that we can offer you more appropriate feedback.
Looking forward to hearing all about Casper.
To all my valued and patient friends - made a very little progress today still trying to post results:(
Help!!!! what am I doing wrong - why cant i get to open the doc's sent to you to check ok?
09-23-2009, 02:30 AM
Are you trying to attach a scanned file or are you trying to type the results into a reply?
finally got something right:)
Ah - so do i need to name the document .doc?
Here is a picture of Our Baby CASPER
09-23-2009, 02:42 AM
I just PM'd you my phone number - did you get the PM?
Thanks Alison - did get it will call you:)
Harley PoMMom
09-23-2009, 08:07 PM
Hi Dawn,
Bless your heart...and you keep trying until you get that info here, ok. We are patient waiters when it comes to our family...and you're part of our family.
Love and hugs.
09-23-2009, 10:15 PM
Dawn has emailed me Caspers Low Dose Dexamethsone Suppression test results.
She'll be sending me some more in a while.
(Click on the thumbnail - if the image that comes up is not big enough to see then click on that image and it should enlarge. You can then zoom in by using "Control+" on your keyboard.)
09-23-2009, 10:51 PM
Thanks, Dawn and Alison, for getting the LDDS results posted. For lazy members like me, the results are as follows:
Baseline 58 nmol/L
3 hour 67 nmol/L
8 hour 64 nmol/L
Converted to ug/dl
Baseline 2.1
3 hour 2.4
8 hour 2.3
This is consistent with Cushing's; however, does not distinguish between pituitary and adrenal dependent disease. I will stay tuned for more info to come.
09-23-2009, 10:56 PM
Here the rest: T4, hematology and a pic of the gorgeous little guy.
(Click on the thumbnail - if the image that comes up is not big enough to see then click on that image and it should enlarge. You can then zoom in by using "Control+" on your keyboard..)
09-23-2009, 11:12 PM
Alison, I don't know what's up with the links but when I open them on my iMac, they are blank pages.
09-23-2009, 11:14 PM
That'd be because they are Word docs. I'll try to post them as JPG's.
ETA - they are now in JPG.
Hoorray - they are here now thnks alison:D
the vet said it is pituitary - but will know after the specialist visit tomorrow:)
Hi All
Just to update on casper - he went to specialist on Friday, and the specialist: wants to do a brain scan to establish what type of tumour it is - this is going to cost approx $1500-$2000Aud, what is the point of putting a label on it? Should'nt he be concerned on giving the correct treatment:confused:he said about giving him trilostane, but said this will help with the cushings symptoms - but not the wobbles he is having! Anyone had any similar problems or solutions? looking forward to receiving any advice please:)
Barney's Mom
09-28-2009, 02:53 AM
Hi Dawn,
I just wanted to say hi and welcome to you and Casper, what a cutie!
Harley PoMMom
09-28-2009, 04:55 AM
Hi Dawn,
Does the specialist want to do a CT scan? If so, he might want to determine the size of the tumor on the pituitary gland to see if radiation treatment is needed.
Here is a link to January and Serena's thread, Serena has had radiation treatments. (Look at their original thread first)
Serena 9yo Havanese-Cushing's and DI-Pituitary Macroadenoma-Radiation treatment
Please keep us updated and I am keeping you and Casper in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
09-28-2009, 05:44 PM
Dawn, first of all, does the specialist want to do a CT scan or an MRI? I really think this is not to determine what type of Cushing's Casper has, I think the specialist wants to see if Casper possibly has what is called a macroadenoma. Most Pit Cushing's pups have microadenomas where the tumor is <1 cm. in diameter. It seems that a lot of specialists are beginning to want to take a look to see just exactly how big the tumor is in recently diagnosed pups with Pit Cushing's. This is important as in a small percentage of cases the tumor can start growing, exceeding 1 cm. in diameter, then it's termed a macroadenoma. Macro's can start putting pressure on other parts of the brain that can cause a lot of other neurological symptoms. Do you remember if the specialist said anything specifically about wanting to run the scan to check for a macroadenoma?
I went back & reread your first post. From the incidents you describe, IMHO, it appears that Casper is suffering from other neurological symptoms, & I'm making an educated guess that this is exactly why the specialist wants to do this scan.
09-29-2009, 02:26 PM
Hi Dawn,
Debbie has given you her best "educated guess". My suggestion to you would be to specifically ask your specialist:
what kind of scan
why he wants to do the scan
what he is looking for
please explain it to you
I understand how terribly upset and frustrated your are regarding what's going on with Casper, trying to navigate through the forum and dealing with vets and specialists. It can be more than a bit overwhelming as well as costly.
I am glad you have taken Casper to see a specialist. He will be able to tell you why he wants to do the scan and then the decision as to whether you want to proceed or not will be up to you. We will all be here to support you and explain to you whatever we are able.
thanks debbie for your opinion - what does IMHO stand for? The specialist said he wanted to do a MRI to check for neurologial problems - re wobbliness first, as he said that was more important than the cushings. And he said to just keep a very close eye on him over he next couple of weeks and see how he goes, so that is what we are doing for now, will keep you posted:)
thanks louise, i really appreciate all your help and kindness, I hope things are ok for you and your family you are in my thoughts:)
thanks for this lori, you are also in out thoughts & prayers:)
10-01-2009, 07:33 PM
IMHO stands for "in my humble opinion".:)
Have any of the vets mentioned doing a liver biopsy on Casper. As Leslie and Debbie mentioned earlier (although you may have missed it) Bedlingtons are prone to copper storage disease which can cause symptoms like increased urination and drinking and neurological symptoms. With this disease there is a big build up of copper in the liver which is what causes most of the symptoms.
Here's a link to info on that disease: (scroll down about half way and see the chronic symptoms.) I know Casper doesn't have all of them but you are seeing the urination and neurological symptoms so getting this checked out (if it hasn't already been ruled out) might be a good idea.
10-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Dawn, the other thing you need to ask is whether or not a CT scan as opposed to an MRI will give the specialist the information that they need. I'm certain a CT scan will be a lot less expensive than an MRI.
Also, please take note of Alison's reminder about copper storage disease. It's very important that this be ruled out as this disease does cause some of the symptoms that you have seen with Casper, & Bedlington's are prone to the problem.
I see you have posted on Serena's thread, asking about the operation. I need to clarify that for you. Serena did not have surgery, she had a series of radiation treatments targeting the macroadenoma in her pituitary gland. The treatments are done to shrink the size of the tumor before severe, damaging neurological problems can occur.
Just to give an update on casper the bedlington, after painstaking hours of deliberating on what treatment to put him on we made the decision to put him on trilostane, the problem we now have is tht he will not eat, and has diarrohea and sickness most days, it is a nightmare giving him the medication as he spits it out!! It does not matter what food we are currently giving him he is not interested, and now we dont know what to do, anyone had a similar expereince?:eek:If he does not eat he will fade to nothing as lost so much weight already on his back end
__________________________________________________ __________
Moderator's note: I merged your new thread with your old one so members can quickly reference Casper's history.
05-11-2010, 10:45 PM
It sounds like maybe he has had too much Trilostane.
Roxee's Dad
05-11-2010, 10:48 PM
Did the vet give you Pred? If not, can you call now and get some or go to an emergency clinic?
Roxee's Dad
05-12-2010, 09:02 AM
Hi Dawn,
Should have mentioned to stop the Triolostane until Casper has seen a vet to have his cortisol level checked via ACTH stim test and electrolytes.
Basic rule of thumb...don't give trilo to a sick pup.
Please let us know how he is doing today.
05-12-2010, 01:43 PM
Hi Dawn,
Sorry to hear about Casper's latest problems. I have learned those symptoms may be side effects caused by over suppression with trilostane. I really have not been up to date with your thread, but what dose of trilostane was Casper taking and how much does he weigh? As John posted earlier, you need to stop giving trilo and get him to a dr. ASAP. Please let us know what is going on with little Casper. Luv ya, xo Jeanette
Hi I am interested to hear about your pup - as our casper has been a nightmare to give his medication too, he is at the stage of refusing any food or treats and it is breaking our hearts to see this as he is losing so much weight in such a short time he went for a ultrasound last week but could not find the cause and the vet is now at a loss as what to do - any help would be greatly appreciated - one of the main problems at the moment is he has extremely black tarry stools and we wondered if anyone else has this problem whilst on trilostane please let us know if you have experenced this many thanks and look forward to hearing from you:(
Administrative Note: This reply and the following 6 replies were originally posted on another member's thread. But we have relocated them here to Dawn's thread so that members can respond directly to Dawn with their thoughts and suggestions.
Harley PoMMom
05-31-2010, 08:37 AM
If Casper is not eating then the Trilostane should not be given to him. The black tarry stools is called melena, the blood in the stools causes feces to appear as black and tarry suggesting the blood is digested and coming from the upper intestinal tract. Usually, but not always, melena is worrisome and Casper should be seen by your vet right away.
If Casper were my pup, I would stop the Trilostane right now and have him seen either by your vet or take him to an Emergency Clinic.
05-31-2010, 11:54 AM
Dawn, I agree with Lori 100%. Black, tarry stools are a clear indication of bleeding somewhere in Casper's GI tract. He needs to be seen by a vet ASAP.
thank you so much for this advice - we are going to stop giving it to him and will most likely go to another vet for another opinion I am greatly appreciative of your help and will let you know how he goes as currently the vet is only giving him a couple of weeks left as he has lost so much weight yet i believe he can continue on if we can get some food inside of him:)
many thanks for this - this is our thoughts too, but the vet said he thinks he is bleeding internally and reabsorbing it again - if he knows this why would he not suggest doing something about it - does this mean there is nothing that can be done about it?
thanks debbie - but why do you think the vet didnt do anything when we took him in to see him I found this very strange not to give him any treatment at all
Harley PoMMom
06-01-2010, 04:43 PM
Here is an article explaining about melena, treatment, etc.
Hope this helps.
Love and hugs,
the vet has given casper tagamet and carafate BUT still to take trilostane - not agreeing with this as asked twice as not eaten anything for 2 days now thanks lori
thanks lori will read this article:)
thanks lori it is informative
06-03-2010, 10:56 PM
Dawn, this is from Dechra's client brochure which you can find in the important information section of the forum.
Contact your veterinary surgeon immediately if your dog
stops eating, drinking or urinating or becomes unwell while
on Vetoryl® treatment
Your vet is not following treatment instructions posted by the drug company that makes trilostane. He should have easy access to these instructions. I would print out a copy of this for him & ask him why he wishes to continue treatment when Casper is obviously not well.
Harley PoMMom
06-04-2010, 06:32 AM
This is from Dechra's product insert:
Owners should be instructed to stop therapy and contact their veterinarian immediately in the
event of adverse reactions or unusual developments.
The most common adverse reactions reported are poor/reduced appetite, vomiting,
lethargy/dullness, diarrhea, and weakness. Occasionally, more serious reactions, including
severe depression, hemorrhagic diarrhea, collapse, hypoadrenocortical crisis or adrenal
necrosis/rupture may occur, and may result in death.
Please print this out and take this to your vet.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
06-04-2010, 09:10 AM
Dawn, please pay close attention to what Lori looked up on the Dechra product insert for you. Hemorrhagic diarrhea is exactly what you are seeing with Casper when he has the black, tarry stools.
Poor Casper. I need your shoulder to cry on - the vet thas just told us to stop using trilostane and has given us not much hope for the next couple of days.
They say he has now got gastric intestinal problems as well and the main thing is he will not eat anything this is what is worrying us more than anything, they appear to have given up on him, should we persist on asking to change his meds or just leave him as is he is falling all over the place but does not seem to be fased by it at all and is taking it all in his stride.
We really at a loss at what to do now:( thanks again for your support. dawn
Harley PoMMom
06-06-2010, 08:11 AM
Oh Dawn,
I am so sorry to hear this about Casper. I believe your vet is correct in stopping the Trilostane but I think because of Casper not eating, his gastric intestinal problems, hemorrhagic diarrhea, and now his inability to stable himself, Casper should be taken to an Emergency Clinic and they should treat him.
This could be Addison's or he might have an ulcer...or both. But maybe getting Casper to an Emergency Clinic and having them take a look at him and then they can treat him.
We are here for you, Dawn, keeping you and Casper in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
06-06-2010, 02:53 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with Lori. Your Casper needs to be taken, at once, to an emergency clinic. Just glancing back briefly, it looks like he may have been getting the trilo, well after he started refusing his food. He could be in or on the verge of an addisonian crisis - from too much trilostane. Or there could be other complications, based on the tarry stools - whether that is a result of getting too much trilo or connected to something else going on. But I wouldn't wait to get him in. Sue
Casey's Mom
06-07-2010, 12:09 PM
Just wondering how you are doing - and a little worried about Casper. Hope all is well.
Love and hugs,
Thanks Deb - we feel like the vet has just abanded casper now and is just waiting for the inevitable to happen. If we could get him to eat I am sure we could get him to live a little longer as now just seems to be not looking further than a day or two
we have stopped vetoryl ourselves to see how casper goes as not got much faith in the vets anymore - the only thing is cas is not eating at all this is a real worry and we cannot understand why the vet hasnot done anything about it they gave us carafate and tagamet but we have stopped giving him everything as we think is frail little body is overloaded with chemicals what do you think
06-07-2010, 11:21 PM
Dawn, something isn't right when a vet throws in the towel without giving you an explanation as to why nothing else can be done. Isn't there another vet, a specialist in particular, that can see Casper? Not all vets are created equal and it's possible that your vet's experience is limited. If this is the case and you don't think your vet has done all that can be done for Casper, please get him to somebody that can help him.
thanks lori this means so much to us knowing you are with us - the vet gave us ulcer meds but we have also stopped them in order to ssee if casper will start to eat again before more meds been given.How can you tell if the end is coming - he appears to have picked up himself now taken off the meds given if only we caould get some food into him
do you know in what way they may treat him?
thanks you ellen for your kind thoughts - we are really needing them at present. Will post what is happening thanks again dawn and casper
thank you that is my opinion too will post updates
06-07-2010, 11:46 PM
Hi again,
I really don't know if another vet could help Casper but a second opinion, preferrably by a specialist, sure wouldn't hurt. You stated that your vet said he has a gastro intestinal problem. There are any number of gastro intestinal disorders, a lot of which are very much treatable. Which specific disorder did your vet diagnose?
Thank you both Deb and Lori we have stopped Trilo - and will be making a appointment at another specialist for another opinion will let you know result
The main thing at the moment is his weight loss the vet did not say what kind of gastro problem he has only gave him tagamet and carafate but we have stopped all meds to see if there is any improvement
Harley PoMMom
06-08-2010, 09:33 AM
Oh Dawn,
I am so sorry that Casper is feeling so ill. If he has not been drinking and eating for a period of time then I'm afraid his prognosis may not be good but getting him to an Emergency Clinic where they could give him fluid therapy and possibly a feeding tube could help him greatly.
Keeping you and Casper in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
dear lori
sorry for the delay in writing back - we took things in our own hands and took casper off the meds the vet gave him, he picked up for a little while then quickly deteriated, it was absoltly heartbreaking to see him and we did not want him to suffer anymore than needed so we heartbreakingly made the decision to do what was right for casper, and he went over the rainbow bridge on friday again many thnaks for everything you have done for us with much appreciation dawn
just to let you know that casper went over the rainbow bridge on friday
07-19-2010, 03:36 AM
The most important thing we can do for our loved animals is to know when it is time to let go, I am so sorry it was time for Casper. Thinking of you.
07-19-2010, 06:31 AM
Oh Dawn,
I am so very sorry to read this. Thank for coming back and letting us know, I know it must have been hard. My heart is with you. We will always remember and honor your Casper here in our very special section - In Loving Memory (
Please stay with us.
07-19-2010, 08:38 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Casper. Hang on to the memories.
Bonnie and Angel Criss
Roxee's Dad
07-19-2010, 10:37 AM
Dear Dawn,
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Rest in Peace sweet Casper, you are loved and missed.
Squirt's Mom
07-19-2010, 11:02 AM
Dear Dawn,
I am so sorry to hear about your precious Casper. You did all you could to help him feel better and when it became clear he couldn't fight any more, you made the kindest decision possible. One of love. I know Casper is watching over you now and always with the same love and devotion you gave to him.
Our deepest sympathy,
Leslie, Squirt, and our angels Ruby and Crystal
07-19-2010, 11:11 AM
Dawn, I am so terribly sorry to hear about your beloved Casper. I know your heart is broken in pieces but know that you gave your all to him. I pray that in the coming days the pain will ease a little, but always know we are here for you, thinking of you and praying for you.
R.I.P precious Casper. We will never forget you or your loving mom.
Shelba and Suni~~
07-19-2010, 01:33 PM
I have just read your thread and cannot tell you how saddened I am. Casper was so lucky to have you as his mom and he will be forever with you in heart and spirit. I can just picture Casper laying the sun and running through meadows of heaven with no pain or illness. When you are ready, we would like to know more about Casper's time with you and the happy times you remember.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and dear Casper. God bless.
Carrol & Chloe
07-19-2010, 03:00 PM
Hi Dawn,
I am so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for Casper. RIP Casper. You are now free from all pain and suffering.
Casey's Mom
07-19-2010, 05:07 PM
Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about Casper. You had the great strength to help him cross the bridge and he will send that strength back to you in return to help you cope. He is at peace.
Love and tight hugs,
07-19-2010, 05:14 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. You did the hardest, most loving, least selfish thing for Casper in letting him go and being with him.
Take Care,
John II
07-20-2010, 05:26 AM
Dear Dawn,
I am so sorry to hear that Casper's time has come.
Please take comfort in the knowledge that you did everything you could for him, up to and including giving him peace.
My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sadness.
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