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  1. Attention Aussie and other Herding Breed Pet Owners
  2. Petition for better labeling for pet food
  3. Well....it's about that time....
  4. Thank you
  5. FDA Continues to Caution Dog Owners About Chicken Jerky Products
  6. A Thanksgiving message...
  7. Happy Thanksgiving!!
  8. RECALL - Giant Eagle Canned Pumpkin Media Statement
  9. The Seeing-eye Goose
  10. 120 mg trilostane pills
  11. Found and here to stay, Mhina - our Sweet Mhina has passed
  12. Merry Christmas
  13. Military Reunions with Man's Best Friend
  14. A Doggie Christmas Surprise
  15. A Very Special Athlete
  16. Chaos in the mornings
  17. Fond holiday memories
  18. Coming Home!
  19. Stuart, The Salsa Dancing Dog
  20. It's a Jolly Holi-dog Celebration!
  21. Dedicated to my K9C family - May all your prayers be answered
  22. Bernadette (Berni)
  23. New Year Wishes
  24. The Golden Dancer is Back
  25. Handy Hints for Around the House
  26. Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!
  27. Novartis Consumer Health (NCH) is voluntarily recalling all lots of select bottle
  28. Natural Flea & Bug Repellent
  29. Melatonin
  30. 2012 K9Cushing's Gathering
  31. Update from Makita's momma
  32. TOY RECALL - PETCO brand toy
  33. Jasper - Pancreatitis
  34. Concern about chicken jerky from China is growing
  35. Daisy!
  36. Some things are definitely genetic
  37. Senior needing high calorie/low fat diet
  38. Lottery
  39. My Sweet Angel Peg
  40. RECALL - Diamond dog food, Lamb and Rice formula
  41. How much can you mourn a pet?
  42. Jameson is safe in a Rescue in San Diego area
  43. Designated Driver
  44. Pretty Amazing Kids
  45. My brother Mason is seeing things? Hearing things?
  46. RECALL - Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul, Adult Light Formula
  47. This is why I stay away from treadmills
  48. The Worst Nightmare
  49. RECALL - multiple brands - from Diamond Gaston SC plant
  50. Just a Little Drama
  51. Moving and will be away for a while...
  52. My Q, abscess and sever anemia
  53. Buddy Needs a Home
  54. The good old days
  55. Happy Mothers Day
  56. Remembering Ebonie
  57. Warning about Proheart 6
  58. Web Sites
  59. Proin RECALL
  60. Loraine's new boy, Iggy
  61. Shotzie - Splenectomy
  62. Who said I'm disabled?
  63. The end of a human life
  64. Happy 17th, Rozee!
  65. Dog Acupressure Chart and Pressure Points
  66. Happy Independence Day
  67. Anyone know Boston area?
  68. July 9th Doomsday Virus Can Kill Your Computer
  69. Inner Peace
  70. RECALL - select Purina feeds
  71. Hope - A poem of optimism for all of us.
  72. How much does owning a labrador pup cost a month for the first year?
  73. A Touching Story - Schoep has passed
  74. A Tribute to Us and our cushdogs
  75. The Odd Couple
  76. dog cart/back, leg injury
  77. Has anybody heard from acushdogsmom?
  78. TTouch Body Wrap
  79. How Dachshunds See Themselves
  80. From Homelessness to Happiness : A Shelter Dog Finds Love
  81. Risk of using EASOTIC SUSP for yeast infections in ears
  82. Pee Stains
  83. Lay or Lie- Need help from teachers
  84. Old Drum
  85. Nail clipping
  86. Shysie - Melanoma and Indolent corneal laceration
  87. My Kira... Her life after Cushing's (SiberianHusky)
  88. Vetoryl - Best Site for Purchase
  89. Michael Vick Owns a Dog!
  90. Dogs are awesome but cats aren't impressed
  91. Dog Songs
  92. Hurricane Sandy
  93. Happy Halloween!
  94. Dog Food Guaranteed Analysis Converter
  95. A beer for a dog
  96. Tasha
  97. Happy Thanksgiving
  98. Beebee
  99. Dogs teach Chemistry
  100. Funnies and cuties
  101. Happy thanksgiving everyone!
  102. Pet Poison website . . .
  103. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  104. How to get your cat inside
  105. My Other Baby, Shelby
  106. Been a long time, but I'm still checking in on you
  107. SPCA Dogs Driving Car in New Zealand
  108. Angel Apollo's little brother Arion
  109. Seasons Greetings to all .
  110. For All of you- A Christmas Wish
  111. Best Friend
  112. Merry Christmas Everybody
  113. Santa tracker
  114. From our house to yours....
  115. Mama Dog interacting with a child with Down Syndrome
  116. Happy Christmas!
  117. The Magic of Christmas
  118. Happy New Year's....
  119. Loyal the end and beyond
  120. LandfillHarmonic
  121. A shocking tragedy through neglect. Read if you have your dogs groomed!
  122. Atypical Cushing's
  123. moving
  124. Need input- daughter's pom at ER
  125. When You Have a Cush Dog
  126. A different perspective
  127. Skidboot and David, a love story for all time.
  128. Meet Juliette
  129. Joint support supplement
  130. Food stamps for pets
  131. Shotzie taking Soloxine
  132. http://www.peekeeper.com/
  133. Pet insurance advice needed please.
  134. New book released written by one of our members!
  135. Cushings Awareness Day
  136. Yeast- how to get rid of yeast on feet and legs
  137. Texts from Dog
  138. Recipes (for people)
  139. The Power of Love.
  140. Something funny
  141. Training advice for a fearful, young dog.
  142. Tufts discovers new tick borne disease!
  143. Introducing Pippin
  144. Happy 5th Anniversary Angels
  145. Rebels mom checking in
  146. In honor of Memorial Day & Returning Military Heroes
  147. Happy Birthday Marcela!!!!!!!!!!!
  148. Introducing Henry
  149. Skin allergy / Food allergy
  150. Josephina (Josie) - Josie has crossed The Bridge
  151. Mometamax-med for ear infection causes deafness
  152. Allergy help
  153. Meet Pepe!
  154. "Be More Dog!!!"
  155. This is lovely
  156. Calcinosis Cutis and Trilostane
  157. Meeko, we saved each other!
  158. Happy Birthday, Terri!
  159. Dog’s Hair Gives Quick Cushing’s Diagnosis
  160. Heat exhaustion... a fatal reminder.
  161. I'm new here and I need your help please
  162. Please pray for my little guy
  163. Man Has Rescued 1,100 Greyhounds
  164. Family..... What Constitutes Family
  165. Happy National Dog Day
  166. Zinc dosage
  167. One of a million reasons to love em
  168. September 11, 2001
  169. Helpful Ideas for Saving Money
  170. Virus linked to illness that has killed/sickened dogs in CA, OH, MI
  171. Piddle Pads or Belly Band
  172. Celebrate Good Times!
  173. .........you've never had a Cush dog.
  174. Can We Talk Poop ??
  175. Altira Breast Cancer
  176. My foster dog Streaks is available for adoption from Yorkie911
  177. Raleigh, Archie, Gus
  178. Amazing video, i had to share.
  179. A Dog’s Last Will & Testament-Apollo
  180. A true dog lover
  181. Meet Grace! - sweet little Grace has passed
  182. What's Wrong with Dog and Cat Food?
  183. Pet Trust Dogs Sing for a Cure for Canine Cancer
  184. A Great Moment in History That Should Not Be Forgotten
  185. Happy Thanksgiving 2013
  186. Dog hair can be used to diagnose hormonal problems in dogs
  187. Lara needs a mate / need opinions
  188. Handel's Messiah like you've never seen and other Christmas videos!
  189. A remarkable friendship
  190. Merry christmas to all!
  191. Merry Christmas
  192. old dog in a locket-My Sweet Apollo
  193. Quincy, from Polish straydog to Dutch service dog
  194. If you aren't a fan of the Superbowl....
  195. puppy love
  196. Russian Billionaire Saves Stray Dogs in Sochi
  197. What's on your dog's bucket list?
  198. New Research on Dogs
  199. Native Remedies Petalive Cushex Drops
  200. Advice needed re toilet training
  201. cefaly for migraines
  202. Hank, the newest Milwaukee Brewer
  203. Interesting documentary about dog anxiety
  204. an amazing dog
  205. Proin
  206. "As it is in Heaven"
  207. Nature's Domain
  208. Good Dog Book
  209. Pet insurance - your experiences
  210. Aflatoxins, Melamine, and Cyanuric Acid found in US Made Pet Food
  211. Google X - could they help us?
  212. Greeting cards that grow flowers
  213. Cushing information website.
  214. The Visitor to our place
  215. Calling all mathmeticians/ chemists!
  216. Pharmaceutical evaluation of compounded trilostane products
  217. San Diego County wildfires
  218. Been a long time
  219. For all you Lab lovers
  220. Lara & India ... update .
  221. two dogs dinning out-need a laugh sometimes
  222. Dirty clothes? Laundry cat to the rescue
  223. California Assembly passes AB2056 (Consumer Protection for Pet Insurance)
  224. Snowball's got some moves
  225. Happy Independence Day to our US members...
  226. Michael Jackson on Beer Bottles
  227. Cooling Mats
  228. Tool used for collecting dog urine
  229. An adorable, remarkable story
  230. automatic ball launcher for dogs
  231. My Lovely Angel Luna
  232. Danielle needs some prayers
  233. National Dog Day
  234. Gen-Teal Eyedrops for Dry Eyes
  235. Deaf dogs
  236. I wish I had this doctor when I as growing up
  237. Finally possible justice for a case of horrible dog abuse
  238. Newest family member, Bella Howe.
  239. One of the greatest halftime shows ever
  240. Say hello to Tess
  241. Things that make me smile
  242. Any tips for dog photos
  243. Drugs prescribed for Seizures
  244. HMR Lignans available
  245. Luxating patella
  246. Precious faces
  247. Snake bite - prayers needed
  248. Natcho my 16 yr old girl, possible cushings - sweet Natcho has passed
  249. To all our members who are Veterans...
  250. Post pics of your dog on the web? Beware of hidden location info!