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Thread: Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2011)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2011)

    To All Our Members,

    Those listed below are those Cushpups who passed on in 2011. Registered Users who wish to view all the photos of the dogs together listed in this section, click on this link Remembering all who have left us Photo Album and you will be forwarded directly to that photo album.

    To view the honor lists of those who passed in other years, click onto these links and you will be forwarded:

    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2010)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2009)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2008)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2006 ~ 2007)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (1996 ~ 2005).

    We want to stop and take this day and everyday to remember each and every one of you. In Loving Memory of these special souls for whom we still grieve, miss, smile at the memories, honor and will see again one day.

    The Cushdoggies, the dates they passed, and their parents:

    Fritz - January 1 - caroleh
    Mila - January 4 - loshie
    Maddie - January 8 - marie adams
    Shadow - January 10 - Shadow's Mom
    Lola - January 12 - Loladog
    Sassie - January 19 - diane
    Lucy - January 20 - charliesam
    Millie - January 24 - KjobakerOhio
    Makita - January 31 - makita1996
    Pumpkin - January 31 - Pumpkin's Mama
    Clyde - February 8 - clydetheboosmom
    Timmy - February 16 - Timmy's Mom
    Lucy - February 18 - lucygoo
    Jersey - February 19 - destinylee75
    Princess Leia - February 22 - Princess Leia
    Dozer - February 23 - Danniray
    Herman - March 1 - TKG
    Bela - March 7 - horsemum2
    Otis - March 11 - Oatsiedog
    Wally P - March 15 - Wally P's Mom
    Angelina - March 24 - John II
    Aleah - April 8 - Dave Ruske
    Penny - April 11 - Wolfpak
    Jay Gatsby - April 17 - Derekvof
    Harley - April 18 - Harley PoMMom
    Bailey - April 21 - clydetheboosmom
    Dax - April 22 - Kim
    Boomer - April 29 - amelia
    Zoe - May - Lee Ann
    Ruby - May 3 - Siriusli
    Dau Ting - May 3 - Mavis
    Maisie - May 4 - jani
    Annie - May 7 - Annie's Mom
    Bazil - May 17 - Polkaroo
    Harry - May 9 - H-man
    Eva - May 10 - littledook
    Maggie - (09/11/02 - 05/15/11) - MissinMyBabyMay
    Andy - June 8 - andysmom
    Nelly - June 10 - boubou
    Mickee - June 20 - Roxee's Dad (and Pattee)
    Macy - June 25 - ktzndgs
    Kira - June 29 - Jlkhollins
    Max - July 5 - bev
    Sunny - July 19 - sunny
    Gracie Mae - July 21 - lulusmom
    Jett - August 1 - shevan
    Mickey - August 6 - Helgs
    Cassidy - August 6 - liz
    Duncan - August - Carin
    Montana - August 13 - raeandmontana
    Junior - August 16 - Da Godfather
    Rio - September 10 - Sanja
    Molly - September 10 - Weeds
    Tawni - June 1, 1999 ~ September 12 - deena
    Snoopie - September 14 - Rene
    Joy - September - jessica
    Patches - September 29 - starcap
    Corky - October 28 - littleone1
    Angus - November 1 - Cazbah
    Yunah - November 23 - SasAndYunah
    Ivy - December 2 - alan
    Harry - December 5 - Harrysmom
    Tessie - December 5 - Sammie
    Zedley - December 28 - Loraine

    Last edited by Squirt's Mom; 11-23-2011 at 11:53 AM.
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Re: Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2011)

    Can I have Bazil added to the list? She passed away May 17th. I have a pic of her in my album if it can be added.
    Zoey (JRT) age 1yr:
    healthy as a horse er JRT

    Farfalle (JRT) RIP Aug 2012, age 13yrs:
    diagnosis Oct 2010, Trilostene 30mg/daily; arthritis, severe allergies

    Bazil (JRT) RIP May 2011, age 14yrs:
    diagnosis Oct 2008, Trilostene 20mg/daily, Diabetic, Glaucoma, blind

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